“Hai…!! I’m Ragini. Ragini Gadodiya..! Am I giving bond, james bond introduction? Of course, I am, james bond in my family. Everyone are afraid of me.. including Dadaji..! I’m the talkative, stubborn, little innocent and very very very naughty…!
I’m a brave girl, even I’m not afraid of my teachers and elders. But, I’m afraid of a boy.
Yes..! One boy. And, he is my husband..! Yes, I’m married. And that fellow is shh..! I won’t say his name….”
…………………ti ti ti tuiii…. pi pi pi pii……. dum dum dum dum………………………
{marriage sounds}
************************My Married Life****************************
Now, starts……..
“What is the greatest dream of every girl? Becoming scientist? Software engineer? Doctor? Actor? Anchor?
But, when someone asks me, what’s your dream??
My answer is……….. ‘getting married..!’
Lots of laughs used to follow then..! But, my wish never changed..! I always dreamt about Prince Charming of mine..! Are you amazing , why a girl like me is in such dreams..? Because, I am a romantic fellow….!!!
Shy….shy…. hiding my face….. hiding my face……!
Not a Donkey egg….!!!!!!
I said, getting married is my dream…! Not prince charm or nothing..!! To say truth…. i hate boys..! Then how could I wait for so called prince charm? Hahahahaha……
But, getting married is my dream…!
But why….?
Are questions running in your mind???
You want to know…??
Then just wait…!!!
Wait until next year… I will tell the story next year….
Astra will gift you my story as New Year gift….. enjoy and drop your beautiful comments to continue this…!!
Till then,
Ragini….Ragini Gadodiya…. signing off…..
nice xx
Superb dear
Thanks dear
he he u r always cute dear… waitng fr ur updtes?
Thank you dear
interesting dear
Thanks dear
I love the waY you wrote
Cool if it possible prepon your gift for tomorrow
Thanks dear… hmm, i will ask ragini.. haha, i will try yar..
Amazing nd interesting prologue
Totally loved it
Please make it raglak
Eagerly waiting to read more
Can’t wait until next year
Please do continue soon
Thank you so much dear
Thanks dear
awesome just loved raging’s intro
Thanks dear
Mind blowing epi. I like this ragoo shade.update soon
Thank you pinky
That was really amazing
Thank you
Thank you
haha nice update waiting for next year
Thank you lisa..
nice amazing superb excellent mind blowing plzzz be regular don’t be late we miss raglak so much so plzz give more raglak ff writer bcoz this is only way we can feel our raglak with us plZzzzzzzz and all those raglak writers
Thank you nikky
astra astra yaar from where u get su h amazing ideas yaar just love u and waiting for it
Thanks a lot dear..
Sound interesting…eagerly waiting for ur first epi…..
Thank you fira…
awesome.but when you will update next part?waiting for that dear.please update so fast.
Thank you dear…nxt part nxt year…
Thank you…
Wow wow wow
It’s amazing yar
I will wait
It’s superb interesting and I’m thinking it may be raglak yay raglak
Thank you abi…
Awwww!!!!!how sweeeet yaaar…i ws smilng throughout readng dis ….loved it soo much…waitng for it…post sooon…keeep rockng n stay blesssed sweeetypie

thank you so much dear..
amazing introduction
Please make it raglak ff
I’m die heart fan of raglak
Pretty please for raglak
thank you dear… ok… done..!
What a lovely writing…. You know what??? Even I too have the same characters..but getting married to a prince charm ..little doubt!!! Anyways waiting for the next year…have a awesome year with love and fun …take care keep smiling
thanks a lot dear
ha ha ha superb
thank you…
it’s really fabulous yar…i loved it alot…and thz story s really great gift for us….thz way writing superbbb dear….waiting for you…tkcr dear…
thanks a lot dear…
thank you…
u become too bad Astra.. u making us to wait for next year not fair u know.. y cnt u make early & sometimes more than title r pair, authors name is enough for our curiosity..
thanks a lot for lovely comment dear…. i wll try to update today….
dear plz plz plz plz mak raglak ff coz im mizin tem lik hell
thanks dear…ya, sure…
Great start Astra. I love Ragini’s character; she’s so cute
. Can’t wait to read more ?
thanks a lot dear
Intresting….. waiting for update….
thank you dear
Woaaaahhh…interesting teaser dr….
thank you dear
Super cute
thanku tani..