Fan Fiction


Recap- adya kidnapped-tw goes behind her-a goon try to rape her-kunj,tw childhood frnd came-dey bothr apart-he had leave her for an reason she donno

Tw loook on he muttered her name
“Hey…”tw shout as she saw a goon coming from back with a iron rod..she closes her eyes in fear..
Kunj hold d rod n beat d goon badly…while fighting his left hand sleeves tooo tear revealin his tattooo which dey both had made combining der name..
Tw eyes reach der..she was shocked…
Wen she was caught…a goon(who was trying taking her advantage) had a gun he put on her head…kunj turns…
“Leave her”he greetted his teeth
“First lemme take her with me..i will leave..n will not tell anything to boss”he said with a smirk…
“Do watever u want…but pls leave her..”he choked…as he know dat if his boss will get to know he will die..
“Kunj…!”tw almost sob as he was holding through her neck..she was now unable to breath
Kunj eyed her..his eyes bend…
“Leave her..!i said leave my twinkle”he said n tw was astonished to listen her name from his mouth after a long tym
“I will never…i will nobleave her before i enjoy her..”d goon said looking at her evillishly n movin d gun through her face..

Kunj take d advantage o d moment n kicked his hand..
Gun fall away from his hand..n twinkle free herself from his dirty hand…n hide behind kunj..
Adya took d gun n put aside so he could not take it again…
Kunj beat d dirty eyed man black n blue..he was so angry on him dat he was going to kill him
“Kunj…u cant do this..dont kill him”tw choked
Kunj get sense n leave him..
Tw immediately hug him
“Kunj…where were u ..?i missed u…where did u dusappeared suddenly n why..?….”she was stopped by kunj lips..
“Mmm..”tw try to speak only after kissing him back with same passion when she was out of breath
Adya left d room seeing dem(goood girl?)
“Answer me kunj”tw eyes
He leave her..

N turned “i m not kunj..i m sidhant..”
“Dont lie..”tw argued..
Kunj closes his eyes… He was in pain..he had a reason o leaving her…
“Speak up kunj”
“Just stop calling me kunj. many tyms i hav to say i m sidhant…”he said trying to control his emotions
“U r not my kunj right..?”tw askes
“Ofcourse not “he replied trying to hide
“Den how do u know dat i m twinkle”she said smartly…
“Um…..mmm u only said dat..”he try to hide..

“I m not going to answer u…”
“I know u will u dont have any..? N i know u r my kunj…who leaved me breaking my trust from him…n my relation with him…u r d only one…who break my heart into dat much pieces which i till todday failed to gather up…u r d only one whom i love n who loved me back but suddenly becoz of sm little reason HE LEAVED ME..HE STOPPED LOVING ME…HE..”before she could speak further
“I dint stop loving u…not till today..i loved u..i love u..n will always love u”he spoke in anger as she said he dint love her..
“Y did u leave me..?”tw asked sternly
“Twinkle..”he said trying to gather his courage for telling her s most bitter truth
“U should stop lovin me..n move on..u cant love me n marry me..”he said while tears rolled down his eyes.
“I m already MARRIED TO U MR.KIDNAPER”she said..
N he was now fully shocked as she still remember abougt der marriage
“Dat was nonsense…v were child..”he said n start to leave d room
He stoped before leaving

“Take adya with u..n yaa dont try to find me..u will see my dead body no need to find..”he said n start to leave..
I hold his hand..
“Y..?”i asked curiously
“U will not understand…my boss after knowing dat i hav released u n adya..will surely kill me..”
“Den kidnapp us again”
“I cant.i cant live without he is going to kill adya(are sorry yaaar…ye to twist hai..tu muje mat maar daalna?)
“Wat..n y.?”i asked shockingly
“He has a business rivarly towards her family n so he kidnapped her through i m expert in it..”
“In kidnapping..?like seriously u kidnapp evry1…???”i ask non beleivingly
“Sorrrry ..but yaa dis is wat i know to do..”he said..
“I m not getting..pls tell clearly”
“U will not understand”
“I will”

I pull him n hugged him
“Pls kunj..tell me..i know my kunj cant harm any one..”
“Tw i can….i will harm u will affect u…”
“It will mot..js tell me..”
“(Finally giving up from his stubborn wife..)it was startes after my dad death…as u know i dont had any1 except u n my papa…after he died..i was alone..but i had strength but evry1 need money to i was finding place where i can work…n so dat i can sntnue my study too..but one day some1 talk ill about u while i was in market…i beat n blue..some man took me with dem..dey toook me to der boss..he trained me n gave me money…as he thought i can take revenge from whom he want..he was underdworld mafia…who was searching for a khiladi like me..n he got..i tried to leave but wat will i tell to evry1..n soo ihad to live with him..he did evrything n took care of me..n now before sm day i was trained perfectly for his revenge..his first revenge was from adya’s father..idk that she is adya..i met her before sm day only she is a good n kind girl..
Wen i saw her..i leftto talk to boss..but he threatened me dat he will kill me…if i leave i came here back n found u like dat..”he said having tears…
Tw was crying..

