Categories: May I Come In Madam 2

May I Come In Madam 2 27th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Sajan In A Soup

May I Come In Madam 2 27th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Kashmira feeling shocked seeing Sajan wearing a blouse. Sajan walks to his room asking her to bring some ice. At night, Kashmira asks if he enjoys it. He says yes, recalling Sanjana. She asks since when he is having this illness, doesn’t he feel awkward kissing Bhupesh and cross-dressing himself. He says it’s a fashion, his colleague had worn a blouse and he helped him fix a hook. Ramvati and Bhupesh hide in a bathroom and wait for Kashmira’s daadi to possess her as it’s amavas today. Daadi possesses Kashmira and asks Sajan why did he kiss Bhupesh. Sajan asks her to stat her duty. She continuously slaps Sajan.

Next morning, Sajan visits office. Sanjana walks in with a baby. Sajan is shocked and asks whose baby is it. Sanjana

says it’s her baby. Sajan says he didn’t see pregnancy symptoms. She says she was managing everything very well. She calls him baby’s Sanju mamu and gives baby to him. Sajan asks what is baby’s name. Sanjana says Sajan. Chedi gets Sajan out of imagination and Sajan sees himself lifting a liftman. He asks Sajan why was he lifting a senior citizen. Sajan says he got pity on the liftman as they both got promotions, but he didn’t since 10 years. Chedi asks him to get into lift. Sajan says he has some work and asks him to go. Sanjana walks in style. Sajan stands mesmerized again. In lift, Sanjana asks him if he got her blouse in a singing style. Sajan replies thinking she is playing antakshari. Sanjana asks if he got her blouse. He shows her blouse. She asks him to keep it in her cabin.

Bhupesh shows Sajan’s blouse wearing pic to Chedi. Chedi fumes that he will suspend Sajan and shows it to Sanjana. Sanjana laughs seeing that. Sajan walks in. Sanjana says she didn’t know that he is Sajni and not Sajan and asks him not to hesitate and openly express his identity. She orders him to wear a sari tomorrow. Sajan returns home and tries to steal Bubly’s sari and blouse. Balu catches him red handed and interrogates him. Sajan answer him in his comedic style. Their argument starts. Kashmira walks to them and handles situation. Sajan asks Sanjana to lend her sari. She scolds him to have some shame and refuses to give her sari.

Sajan manages sari and blouse somehow and reaches office wearing it. Chedi scolds him for cross dressing and says Sanjana gets panic attacks whenever she sees a man cross-dressing and describes Sanjana’s childhood incident. Sajan walks into Sanjana’s cabin. Sanjana starts flirting with him. Sajan gets afraid recalling Chedi’s warning. Comedic events continue..

Precap: Sanjana tells Sajan that they shall celebrate their friendship and asks him to apply red lipstick for a party at the office. She makes his painting later.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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