Fan Fiction

Marring the Seclusion (part 5)

Marring the seclusion-part 5

Well, she was in her first trimester of pregnancy and though the nausea wasn’t that severe from the very start but it wasn’t too good too. If sleep at night was impossible then mornings too were no good, the nauseous feeling kept making her go weak day by day.

She felt nauseous with the smell of milk, with the smell of fresh dough, with wet rice and with what not. She threw up almost everything she ate and so her routine doctor prescribed her a few tablets too but it was not much of a help .her mother in law was tensed about her and she didn’t let her do anything in kitchen so she doesn’t feel any more uncomfortable, but it wasn’t something she wished.

she wanted to join her office in a hope to feel any good but her mother in law didn’t let her and if she was accepting her every wish whether it was good or bad she thought to oblige this one wish of hers.

So she has nothing to do whether in home or anywhere and she felt irritated with it, the only time she enjoyed in her day was going to the CITY STORE and sitting there for a few hours.

December was arriving and so the coldness in the environment, she could feel the change in winds. She never liked winters because of the loneliness it came with.

Roads were silent  in evening cause people resided in their houses and so a kind of aloof ness in the arena and he liked winters cause he said he liked the serenity of empty parks, those empty roads were something; like time was back to a few years when there were less people, less politics, less drama. and at those times she used to smile at him.

But today….She wanted to tell him he was right, this winter came with a feeling of time drawn back to a few years ago; There Was One Less Man Here. Again that numb feeling was overpowering her when she used to enjoy like there was nothing to care about, nothing to think about and she knew it was not normal.

Her thoughts broke when she found the same baby, she met a few days back but today he was with a lady not the girl. She was never the one who talked with strangers so she thought not to think about them.


It was quite some time she sat there without bothering anyone but silently gazing the lady and boy which from the looks seemed they were from some place in the street itself.

Today the baby wasn’t cranky like that one day, he was very comfortable with the lady. But the lady looked exhausted as her own mother in law. she almost thought to help her as she was constantly walking with the baby and whenever she used to sit, the baby made a face like he would cry anytime. And she unknowingly smiled on his tactics.

Unable to hold it anymore she stood and suddenly felt everything blurred her head spinned as it used to happen in mornings. She thought to sit back as she did in mornings but her conjectures failed and she thumped near the long wooden chair and last she sensed someone rushing to her.


“Ma, where are you?” his sound was terrified. “I am waiting for you to take my call back. tell me you both are fine?”

“Sayyam…….actually something had happened.” she answered lightly patting the baby who was too much engrossed in the stethoscope the nurse gave him.

“tell me Arth is fine.” His voice was low. “Where are you, I am coming.”

“S. Chandra Hospital.” She said as the line went dead suggesting he was in a hurry to reach them.

“Dr., what happened to her?” Seema asked the doctor.

“may I ask who are you to her?” doctor seemed a bit stern and hesitant.

Before she could have replied started the nurse who was there all the time, “actually Dr., they have helped this young lady when she had fainted,” and gesturing towards Seema she said, “ she is not family.”

“oh ,I see.” Doctor sighed. “okay then we will wait for her family, did she got some phone call or like someone came looking for her.”she asked the nurse.

“And thank you Ma’am for staying here. You can leave now, We will deal with it.” The doctor in her early 40s politely offered her.

“it’s okay dr., my son is coming. I will go once he comes here.” She replied and doctor left after discussing something with the nurse.

“ummm, excuse me,” Seema turned towards the nurse who was fixing the drips .”Could you get me some water and a spoon please, my grandson looks thirsty?” she asked the nurse as she got Arth sucking on his thumb.

“yeah sure. one minute.” And fixing the drips nurse left for the asked.


Through the minutes long journey to the hospital he kept pushing away all the deadly thoughts came to him,he was trying really hard to control himself but his heart wasn’t beating ,it was pounding.

After that night he was trying really hard to stand up and he wasn’t hoping for one more jerk so he couldn’t stand again, his boy was now his everything. He knew he could never fill the place of his mother but he was trying to be the best father his son could have.

Nearly tripping over his foot he reached the reception and asked about a patient with his son’s name but there were no patient admitted that day with the name, then he asked his mother’s and surprisingly there was no patient with her name too.

He was going to ask something else when came a nurse who was asking the receptionist for the plastic spoon for a baby and that’s how he got to know their room.

Taking the cup of water and the spoon he thanked the nurse and walked to the room.



“Easy dear,” Seema helped Krishna in sitting properly on the bed.

“thank you,” she muttered lightly and looked around for some known face but the only face was the baby and then it clicked to her and on her own her palm went to her lower stomach to feel the life living inside.

“You are pregnant?” Seema was surprised.

“Can you please call the doctor here ,please.” She pleaded with Seema.

“Okay, I will. but please keep calm dear.” Seema tried calming her.“Would you mind my grandson till I come back.” She asked giving her the baby.

“yeah.” She replied taking the baby in her arms.



“don’t know why ,maybe cause she too was pregnant and the hormones were tricking her but she felt home with this baby, she wanted to spend time with him.” She thought to herself as the baby pulled her hairs and she noticed she needed to tie her hairs.

She tried opening his little fingers which were now constricting her hairs and he smiled on that, “his cute, chubbly smile.”

She loved when he caressed her cheeks with his little palms lovingly when suddenly the door opened and came a man who looked he was terrified then his gaze turned to relief and finally in surprise.

The baby was still caressing her cheeks but the man seemed lost, she tried putting away his little fingers conscious about the new presence and that’s when the baby noticed the man and he grinned and suddenly he was restless like he wanted to go the man.

Keeping the cup and whatever he had in his hand on the little shelf near the door the man came to her and she suddenly felt nervous when he extended his arms……. and the baby literally jumped to him.

“So he was his father.” She thought inwardly but she couldn’t get why the man seemed like he got his life back. And again she was lost, gazing this father son duo. Maybe she was trying to imagine something like that which was perhaps impossible now.


I am so sorry guys for the delay but next chapter is here. hope you all like it. will be waiting for your response. With love Morusya.


"There is so much to imagine with so many minds around is not possible to know every mind but we can surely tell others what is going inside our mind."

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