“U sufdered dis much..?u should have to leave from der…i was alwats der…?”
“No i cant…i was like his jem…i mean his favourite boy n most precious..he gave me all possible things he thought i want…i spend my childhood n youth in all luxury..i was trained..he told me dat he will leave me after his revenge from 5 men..n dis was his firat revenge..n i failes in it..he will kill me now..”
“U did anything wrong…i mean u kill any1..?”tw asked
“No…dis is my first project”kunj said..
“U spend ur youth in all luxury woth his goons n family right.?”tw asked..
“Yaaa..i did evrything dey dis..even drink too”
“Did..i mean..d..did u ever …did u touch any…any..”tw stammered before she coukd cntnue…
“I never saw any girl with bad eye…n never slept with any”he said smiling at her posesiveness..

N captured her lips into his….it was just a peck…
“But i think i should do now..”he smirk naughtily..while she blush
“Noo wait..v hav to solve dis..”
“I have a plan..u call to police n tell evrythng”she said
“No i cant..dey took care of me…dis much years..i cant do dat..”
“U hav to..kunj u will n in danger..i k ow dey helped u…n saved u but for what..?
Dey want ur help wen dey need…dey did dis for der own benefit..”tw tell him
“Hmm..u r right..”
“ i hav a plan”tw said in mute voice..he gave her thumbs up…
(I will tell in short..)
Kunj leave to der dan with adya..n hand over her to dem…when he was about to shoot her as per comes with police n handover dem to police as dey had proof now…

After some days twinj afain got married…

Tw’s pov
I am married again to my love…v r now happy couple…mrs.sarna….
Wife of mr.sarna..urf sweet kidnaper..
I was workin on laptop wen i saw advertise for one night honeymoon package…my eyes caught a glance n i got excited..
V had not consummated kunj is finding a job..he said till he is not capable for me..he will not cm close to me..n yeaterday only he got a job..i think its tym now..
Come on…i mwaiting for dis from so long….i booked for todaus night n checked d tym it was 5..kunj will b coming from office in hour..i hav ro surprise himm…n yes i got a i will not tell u..
I quickly got ready in a red knee length one piece n covered myself with a long white shrug…
N leave for d place..
I called kunj…n told him to cllct a package from hotel ABC…from my client..
As i m a fashion desighner…
Be told me ok..

N after a hour..someone knock d doorr..i quickly wore a hat…to hide my face..
I opened d doorr after wearing a goggles…
“Hii..i m husband of twinkle sarna..i m here to colect a package of her”je said..
Aww my hubby
I took out my shrug reaveling my one piece..which was till length n deep neck from front..
His eyes widend..n he turned..
“Hey wat r u doing..?”he said covering his eyes..
I locked d door n move towards…him.

He went back n i move further(???)
“Pls dont cm further..”he said while he fumbled..
I move my hands on his face sensously….
N kissed on his cheeks..
He immediately rub it..
N pushed me…wen he saw my tattooo..
Ughh..! I cmpltely forget about dat
No he move front..n hold me through waist..
He took out my hat n throw it..n took my goggle s out too
“ u r soo much insistingg den …i dont mind..”he said while i was stopped by bed..
He pushed me on d bed..
N come on top of me….

He moved his hand on my face n capture my lips..i responeded with same passion
I teared his shirt…
His eyes widened…”u really want..?”he asked
“Kunj come on..v r married n i trust u i cant wait.”
Argghhh..! Y i spoke d last line…naughty smirk dorm on his face..
“Okay..mrs sarna…i will repent evry mistake of mine..n soreg for making u wait…i will pay for ur…”before he coukd say something
“Shhh…”i said
N peck on his lips..

He kiss my neck leaving wet kisses n some love bites while i moan..
I was digging my nails into his body..he just dont care about dat..
Soon his hands reach my dress hook…
He was busy openin it…i bite his neck…
While he moan n threw my dress on d floor…sooon v both were naked…
Tw bcms shy n wraped demselves im a duvet…
Kunnj again get upon her…
“R u ready ..?”he asked her
“Always”she said whilw blushing wen suddenly she find himself in pained her…tear fall from her eyes…
“Tw..!if u r no ready…”he was shocked with d response…
As he saw her pulling him in her more…
He got happy…n kissed her lip…
She smiled…n aftet smtym he came out of her…
“Miss…coz of u…i forget my wife…she will kill me wen she get to know bout dis..”he teased he remebered how she brought him her
“I will cmplain ur name to my hubby..he will scold u…i m only dare u “she said while smirking evilly
“With whom u had married..”
“With dracula..i m MARRIED TO MR.KIDNAPER”.she said n kissed his lips..
He again get in his wild avtar..n dey made love again

Tada..! How was it
Hope u like it..
N hope dis will b posted bfor 12…
Seriously cntinusly writing from 7:30 n now its 10:02…
Hope it get posted…
I posted dis part today only..
N my ff will start day after tomorrow dat is 15 of april..
Hope u all will support me…
Love yaaa
Stay happy
N yaa again happy wala bday adya????
Love u…
N missin u?


Not here anymore. Still to contact me,PM.i May open sometime or Message on my insta id - @_Supergirl__aamu_ (Currently closed for some reason) and on wattpad - @TheBeautiful_Mess ❤

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