*knocking the bell..*
Hayaa….!! Mein aagaya…!!
Be ready to face this dare devil….. eeehhaaahaaahaha….
Did u miss my teaser…. look this link
click here for teaser
Did u miss my new year wishes…. look this link
episode 1
Hey..hey…hey…. did u read it or not…! Don’t dare to scroll down if you didn’t read them…!!!
Hayyaa… hui..ha…hu….
If you won’t read it… u won’t understand what am I telling…!!
Ok student…!!
Yes teacher…!!
Wakey…. Now this Gadodiya ka Ragini tells her story….
Be ready…..
“Paruuuuuu….!!!!” I shouted till top of the house flies away…!!!
My dadi old woman came in a run near me…!!! I’m standing on my bed as power ranger…!!
Ninja storm…ranger form… haaa..!!
She scared looking at me… ‘Shekar..’ she is about to run away…! Bcz, she know.. if I stand like that, I’m announcing a war…!!!
Dadi started going away….
“Aakramaan…!!!!” I shouted and jumped from bed.
‘Shekar…!’ Oldwoman shouting.
I caught dadi’s hand and i bit her shoulder… hey..! I’m not that cruel… i just bit so that my teeth print formed on her hand.
I’m very good girl right…!!
Papa..mamma..came in run….
My mamma… ragini… today is your birthday…! That’s why I’m not scolding you..!!
I’m pretending to be feared….
“Maa, plz maa… don’t scold me maa… I’m afraid you of maa…!!!”
Next my vigorous laugh….. “hahahahahahaha”.
(U may imagine any demon you want here. My family kept my name as ‘surpanaka’)
“Gadodiya…!!! Attention…!!” I ordered.
They stood in one line facing me..!
“The chief general officer Ragini is ordering you to make…. 10 sit ups…!!”
“Hey…demoness ladoo..!!! How we can do sit ups??” My dadi shouted.
“This is punishment for laughing on me yesterday…!! Come on..!” I ordered.
My dadaji escaping… “where r u going dada..??”
Dada…”10 is too much…”
“If 10 is hard…do 100”
My dadaji shocked and decided to do 10.
They four held their ears and took one way down….and then up…..
I asked them to stop after one sit up..!
“My ladoo is gold…!” My dadi about to praise….
“U will do next 9 in evening..!!” I said they shocked.
I ran into bathroom…. my dadi is cursing…. “u should soon get married and leave this house..!!”
Bla…bla…bla…..bla…bla…bla…. i sang a bla bla song.
I ran to college…but before running i kissed my dadi hand where i bit.
Haaaaaa…… I’m so kind, i know that… hey, don’t praise me… it’s ok… it’s ok….
I know…. I’m awesome….
After going to college….my gang….( for ur kind information “only girls…!” In my gang…!! Bcz, i hate buggy boys..!!”)
My gang hugged me….. ‘my baby, happy birthday…!’ They said in foreign style.
I looked at them in ‘huu…?’ Way,
Then their real colors came out…., they shouted a loud…. “happy bithdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”
Till alll the college looks at us….!!!
That’s how someone should wish a surpanaka…!!
Then our selfie program started….
*pout face* Click…shutter sound…
*eyes big* Shutter sound….
*tongue out* camera sound…
*angry face* *shy face* *confused face* *hehehe face*
We took all types of selfies we know…..
“Ragini….!” I head a sweet handsome voice….
I turned my face…… it’s him…!!!!
Who else….??? Him only….,
He means he only….. i hope you understood who is he….!!!
My eyes went down usually….
Why did he come….??? My mind questioning mee…..how would i know…???
Ask ragini….ask…. my heart is encouraging….
I’m about to ask….. my devil batch surrounded him….
“You are rag’s fiancé right..!”
“You are so handsome…”
They are talking with him….
Haaa… i felt some sort of heat in my heart….. maybe acidity..??? No…..!!! May be that’s jealous…!!!
I’m jealous…..!!!???
Why am I jealous…???
Bcz, they r talking with him….???
What…….?? Why……..?? How……..??
As I said…. I wished to marry….. but, i never ever have any dreams on my hubby….
But, why this new stove in my heart……???
What…!!! Did i say heart just now….???
Does demoness have heart…????
Did I fell in love or what…..???
My mind echoed till my ear drums burst….!!!!
Love……!!! Chi….yak……. stinky word….!!!!!
Hey…chi…chi…. love go away….!!
Love is like cockroach to me….. love is like lizard to me……. love is like anakonda to me…. love stinks…. love is yak….. love is stupid helll non sense….!!
Love is dog…pig… everything which i hate…!!
“What’s your name by the way….!!!” One of my friend asked him……
He looked at me in question mark expression ‘didn’t you ever tell that’ expression….!
