Fan Fiction

MANZIL… The unknown destination…shot 6… MACABRE

Hello!!! Buddies this is Shivika back with “MANZIL… The unknown destination…” “MACABRE!!!” shot 6.
Before starting with the part, I have a question for all of you. In how many more shots do you want me to wind up this story.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
As per your wish I will wrap up the the storyline giving all the light chappy’s after this and another shot. So don’t forget to reply to this one.

MANZIL… The unknown destination…


Asya: What happened to Ishaana aunty???
All look at her with a layer of emotion.
Om sighs: After that incident Ishu went away from here she thought that because of her many lives were taken. Everybody tried explaining her but then dadi asked us to let her leave as she needs peace of mind. So she went away from here. Presently she is serving in an orphanage voluntarily.
Survivors guilt. You see!
All nod and once again they go silent until the next few minutes Shivaay breaks it.
Shivaay: What happened with you both?
He questions Shivika and Shiviaansh with an urge to know rather then under any curiosity.
Shiviaansh looks at Shivaay and then Ariana who is sitting on his lap with her hands cupping her face. Shivaay understands that, Shiviaansh doesn’t wants Ariana to listen as she is not in the age where she she can handle all this.
Shivaay: Aru, why don’t you go to dadi ma and talk to her. She might be missing you and you have to tell her and everyone about Shivika di and Shiviaansh bhaiya too. Right?
Ariana looks at Shivaay for a while analysing his features and speaks in a matured tone: If I am not supposed to hear something it’s alright, you can say that directly. No need to cook stories.
Shivaay embarrassedly looks away on being caught for a while he thought whether he was so bad at lying that she caught him but dropped the idea counting Om’s effect on him.

Ariana stands up to leave when Shiviaansh holds her hand: I promise to tell you everything when right time comes.
Ariana: It’s okay Bhaiya I can understand.
Shiviaansh: Thank you.
Ariana smiles and leaves.

Both Shiviaansh and Shivika exchange a look before starting with their part of story.

Shiviaansh: I exactly don’t know how and when it started but the first thing I clearly remember is nothing more then black colour, my head was swinging and eyes going dull my body was falling into something deep, deeper as if engulfing me the only thing that I had held strongly to was a hand, a hand that wasn’t a part of me but going away from that hand wasn’t possible. And the next moment my eyes opened and I was in a closed dark room. That darkness scared me. But then my eyes searched for someone and then I saw Asya…ummm…. I mean Shivika on the other side and I got my breath back. I held her hand and that was the first positive vibe that I felt and it felt really peaceful.
After sometime holding her hand only I slept and woke up the next morning but it was strange really very strange. Many kids of our age and few elder to us had made a circle around me and were examining me as a specimen I got scared but I tightly held on to Shivika. Next moment a plump fat lady in her middle age appeared piercing her way through the kids. She too started examining me and that was really very awkward. I tried to pull back but there was no place to go. She said something like that I had woken up after some four or six months. I didn’t know what she meant.

Shiviaansh was halted by harsh gasps and scared eyes of the people around, confusing him. While from nowhere Om pulled him into a hug as if making himself believe about Shiviaansh’s presence.

Saumya: Shiviaansh are you sure about what she said.
Shiviaansh nods confused.
Shivaay looking at Shivika: Shivika was alright. Right or she too….
Shiviaansh: She didn’t wake up till next month (scratching his nape) I think so…. I had seen her lying with bandages all over.

Rudra in whose lap Shivika was seated tightened his grip around the little creature, while Gauri and Saumya’s eyes widened with shock. Om clenched onto Shiviaansh tightly. While Shivaay was in depair and in a wrecked state where it was too hard for him to express himself. His position remained stable till the end, his heart sinking with every word, so narrated by his kids.

Shiviaansh: I was scared seeing Asya sleeping. That old lady had allowed me to be with her and finally Asya woke up one fine night.
Shivika: I didn’t have any trace of my life before that moment but being with Sahay made me feel secure. But next was dangerous. We entered the life that was not so good. Many children like us stayed with us. That place had mats laid and we use to sleep their, we all were taught.
Gauri interrupts as if she had got a little hint about what’s coming up next: Taught what?
Shiviaansh: Ummm….
He looked at Shivika scratching his head.
Shivika: To… To… To beg.
She said looking towards the floor leaving the rest flabbergasted.
Shiviaansh continues in rush: But then we were taken to some other place and taught other things.
Gauri: Like???
Shiviaansh biting his nails: Climbing wall, crossing ducts, opening locks and few other machines. A man there use to say that we are his hens who lay golden eggs and he doesn’t wants to loose us.
Shivika: This kept going for a while till…. He didn’t come.
Om: Who?
Shivika in fear: Sir!!!
Saumya: Who sir?
Shivika: That man who came yesterday.
Om: Vidyuth Sinha?
Kids nod.
Shiviaansh: He was very strict he told us that our parents have sold us to him and if we didn’t follow his orders he will sell us to someone. He use to beat us when we failed to do his given task. Once he had broken a glass bottle and it had hit Asya on head.
He said pointing Asya’s head and creased it as if the wound still persisted.
Shivika: He use to close me in dark room, I told him I am scared of darkness but he didn’t listen to me. When Sahay told him he use to beat Sahay too. He didn’t give us food for days.

Drops of tears escape Shivika and Shiviaansh’s eyes remembering those days. The pain of being hungry. The pan for which man trends to be a beast, the pain was deep felt. So deep that her tears told them.

Shiviaansh rubs his tears off and continues: One day we overheard Sir talking to someone saying that he will send Shivika away. We both became scared we didn’t want to leave that place and especially each other, so we ran away from there on finding a good opportunity.

