Categories: Mastaangi

Mastaangi 5th April 2016 Written Episode Update

Mastaangi 5th April 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Trumpet is looking for Karan or Jignesh at the college and is yelling their names at the cafeteria. Jignesh is hiding in the helmet Sohani gave to him and opens it up. Trumpet asks of what he is doing and He says that he is confused as since Sohani told him that she doesn’t loves him, he has been thinking about her since then. Trumpet says that absence makes the heart grow fonder and says that the breaking news hot Vanessa out and Sohani in. Jignesh says that thinking about it gives him a headache. Trumpet says that we are unable to handle one Romeo and another one is ready. She leaves and Jignesh why Karan hasn’t come till yet.
Jignesh comes to the parking lot and meets Karan and asks of why he is late, and tells him to park his bike properly. Karan says that he won’t and will block Ria’s

parking. Jignesh says that because of you people have started taking my problem as a joke. Karan says that today Ria will be impressed and Jignesh sees her coming with someone else on a bike.
Ria gets off the bike and introduces Riki to Karan as her boyfriend. Riki brings his hand forward and shakes with Karan but takes it away and leaves with Ria saying that won’t you introduce me to the rest of your friends and Ria says yes I will. Karan is confused and asks where this Riki came from and Jignesh says I have no idea.
Singhania is on the call with Anaita and says I wonder if you want Karan or not as by the results of your plans. Anaita says that you are misjudging me on my one work and I can also judge you on your failure to get revenge on both of them. Singhania says that we don’t have a lot of time and we have to implement our second step and you have to gain Ria’s trust. Anaita says this time Ria will agree and he tells her to make it faster.
Ria introduces Riki to the girls, Vanessa comes and asks where she found him and Ria says that we were friends on social network and by time it got serious. She asks the girl to join her in the basketball practice as Riki is especially here to see her practice. Sohani says that this is shocking as Ria came in a relationship and didn’t tell any of us. Trumpet says that I can’t believe this as well Ria in a relationship, she loved Karan and how can she jump so fast into a relationship. Karan comes and says that he’ll get Ria back. Then they see Ria give Riki a kiss and says that how involved she looks. Karan says that he will get her out of the relationship as fast as she got into one and will do anything to complete his love story.
Soon the basketball game starts and Riki cheers for the girls and after the boys score a point he says that you can still win. The girls are saying that they need a player who can score for them when they hear Anaita’s voice saying pass me the ball. Karan says that what game is she playing now and Trumpet tells Ria to not to do it. Anaita asks again and says that pass me the ball and Ria does. The game starts again and Anaita scores a point. After scoring everyone celebrates and Anaita leaves. Karan comes to Ria and says that if you don’t want to talk to me than don’t but don’t fall in a trap again. Sohani tells Ria that she has already said no to her apology when Ria says that change is constant.
Sohani opens up her hair and washes her face leaving Jignesh with an open face. Seeing him Vanessa gets jealous and does the same and confusing Jignesh again. Trumpet smiles looking at Jignesh and Vanessa leaves. Jignesh goes to Karan and the get to the practice again.
Ria goes to Anaita and says that I didn’t do it for your attention, I thought I was needed so I played. Anaita says that I still remember that the things I did are un apologetic and Ria says that I still maintain that but I am only requesting to join our team and you are a good player. Don’t tell me that this is not important to you as I know how competitive you are and use that for a good way. Ria leaves and Anaita says that she doesn’t know about the competition I’m working for.
Karan goes and talks to Riki and says it’s nice how you cheer for her and support her. Riki says that he loves and Karan asks of how they met and he tells them that they met on friends-book by mutual friends. He says that Ria sent her a request while Karan says that is so not like Ria. Riki says that he sent her a request and soon they got to chatting and it got started. Karan says that he has hardly seen her chat and her last seen is around 10 so when do you chat with her. Riki says that he talks with her after college and he thinks that he shouldn’t disturb her after late as he can’t disturb her. Karan asks of when do they chat or fell in love without anything. Riki asks Karan of why he is so interested if it is like a detective or a devdas after Ria. Karan says that its nothing like that and leaves and Riki says that he is a nice guy.
Trumpet asks Karan if he found anything about the new couple and Karan says he won’t talk to her but will teach him a lesson. Karan says that our college is becoming a battle ground, were there less guys here to fight that others are coming as well. He asks Karan of what he is going to do, he tells them to go and play while he’ll take care of the rest. Karan says that just watch and see what I do now.

Precap: Karan comes and brings a gift for Ria, Riki comes forward and asks him to leave and says that I think you have forgotten to what I told you yesterday in college. Karan says that I need to talk to her and they get into a fight and Ria asks them to stop.

Update Credit to: Sona

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