Fan Fiction


My watt pad I’d: Bhanumitra

rags pov,
such an idiot sanskar is seriously, I used to kill him for this
and this swara y the hell she should bear this nonsense she should be strong being obedient doesn’t mean to be like a crowd
the one should fight for themselves or else who will fight for us

she should learn to say no sometimes thank God finally I understood wt type of man he is …..

maybe he is right or wat I don’t care but the person who marries swara should a few her fully he should be ready to accept her like the way she is …
she is a grown up one for all but internally she is something different
she is a kid seriously she hates some things but still, she do them for other especially my baba ek num ke Hitler
he nd his rules his principals his dreams omg
Swara loves him so much but she can’t speak in front of him personally

she just had a big wall btw her nd our family… selfless idiot so I lv her so much she will do anything for others happiness

yah I’m praising more I think but will say something -ve too

this idiot don’t even know the meaning of love but she herself loves all

she don’t even know w
I wonder how she will manage after marriage

“Swara be cool all is well kiddo”

” dii he knows about Lucky jiju wt if he discloses this to our family. Plz u go ND inform dad fast plz
It may turn complicated ? do something fast

” Ok cool I will talk with Baba he will talk with ur bade papa ” rags left

” all the best di ”

My baba loves me a lot more then my dad does

My life is a complicated one
Since childhood, I lost all my fav ppl especially my mom
but I loved my sister she is a cousin sister but after my mom death, my dad married my chacha …
He is right I don’t have any objection to that marriage but I lost my dad also he is busy in his life

When I’m missing my life, my mom, fully I saw swara
She is so innocent
Whenever I feel lonely she use to fill my life with her silly talks ?
Kiddo sister soo innocent
ND my baba nd sumi maa love me as equal to swara
More also so I’m sure he will accept my love

My love my lucky he is too innocent. .like swara only ?

I know my family lives for status but I couldn’t control myself from falling in love with Lucky
I tried hard to control my feeling’s but it’s impossible
We can’t leave each other

It’s up to my nerve’s how can I disclose matter to my family

I stood in never the steps of our living room while clutching my pant

I took a step forward

” Rags how is swara feeling now,” Shekhar Baba asked while working on his laptop

” yeah she is fine some far”

” woh actually I want to talk something with you,” I said

” ha sure come on sit rags ” I went towards him

But got on my knees in front of him

” wohh actually I wanna introduce someone to you ”

” woh beta ”

” woh I someone.
my words left incomplete when I saw a person in front ?

” daddddd ”

my dad stepped towards me in angry
I can see his raged eyes

” Bhai aap yaha, ” Shekhar Baba asked in shock even I have the same question

” Ragini do u love someone” he questioned me I can witness his angry means he knows the truth .. but I want to accept this fact

” wohh dad …”

” answer me straight is it true”

” yes, dad he is really gud…. u will definitely like him … ”

my words left incomplete as my dad slapped me hard I had fallen on the ground

my brain stopped reacting rags pov ends

Swara got up from her bed ND ran down in shock

She is shocked to see all this

” how dare you to say this Ragini
I gave you so much freedom nd you misused it
How can u love
Wt the hell love ” He yelled in angry

” Bhai just listen she is our daughter we will make her understand ”

” noo I really love him dad I can’t live without him baba plz understand, ” rags said while sobbing

rags dad gave a tight slap again
” so u can die Whatever ur going to marry the person of my choice

” noo dad I can’t leave my love ”

He about to slap her again but swara blocked his way

” bade papa plz, ” Swara asked pleasingly

” In two days ur going to get engaged nd next week u will get married until then ur not crossing our gate that’s final ”

” noooo I can’t marry anyone dad can’t you understand
My happiness lies with the person who loved me ND whom I loved
Money can’t give happiness dad plz dad try to understand ” rags yelled

” Swara first both of you go to ur room, ” Shekhar said in a cold tone

Swaragini left to their room

In room

Swara y can’t they understand my love swara

They say they love me na then y can’t they accept my wish
How I marry a person whom I never loved
I can’t love anyone rather than lucky
I can’t live without lucky swara ” she said while sobbing

” dii cool plz control we will think something”

” noo I’m sure they don’t wanna listen to mee”

” plz don’t cry I can’t see you so plz, ” she said while hugging her with tears

Evg, mitra mansion living room

Rags he is Rithik ur finance ”

Swaragini are shocked with this

” wtt ”

” he wants to spend some time with you so get ready you both have dinner together”

” mr.ritik I love a person nd my family don’t like him coz it’s my choice ”
Even I marry u I can’t forget my love
he is my life
can you be happy with me then
although in front happy I will die without my love
seriously you will regard later

Ritihk stood in shock

“Ragini wt the hell ur talking

“its true dad…..are u listening ………. I love my lucky I can’t live without him… do u wanna know how much I love him more than I lv u as equal as… I love swara…. he is my life
nd I’m saying the truth to him even you hide today later he will get to know this dad “rags yelled in tears

” I think uncle its ur family matter I should leave don’t uncle ” rithik left the mansion

” beta plz listen to ur dad nd me… plz we think about u only, ” Shekhar said while comforting her

“no baba if so accept my love plz… I beg you plz accept my love this is the first nd last thing I want plz baba plz convince dad plz ”

she has fallen on Shekhar’s feet while sobbing

” Ok this is final I’m sure the person loved you just for money this not permanent Ragini ” SreeKhar yelled in angry

“noo I know him, dad…he is not that type of person ”

“whatever think if u want ur family to marry Rithik or else u should break all ur ties with us,” rags dad said in confident tone

rags world broken out in just second “dad I’m ur daughter… dad ”

