here is the next chapter. guys, i m sorry, i wont be able to update for the next two to three days as guests are coming. i’ll try to post sooner.
happy reading
After cleaning the mansion and finally taking shower. They realized were dog tired and were terribly hungry. The guys were eating out since past a week and hence weren’t in a mood to order again.
Neil: Sammy please make something to eat….something…come on…anything. Radhika please?
Neil was literally begging sam.
Sam wanted to tease him more and see him begging her. She started to speak but was interrupted by radz “ okay …okay, I’ll make whatever I can from the supplies available.” Radhika turned to go to the kitchen. Neil shot sam a look of triumph. Radhika without turning added “ neil, for your information , she doesn’t even know how to boil water.” Neil looked like a complete idiot and sam and arjun burst laughing seeing his face.
After some time, arjun goes to the kitchen to drink water. And sees radhika struggling to tie her apron’s knot. Arjun quietly goes and ties it for her. Radhika was unaware of his presence and started to shout. Arjun quickly turns her over and puts his palm on her lips. Radhika looks in arjun’s eyes.
Arjun gently whispers, while looking in her eyes “ its okay radhika, its me.”
Radhika looks down breaking their eyelock. Arjun too moves out of the kitchen.
*after 20 mins*
Radhika: come guys! The food’s ready.
Sam , neil and arjun came running. Neil “chashni what’s it? Its smelling so delicious… half full just by the smell.”
Sam nudged him “ dude, u don’t have to flatter her. She’s so soft hearted, she’ll feed u even If u criticize her cooking. But for your info she is an amazing cook.”
She winked at neil.
Neil: see, whose flattering radhika now.
Radhika smiled: “ guys, sorry but from what u bought, I could only make burgers. And that I have. “
Arjun: “ its okay. We are so hunger that as long as it is edible, we are cool with it.”
All four sat down to eat.
Arjun asked radhika to pass the ketchup bottle. As radz passed it to arjun , their fingers brushed and her touch made arjun numb. He dropped the bottle and it broke. Much of their surprise, radhika started laughing.
Arjun’s pov : if breaking a ketchup bottle can make u happy , I’ll be willing to break them my entire life.
Sam and neil looked on bewildered.
Sam muttered “ I see a new colour of hers every day.”
After the meal all the four went to their rooms to relax.
Arjun came to neil’s room and asked, “ neil can I talk to u for a min?”
Neil was surprised, “ bro, since when did u start asking, come on I know something’s not right….come here, tell me”
Arjun was a little hesitant at first but he knew he could trust neil.
Arjun, “ its about radhika. I don’t know. I mean, I want to friends with her. I wanna get to know her. I don’t know….umm,”
Neil: hey bro….why are u hesitating, what Is it?
Arjun “ umm, I want to talk to her. I want to be on the receiving end of her blabbering. I know, she is a shy person sam tol me that. But see, she is even warming up to u know. But whenever I try talking to her, she just smiles or turns her eyes away….its eating me…u know bro, she was the girl on the plane I told u about.”
Neil patted his back and spoke… “ its okay arjun. Relax…she will get used to u ….it is just gonna take some time. U got to be patient. And plus, I’ll talk to sam.”
Arjun hugged neil and whispered a sincere thanks in his ear.
Neil could feel his best friend developing feelings for radhika. Though he was fully aware that at this stage arjun himself wasn’t aware of them. Never mind, neil was determined to complete his brother’s love story.
After an hour or two , neil messages sam and says : “ Sammy, its Saturday evening, lets have some fun. Lets all just head out somewhere.”
Sam: “ I didn’t know that u were such a good mind reader. I was thinking exactly the same. Okay….. so u take arjun and I’ll take radhika, lets all get ready and meet in the hall In 30 mins.”
Neil: deal.
After 30 mins all the four did come down. But radhika wasn’t dressed to go out.
Neil : “ what’s up radz? Why aren’t u dressed? U aint coming ? “
Before radhika could reply sam said : “ neil, she isn’t a much of a night out person.she isn’t quite comfortable around new people.she even took a week to get used to u guys. She’s prefers staying at home. Plus, she is uncontrollable when she is drunk.”
Neil: “ come naa yr radhu….it’ll be fun. U have us right?
Sam: “ don’t force her yr , let her be naaa.”
Neil reluctantly agreed. Radhika shot a grateful look to sam
Then arjun too suddenly said , “ I too don’t feel like going out. U both go on and have fun. I think, I’ll stay at home as well. I’ll Read a novel maybe or catch some movie or something. “
Neil made a face, he was annoyed , “ bro, chashni is allowed but u aint. Don’t be a spoil sport.” Neil was gonna go on. But arjun shot him a look and neil immediately shut up.
He understood, his brother wanted some alone time with radhika. He wanted to be friends with her. But till now, he hadn’t got the chance to actually talk to her.
Neil: I guess, its just u and me ,Sammy. Let’s rock the city. We’ll show Australians how to party.
Sam agreed, “ yo!!!!! Come lets roll”
but then radhika caught hold of neil’ s arms and gently spoke, “ no more than beers. I don’t want u to drive all tipsy, and take care of sam as well.”
He nodded. Neil could understand her concern and her care. Radhika’s respect increased in his eyes. He was growing more fond of her each passing day.
It was only radhika and arjun at the mansion. So while, radhika sat on the couch watching the tv. Arjun sat at the table holding the newspaper, thinking of how to talk to her.
Arjun was giving it such a great amount of thought that he ended up where he started. He was getting all the more confused. It was taking him forever.
Arjun then abruptly ended saying , “ what’s shaking?”
Arjun realized the stupidity of it as soon as the words came out of his mouth.
This surprised radhika, arjun never talked directly to her and now that he did, he opening words were what’s shaking….
Radhika : excuse me?
Arjun: ohh, umm, u know, its colloquial , its conversation starter.
Now see arjun’s face, she realized he was nervous. The silence was making him uncomfortable, hence he ended up saying what’s shaking. At the same time, it made her want to laugh, she resisted it. And she decided to break the ice herself.
Radhika: hey arjun, I was going to make coffee…..u want some?
Arjun: sure.
Radhika brought arjun coffee. And went back to the couch drinking hers. After few mins arjun joins radhika.
Precap: arjun- radhika convo ….neil talks to sam about arjun’s feelin
Myra…….its superbbbbbbbb
specially arjun tots to start a convo with rads ha ha ha days cute
next moments made us laugh out loud cox of his dialogue: D
loved it darling
love u 
loved it dr..waiting for nxt..plz post
Cute chapter dear…post next one
Loved this chapter Myra really enjoyed it. Will be waiting for ur nxt update, post whenever u can. Stay blessed
cute one…………
wow myra this is really good loved the episode
awesome episode……
nice chappy myra dear………we will waiting for u deear come soon
Awesome episode.
Good epi myra
Super cute episode..
Awesome, wowwww superbbbb myra…..very interesting plot…finally ardhika talking…keep it up…., love you loads. . muaaaaahhhhhh