As the duo end, Shivaay stands up his body so weak that he fumbled and was about to fall but supported himself with the bed. He stood and walked aimlessly like a zombie. Both OmRu became worried and followed him to pool side where Shivaay finally fell down on his knees and cried hysterically. OmRu hugged him and cried while doing so.
Both the kids came there and placed their hands on elders shoulder who parted away and rubbed their tears accept Shivaay who had stopped crying but tears made way through his eyes silently.

Shivika innocently asked: Why are you crying?
Om politely: Nothing.
Shivika: You should not cry. Sir use to say that every child is born to be hit this way and by that only we will grow up and become big and if we won’t be beaten then everyone will hate us.

Shivaay pulled both Shivika and Shiviaansh in his embrace. Caring their heads. He was craving for this hug for years. His heart had gone through unbearable pain. Pain of loosing his kids, his wife going in coma and the tale continues. In few previous minutes he felt that pain increasing zillionth time. His heart cried, bleed and shattered. He just wanted to evade from this pain but it wasn’t that easy. The tears of his hearts mixed with his bleeding heart’s blood and soaked into the deep cracks of his barren heart, growing thorns in return nothing else. Everything pinched him and to him it felt that someone brutally pushed dagger through his body once after another like a lunatic. His imagination of his kids going through the roughest time made him feel ashamed and hurt. He wanted to die at the moment – but was he alive? No… Definitely not. Not after hearing all this. The whip marks on his kids body weren’t souvenirs of someone’s ruthlessness but for him they were marks of his failure. Today he fell in his own eyes. “How will he face, Anika?” The question had hit his him like a catastrophe.
Where had he end up? What had he done?
He had answer to none.
Today he needed someone. The one who laid on bed half dead, herself. He knew it wasn’t possible. He felt helpless in everywhere. The voids in heart seem to break just into something deeper and more hurtful. He knew his pain was nothing in front of his kids so looking at his kids he composed himself.

Shivaay : No Shivu, you aren’t destined to have that fate and no one will beat you.
Shivika: Saachi.
Shivaay cupping her face: Saachi.
No one will ever hit you.
Shivika: It’s okay with me but they are very rude to Sahay. Don’t beat him I will take his beatings too.
Shiviaansh: No!!!
Shivaay a little angrily, as their words scratched his unseen wounds: Stop it. No one will get beaten from now on. I will not let anybody touch you two.

Saying that he hugged the duo while his eyes overflowed with anger and fire. He cursed Vidyuth and pledged not to spear him.

Shivika trying to cheer up: Shall I show you the best thing that we had at that time.
Shivaay nodded.
Shivika wiping his tears: But first you stop crying.
Shivaay nodded and rubbed his tears. Then Shivika went in and appeared with in few seconds.
Shivika chirpily: This.
She forwarded a book in front of Shivaay.
Shivaay: What’s this?
Shivika: A book. You know I love books so that fat aunty gave me few to read. We use to love reading these.

Shivaay pulls Shivika to his lap and makes her sit and does same with Shiviaansh.

Shivaay: Tell me what else happened? Tell me all your pain and problems. I promise no one will say anything to you.
Gauri: He is right. Tell us everything. Please.
Shiviaansh: Why? There is no fun. Forget whatever happened.
Om: No. Not that easily. We won’t spear that Vidyuth.
Shivika hugs Shivaay tightly being scared of Vidyuth.
Shivaay calming her down: Don’t worry dear. Nothing will happen.
Rudra: Bhaiya, I think we should call Bhavya, she is our family friend and a police officer too. She can help us well.
Shiviaansh: NNNNNOOOO.
Shivaay: Why?
Shiviaansh: He is very dangerous and he knows police men too.
Shivika: He is very strong. But there were many kids like us there. I want to meet Ruchi di, Maya, Rahul bhaiya, Anand. They are very good.
Shivaay: Don’t worry. We will get them all.
Gauri in rage: This Vidyuth is playing with so many lives. Such innocent kids. Such a monster he is.
Om: No Gauri, even monster would be better then that jerk.
Rudra: What will we do now?
Shivaay with eyes ablaze and face stern: I know that.


Child labour, child abuse, child kidnapping, child assault… And the menace is never ending.
Ever imagined what happens with the kids, who have been lost.
Any idea without your knowledge you can be a part of this.
Many of you would have watched the movie which has had named many Oscar’s to it’s name – Slum dog millionaire.
Destiny of roadside kids isn’t only to meet the same fate but many more kids too meet that fate.
Fate about which we can’t even think of, thousands of kids live that life.
Away from family in hell. Not all face hell going out of their house some face that in the safest environment too. They face something like – s*xual assault and molestation at the age in which they don’t even know it’s meaning.

At times it’s our fault too, for our negligence and ignorance those innocent kids pay.
Please guys be vigilant and enlighten other allowed. Many of our parents belong to orthodox state of mind they find it uncomfortable to talk about it but not talking won’t reduce the menace or change the reality. As brothers and sisters or friends please enlighten those around. Know yourself and make them aware too. You can do that with help of some examples. Be careful and vigilant in your surroundings and if you see an unknown person forcing a child stop him or her. Do not take anything from a stranger in unreliable conditions. In case things go wrong seek help. Peeps life is really precious do not ruin it for some false play.
Ignorance is no way, it is an open invitation to troubles.
You and your life is precious so keep yourself safe and it’s your prime duty. Disobeying parents and elders isn’t a mark of swag but foolishness. I understand many of you are teens and going through a tough time fighting situations, pressure and a lot more but please, take care of yourself and don’t land up in wrong situations because at the end it would be you suffering.
Precaution is always better then cure.

Be safe
Take care
Keep smiling
Stay blessed
For now signing off


Be you and be happy to be you.......

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