” u have only one option chose one whom u want me or ur love… if u want me then accept this Rithik or else I will consider that my daughter has died ”

Swara stood numb

“if I marry him I will really die, dad… I can’t forget my love you don’t even wanna leave me a chance to express or either to understand my lucky is 1000times better than this Rithik
I want both but now I will stand for my love it may not today one day you will understand my love dad its ok dad I’m leaving to London …I won’t come back u can be happy with ur so called ego nd society ” rags said in tears

“di plz wt ur doing plz don’t leave me plz di this is our family, ” Swara
said in tears

“noo Swara this is a right decision I expected this long back nd listen I’m there for you always, ” rags said while hugging swara

” nooo swara belongs to this house she won’t meet you nor talk with u again…. she is our pride…. nd our property … Shekhar am I right, ” rags dad asked Shekhar

“yes, Bhai….. Ragini think once u really want to leave ur family, ” Shekhar asked

” baba plz understand me plz baba I love him my happiness lies with him
how can you leave us for the person whom you met a few months back, “Shekhar asked with tears

it’s not about time it’s about understanding baba I really love you all nd respect you but here none are caring about my feelings nor words
means my presence nor absence doesn’t matter in this family but for my lucky, it matters more so I’m chosen that path ” she

” nooo plz, di u can’t go away plz don’t go dad stop her dad plz plz …” Swara sobbed in tears while requested Shekhar

” swara she is not ur sister anymore she can live without us …..let her ” Shekhar yelled

” this is ur last chance Ragini think…wt u want ….ur family or ur so called love ” rag’s dad roared in angry ?

” I want my love ❤ I will prove u that my love is precious than all
” even we will see how long ur love stays”
Rags left mansion

” dad plz dad Plz stop di plz dad ” swara pleaded to Shekhar

” swara just stop this …sumi take swara to her room

Swara fell unconscious while crying

Swara room mrg 7 am

Swara is woken up with teary eyes
She remembered the things happened in just one day

Swara grabbed her pH nd dialed rags
” di. .. Ur fine na dii where are u

Rags: Swara cool I’m fine

Swara: Di where are u

Rags: I’m in my friends home I have planned to go back to London

Swara: Di but.

Rags: Swara calm down I know this before only so I had planned all . It takes time so plz bear this swara

Swara: Ok di but care full

Rags: But swara u plz solve that sanskar matter asap or else u will face more problem.

Swara words left incomplete when she saw a person stood in front of her

” Dad wohh ” her words left incomplete as Shekhar grabbed her pH nd broken it into pics

” I said u swara… forgot ur sister she lost everything
She ran our status our pride everything …” He yelled in angry

” Dad but ”

“Swara not a word this is final…. I don’t want to run my status so u behave”

He yelled with angry filled eyes swara cried out loud

” stop crying now swara ” Shekhar yelled in frustration
” uncle one sec, ” a familiar voice said

” wat sanskar look at her ”

” u stupid vamp ” swara yelled while hitting sanskar with a pillow

” swara did u gone mad he is ur wood be ” Shekhar yelled

” Uncle I will talk with her you plz leave now .. ” sanskar said in calm tone

” are u sure ”

” yes uncle ” Shekhar left swasan alone

” y ur scolding me jaan at I did, ” he asked with an innocent face
Swara hitter him with a wooden penholder

It directly hurted him on his for head it started bleeding slightly

” Ahh” he winches in pain and caressed his forehead

” u dare u to hit me ” he yelled in angry

” u such a beast … I will kill you
U spoiled everything …” She sobbed in tears

” arey cool jaan I haven’t done anything, ” he said in cold tone

“wt cool I will kill you today

So finally ur successful
Ur successful in spoiling my family my life my happiness soon I should show you ur true place I will show ur true face to all just wait and watch I seen more from u now it’s my turn
Mr.maheswari I hate u and I will say this million time’s I hate u I hate u
Truly and completely ? ” she yelled in tears while twisting is collar hard

Oh really OK as ur wish but listen I haven’t said anything in ur di matter ” he said in calm tone

Stop ur lies ” she yelled in angry

” no I don’t wanna lie at least with you I’m truthful with you always, ” he said in cold voice

” acha u and truthful are two different subjects so plz don’t use such words…. it won’t suit u ” she yelled in angry

” I said na I won’t lie to you ” he yelled in angry while pushing her with a force

Swara pushed him with same force sanskar feel on floor in shock

” u will see swara Mitra now Mr.maheswari I will teach you the lesson don’t u dare to raise ur hand on me ” she yelled in angry

sanskar pulled her with a force and thrower her on the bed he tied her hands tight to the bed with her scarf

Swara is just struggled to know wt happened in BTW …oh noo such a vamp.

U stupid vamp .u stupid idiot ” she yelled while hitting him with her legs

” u the hell … I will kill u idiot” she yelled in frustration

“Shu don’t fight let me concentrate, ” he said while brushing her hair

“mommmmmmmmm dadddddd ” she yelled out loud
he closed her mouth in seconds with his palm

“Don’t you dare to shout .. wait let me check outside first ” he grabbed his hand key nd tied around her face carefully with a low grip like allowing her to breathe properly

“baby plz be quite I will come in sometime ”

Swara struggled to yell out but the gag is not letting her voice out

” sry, jaan no use I will open when my work is done, ” he said with a smirk

she gave an angry look

~~~~~~~~to be continued ~~~~~~~

Note; Sorry left on cliff.. bcoz ur fall in response gave me more shock then this so should also feel wat I felt na soo tit for tact next update will be after ur response at least
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i always run for success but now i started running for thrill nd craziness i was an writer of ff "TU MERI MANNAT" I.e Mannat series .. writing ff gave me lot of thrill

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