“Yaar, I’m feeling so hungry. Let’s go to the food court in the mall and have something.” Pakhi said.

Ranbir and Aryan agreed.

They went to the same mall where Prachi and Shahana had gone for shopping.

“I’m so tired, let’s go and have something.” Prachi said.

“Let me choose one last dress, then we will go.” Shahana pleaded.

“Fine. But only one.” Prachi rolled her eyes.

Ranbir, Aryan and Pakhi reached the food court and ordered something to eat.

“By the way, who are invited to the party?” Ranbir asked casually.

“Some close family friends, Prachi and Shahana’s friends and you.” Aryan replied.

“Ooo….Shahana is coming too, then you are going to enjoy the most.” Ranbir said in a teasing voice.

“Why should I enjoy if Shahana is invited?” Aryan asked confused.

“Come on Aryan. don’t try to act ignorant. Everyone knows that she had great crush on you. Usually, she is a chatter box but in front you she just becomes a shutter box.” Pakhi pointed.

“Chatter box? No! She is an introvert.” Aryan exclaimed.

“Only in front of you.” Ranbir said coolly.

“Stop it guys, she is only Prachi’s best friend and nothing else!”

“Okay, ok. We get it.” Ranbir winked and hi-fied Pakhi.

Just then Ranbir’s phone rings. He receives the call and ends with an irritated look after sometime.

“I need to go guys. Mom wants me at home. See you in the evening.” he said before going away.

Ranbir goes down the escalator and at the same time Prachi and Shahana come up it. They pass each other but did not notice it. Ranbir leaves the mall.

“Pakhi diiiiiiii” Prachi screamed when she spotted Pakhi.

“Prachi! Shahana! How are you?” Pakhi said happily and hugged them.

Pakhi congratulated them for their results and the girls began chatting.

“Aryan, please get something for me to eat. I’m so hungry.” Prachi said.

“Am I your servant? Go and bring it yourself.” Aryan replied.

“You are my sweet and handsome brother……Please…..” Prachi said with her best puppy eyes.

“Ok. What do you want?” Aryan sighed.

“A cheese sandwich for me and what do you want Shahana?” she asked looking at Shahana.

“No…nothing. I….I’m not hungry.”

“Bring a cheese sandwich for her too. I know she is hungry, but she won’t admit it.” Prachi ordered.

While Aryan was away, Shahana was the one to talk the most but when he arrived, she just zipped her mouth.

Aryan noticed the shopping bags of Prachi. “OMG Prachi! Did you shop for the entire year? From where did you get so much money?” he exclaimed.

“Dad gave me his card, so I bought whatever I wanted.” she replied happily.

“Dad gave you his card? He always refuses whenever I ask.”

“That’s because she is smarter and a better student than you, idiot.” Pakhi laughed. “By the way, where is Rahul? Aren’t the three of you always together?” she asked.

“He has some important work. He will be there in the party.” Prachi informed.

They talked for a while and returned home.

“Shahana, your parents will be out of station for a while, so you will be staying with us for some days.” Pragya said when they arrived.

“This day couldn’t have been better.” Prachi chimed happily as her best friend would be staying with her.

In the evening:

Prachi and Shahana get ready and come down.

“Both my angels are looking gorgeous.” Pragya said hugging them.

“Where is Aryan?” Abhi asked.

“I’m here.” he said coming downstairs.

“What’s the matter? Why are all of you wearing black today? Had you planned it?” Abhi asked.

“It’s just a co-incidence. If I knew that she was going to wear black, I would have worn something else.” Aryan said looking at Prachi.

“Who’s stopping you? Go and change now.” Prachi retorted.

“Why should I change? You change.”

“Stop fighting. Where are your friends?” Pragya said sternly.

“I’ll go and call Rahul.” Shahana said and went away.

“I had a talk with Pakhi and Ranbir. They will be arriving shortly.” Aryan informed.

Pragya nodded and went away.

“How are we looking today?” Prachi asked Aryan.

“Like a monkey.” Aryan laughed.

“So, Shahana looks like a money, huh?” Prachi pointed.

Aryan stopped laughing. “I didn’t mean her. I meant you.” he said.

“So, how’s she looking?” Prachi asked.


“OOO…..Beautiful…..” Prachi said in a teasing voice.

“I meant…….”

“Prachi! Aryan!” Pakhi said entering.


Another lost soul in this world

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