Arjun was looking at radhika. She was happily drinking her coffee and was watching the tv.
Suddenly she asked Arjun, “what do u want to watch?”
Arjun dreamily said “you.”
Radhika: Huh?
Arjun correcting himself: “ I mean, what do u wanna watch?”
Radhika replied lets watch some movie.
Finally they decided on watching V for vendetta.
Even before Arjun realised, radhika was asleep. Arjun looked at radhika, he was taken aback. She looked so cute and so at peace with herself. Her head was about to fall. Arjun quickly placed his hand underneath her cheek and laid her head on his lap.
Arjun finally lowered the volume of the tv. And made sure radhika was comfortable. He then continued watching his movie and in no time, he too was asleep. His head pushed back on the neck rest.
Meanwhile, nesam were having a lot of fun, they decided to look up all the tourist places and major food joints. Sam treated neil to an ice cream.
Sam: Neil, we are in gold coast, the beach is nearby. Come lets go. Will have loads of fun.
Neil: Umm, no. I think sam, we’ll go there tomorrow, along with Arjun and radhika.
Sam: We’ll go tomorrow also. Lets go today as well. I love water……come on..
Neil: But Sammy, my doll, nothing beats the first time. And I believe our first at a gold coast beach should be all four of us.
Sam: *smilingly* point to hai. But if u call me doll again, I’ll become the Annabelle. U’ll be afraid of dolls all your life.
Nesam started laughing.
neil wanted to talk to sam about radhika but couldn’t find the perfect moment. He then decided to push the matter on the back burner for the time being atleast.
When they reached back home. They both knocked the door twice, when no one answered, neil opened the door by his key.
When nesam entered the room an astonishing sight awaited them. The sight almost swept them off their feet.
Radhika was curled up in Arjun’s lap. Arjun had a hand on radhika’s shoulder and other on her hair. Arjun himself was fast aleep.
Sam started to shout gleeful, neil quickly clamped his hand on her mouth and dragged her outside In the lawn. So as not to awake them up.
Neil*little annoyed* , “what’s the matter with u? U would have woken them up.”
Sam was happily jumping up and down.
Sam: Arrey baba……u don’t understand…chashni has never behaved like that with anybody before. She is such a reserved girl.
Neil: U know, I have observed, she is totally wild with u….u know, she says whatever comes first to her, she is totally at ease with u. She seems fine around me as well. Talking and behaving okay. But I don’t what happens to her when Arjun is around. She doesn’t talk that much, she just ends up saying the minimum required. She isn’t very comfortable too. I don’t know, its just not me….even Arjun finds it weird too. And he is worried its because of him. I actually have been meaning to talk to u about it.
Sam’s expression changes. She is about to say something but then pauses.
Neil looks at her, expecting an answer. Finally, he asks her when she doesn’t reply, “I am unable to comprehend sam. What is it? Did Arjun do something that upset radhika to such an extent?”
Sam spoke an effort “ ohh… not because of Arjun. He didn’t do anything. Its just that radhika takes some time to get used to people. I m with her since a long time, therefore she trusts me and has certain level of comfort with me. And since I got so comfortable with u in a such a short time, its almost as if we know each other since such a long time. She got comfortable with u as well. But, Arjun….umm, she’ll be okay with him as well. Just give her some time.
Neil looked at her hoping her to continue. He had this feeling that there was something more to it than sam was letting on.
Neil: “sam, I m not a small kid. I know there is something more to it. I want the best for her Tell me.”
Sam remained quiet. Neil then looked in her eyes and gently whispered, “trust me.”
The screen spilts into two. Ardhika sleeping on one half and nesam looking in each other’s eyes on the other.
The screen freezes.
Precap: The real truth….arjun and radhika’s reaction on waking up.
Nyc epi …loved it..pls make it loooooon one next tym ..
myra plot is soo nce plzz updte lttle bggr one’s
Beautiful myra
Awesome episode, eagerly waiting to fine out radhika’s truth.
Hey myra……nc epi….n good going….keep it up……upload d nxt fast
Loved aradhika sleeping position
lived nesam cute moments
so der s some flashback for rads waiting for dat
loved it
love u 
Amazing chappy..
Nice update Myra
good one…waiting for nxt
awesome episode…….
Thanks everyone
will update soon
Awesome, marvellous episode. ….very nice narration n dialogues so cuteeeee. ..loved it very much. …keep it up. eagerly waiting for the next episode, love you loads. muaaaaahhhhhh