Fan Fiction

After marriage life is colourful episode-28

Thank you so much for your loveable comments… Thank you for your information guys… surely I will make it as your wish…. No more bak bak lets get into the story… happy reading….

In morning,
The beautiful sun rays touch Gauri’s checks like giving a morning kiss… (But how our Om allowed to someone kissed his Gauri… let’s see) Gauri’s sleep gets disturbed because of it…. But in very next moment one pair of hands closed the curtains…. So our Gauri again going to her dreamland… (Oh so sad Sun bhai because your villain comes there, let’s see whose it will be…) then the person goes near Gauri and kissed her (let guess it guys if you find it correctly I will give you a chocolate but without scrolls the screen in down…)

Then that person says, hey beautiful, when you will be wake up… utona its getting late… but our Gauri didn’t wake up but smiles in sleep… please baba wake up then only we will enjoy this Sunday…. But this time also his mission failed…. He planned something…. He goes and comes with full jag of water… he smiles evilly and poured the water towards Gauri…. (If you are guessed it guys who it will be…) our Gauri wakes up but didn’t wetter and she starts to laugh loudly and one other person also joined to her and gives hi-fi to her… (All are getting confusing na… but you all know na I will give you a one clue…. Let’s see) That person only drenched, because our Gauri wakes up when he called him but pretend to be sleep… after seeing water in his hand she also planned something…. At the correct time when he tries to pour water she stands quickly because of it that water slips over him…. Now he fully drenched…. he asked chachi what is this… I come to wake up you but what you did to me…. (Now you can understand who is it will be) the other person is Anika….

Anika: then what you try to do Ansh….
Ansh: but mumma… Gauri comes near him and kissed him and says sorry with hands in ears…
Ansh hugs her and says mumma is right chachi I only reason for it…. So I must ask the sry…. He asked sorry like Gauri… Gauri smiles and asked usually you will wake up after 8 only na… then why you wake up this much earlier….
Anika smiles and says, today is not working day na that’s why… if today is working day then it is big task for me to wake up him and his father….
After hearing this only she gets thinking about Om… he also like his brother only so she starts to search him throughout the room by eyes…. Anika seeing it smiles and says Gauri I think you are searching for someone is that so…. Gauri stammers and says didi did I sleep too much…
Anika: why you’re asking like that…

Gauri: didi Om is also not in room…
Anika: oh I am sorry… till now Om didn’t say it… I am also forgot it to inform you…. Gauri confusingly looked at her…
Ansh: chachi today is Sunday so all O’bros will be in outside today…
Gauri: why again they got any punishments…
Anika and Ansh smiles…
Anika: nothing like that Gauri… this Sunday is for their brothers only… today they will roam over the full city…. This day only we can enjoy our self without their torches… then they smiles….

Ansh: oh come on mom… please don’t waste the time come we also roam the city…. Today I will give you a treat…
Gauri: treat for what handsome…
Ansh: I got new girlfriend that’s why…. Aniri opened their mouth widely… Anika holds his ears and asked what in this age itself you got a girlfriend ah….
Ansh: oh god… all mothers are like this only… mom she is my friend and my friend is girl so I said her as a girlfriend… what is wrong in that mom… I know mom I am most handsome person only so all girls will fall for me… he tells like that with proudly…. Again Anika holds his ear… Ansh shouts…

Anika: in these days you will talk too much….
Ansh: mumma its paining… Anika lefts his ears… then he start to run… he stops near the door and says… mumma don’t get jealous…. Anika tries to catch him before that he runs…. Gauri laughs… Anika says, just like his papa…