Wow….!!! I’m understanding him very well….!!!
“She never said us your name,……” they repeated..
He is about to say his name… I looked at him in ‘no’ way….
But he decided to tell…..
You all also…be ready….
Omg….he started telling….
My friends making eyes big,
They opened their mouths…
prasada…….. Lakshya Maheswari….!’
He completed…!!
‘Huf..!’ I’m relieved…but my friends jaws were dropped down…!
“Pardon..?” One of my friend asked…
Simply he is “laksh..!” I said scared that he may repeat name again…
He said…. “no…! It’s veere venkata sathya siva prasada Lakshya Maheswari..!!”
They rolled their heads….
Did u understand guys…why didn’t i tell his name till now..???
Annapurna aunty is south indian… durga prasad uncle is bengali…
So, his name was designed according to aunty’s wish… but at last the sur name is uncle’s.
That’s the story of his name…. happy to listen his name….??
I was not shy….. i was lazy…. that’s why, I didn’t reveal his name….,
After blabbering this much i need a kitkat break….!!!!
So, let’s meet after the break…. and you drop comments down…! understand..! this is Ragini the james bond order..!!
Kitkat…i’m coming…!!!
Ragini ran away……. bye bye…
Name was cool
Update soon
Thank you dear
Sach mein it’s hilarious
Loved it to d core
D way laksh repeated his name is fabulous
hehehe poor ragini
Nd way she reacted into herself for the word love is outstanding
Please come soon after the KitKat break
I’m eagerly waiting to see what she says further
Yeah I forgot to mention
KitKat is my favourite chocolate
Vacchetappudu naaku kuda teesukuraa
Hahaha..thanks a lot dear… kitkat ipoindi… em migalale.. ragini tinesindi motham…. haha
Awesome dear friend
Thanks dear…
? cool super
Thank you…
actually love Ragini naughty moment nice amazing superb excellent mind blowing plzzz be regular don’t be late bcoz we want so many raglak ff ts ss O’s but now they are very less so all raglak ff writer plzzzz give more for raglak ff and yaa big thank to all those write who write raglak ff giving their previous time
Thank you nikky
Thank you
That name was awesome ??
Thank you..hehe..
by the way nice name, very easy to read n understand ???? awesome update
Haha..thank you dear
seriously name s so funny
Haha..thank u dear
Great update. Looool I loved the name and the reason why Ragini didn’t say it till now even more ?. Can’t wait to read the next part ?
Haha…thank you fats…
Thank you
Thank you dear
veere venkata sathya siva prasada Lakshya Maheswari such a big name and ragini u are very lazy to tell ur name so u didnt and kit kat break then for me kitkat u ran ur self to eat it go i am not going to talk to u as u did not share it with me. so no comment about the episode today bye
Oo..mera pyari dear… u want kitkat… ok, i will give u… I wil give u 2morow… bcz, I’m too lazy… haha… then my comment..? *pout face..*
Name was hilarious ……
Thank you…
Thank you ammy
U know what u t just rocking in this update Ragini is hilarious cute keep going
Thanks a lot dear
Awesome episode eagerly waiting for next episode dr
thank you dear..
awesome loved it so much
thank you dear…
awesome dear…loved it…such a big name….i have one doubt…how would they print a such a long name in invitation….it’s take a two line na….just for fun didi….i loved thz naughty ragini….waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
haha… ur doubt is awesome dear… let me use this doubt in next episode… thanx a lot dear…
fab love rags xx
Thank you…
Owwwww lezzy ragoo nd lksh nm is tooo shrt yr vvssplm ohhh my god itttta shrt nm my gd uffff ragoooo u r osmmmm lakuuu u r so sweet suppprbbb chapy updt sn cnt wt fr nxt
Haha..thank you dear…
tnk u dear 4 fulfilin r reqst.. i on behlf we raglak fans reli reli tnkful 2 u..so plz kp continue wrtin raglak ff story..
haha..thanks for support dear…no need to thank dear…even I’m raglak fan… I would love to right on raglak…
I have waited for lakshya maheshwari but you bought a new lakshya maheshwari
Wow It’s awesome
haha..thanks abi…
Superb chappy dear….loved it…..
thanks dear…
You didn’t leave any reptile for comparing love from ragini’s pov …!! lol…!!I loved this ragini soo much…!! I thought you won’t say his name in today’s episode also…!! but atlast you did a biggggg relevation of name…!!
haha..this idea is great.. i will use this too… thanks a lot…
Thank you…
Thank you…
Thank you…
awesome dear.
Thanks dear…
Awesome episode and especially I loved Laksh’s full name. Ragini is as usual rocked and Raglak scenes are beautiful
Thank you ammu..