Gauri nodes and says didi I will come after freshen up… Anika nodes and leaves…
Screen shift to one forest,
It is a tourist place… this place is most beautiful place ever… such as birds singing voice and the sweetest sound of brooklets just like girls anklets… and blander grasses gives a positive thoughts…. This place is just fabulous…. There in tree house our O’bros are preparing breakfast…
Rudy: Shivaay bhai this place is amazing… your choice is good…. Today you prove it bhai you also have a brain… I think I am with you that’s why your mind also start to work…. Hearing this Shivaay starts to chase him… but our Om lost in somewhere…. Rudy shouts Om come and save me… but our Om didn’t responded… finally Shivaay catches him and starts to beat him…. Rudy’s continuously called Om…. After sometime Shivaay stops then Rudy goes near Om…. There Om kneading the flour for chapatti…. Rudy sees Om’s doing… because Om didn’t kneads instead of he makes statue…. Shivaay also comes there and sees it and says, wow super Om till now I didn’t know that is statues are made by chapatti flour…. This time also he didn’t respond…. Rudy gets angry and starts to cry loudly…. This makes our Om come back to his sense…. Om asked what happened Rudy why are you crying like this…. Shivaay and Rudy suspiciously looked at him…. Then Shivaay checks his temperatures…. Its normal and he asked Om if your health is not well…

Om: no I am alright Shivaay… why are you asking like that…
Shivaay: last twenty minutes we are fighting but you didn’t stop us….
Om: what you’re fighting…. Rudy starts to cry…. Om says sry Rudy I was not in sense….
Shivaay sees the statue and says, I got it where is your sense now…. Rudy asked where bhai…
Shivaay: where else it was with his Gauri only…. Om blushes…. Rudy and Shivaay at the same time awwwww….

Rudy: that day we didn’t hear your full love story…. Today you must have to finish it… because Anika bhabhi is not there for giving a trendy punishment…. And most important thing is I am eagerly waiting to know who is slaps those boys….
Shivaay: me also but before that we have to prepare breakfast…. After eating we will hear Om’s love story because we can enjoy in this atmosphere…. Then they start to prepare chapatti and green chutney…. (I know its forest but just imagination guys) after breakfast they comes and sits near the falls…. They says to continue…

Om: in signal all are shockingly looked at her who is beats those boys who teasing the girl…. Now the face relieved who beater…. It’s our Gauri….
Rudy: wow bhabhi not get feared of those boys…. They want more than this…. But bhai you didn’t helped her how bad you’re….

Om: oh Rudy next my entry only…
Rudy: wow super Om… interesting…. continue…
Shivaay: but please Rudy don’t speak in the middle of the story… Rudy also nods…
Om: then she start to beat with stick in her hand like teacher…. But one boy comes and holds her from back and he start to misbehave with her…. It made me to steps down the car….
Rudy: at the time strong breeze swept and bhabhi looks at you with a love…. Then you two are start love each other….
Om: no….
Shivaay: then what happened….

(fb starts)
Om comes to save her but before that Gauri relieves herself by rotating his hands and starts her karate…. Without anyone’s help she beats those boys…. By seeing her fight all gets fear and runs to escape… that girl thanks her… Om gets more impressed… then he starts to follow her by himself driving… she reached city hospital… he also reached there and closely followed her by hiding…
She enters one room… he sees that name board… Miss. Gauri Mehra… Gynecologist…
This story is disturbed by Rudy,

Rudy: bhabhi is Gynecologist… till now you didn’t say this…
Om: she not only a Gynecologist and also Obstetrician… she is most famous doctor in Delhi….
Shivaay: but you didn’t know her…
Om: Shivaay I am new there na that’s why…
Shivaay: then what happened….

At the time Om didn’t know her name also… so he get confused such as why she goes to this room… he waits for her arrival… after few minutes she comes outside by wearing white coat with stethoscope…. It tells she’s only Gauri… again he follows her wherever she goes but one doctor disturbed him by asking can you move please… because he blocks the way…. After moving he searches Gauri but didn’t find her everywhere….
“You‘re searching for me only na”…. hearing this he gets shocked and turns back….there Gauri is standing by holding her hand… Om stammers…
Gauri: I know from morning itself you’re following me… what you want…
Om: vo… I am Omkara singh Oberoi…
Gauri: I didn’t get any amnesia problem… I am still remembering… I asked why you’re following me…

Om: without thinking anything he says… my health is not well that’s why I am coming to see you….
Gauri: but how can I… I am a gynecologist…
Om: so what… then only he understand what she said… again he starts to stammer…
Hearing this Gauri starts to laugh…. Om gets memorized by her smile….

Today I will stop here guys…. Please give your valuable comments…. Your comments only made me to write more…. if I did any mistake please forgive me…. We will meet in next episode…. Till then bye this is from your maha…



I am very proud to be a Tamil an....

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