Categories: May I Come In Madam 2

May I Come In Madam 2 5th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Sajan Sneeks Out Of The House To Meet Sanjana

May I Come In Madam 2 5th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chedi walks into lift. Liftman greets him good morning and says he heard he is getting married. Chedi thanks him. Liftman says it’s a luck that he is thinking of marriage while his one leg is in a coffin. Chedi says he is still young. Liftman says he is in sorrow after his first wedding itself, his wife demands shopping and makeup items as soon as he returns home. Chedi says his girlfriend is not like that. Liftman congratulates him. Ramvati calls him and insists him to take her out for shopping as she needs makeup items. Chedi says he is busy today. She says if she comes in front of him without makeup, he will get afraid. She gives him a long list and he stands looking at liftman.

Sajan enjoys tea at a shop near a temple and passes by when a beggar stops him and requests for money. Sajan ignores him. Beggar requests at least for a murder if not money. Sajan gets angry on the beggar. Beggar removes his shawl. Sajan is shocked to see masked man. Masked man orders Sajan to kill Chedi by the end of the day or else be ready to lose either Kashmira or Sanjana. Sajan sits more shocked. A man thinks he is begging and scolds him.

Chedi plans an outing with his school friends in the evening. Ramvati walks to him and demands him to take her for a movie. Chedi says they will go tomorrow as he is going to meet his friends. Ramvati asks him to cancel his outing and go with her. Chedi says he can’t. Ramvati gets adamant and walks away getting angry.

Sajan returns home. Kashmira asks if he came. Sajan says he sent his ghost who will stay with her now. Kashmira asks why he looks so angry. Sajan continues to vent out his anger on her. She tries to calm him down dancing around him. He continues to scold her. Daadi emerges in Kashmira’s body and punishes him. At night, Sanjana meets Sajan and flirts with him trying to know what he is hiding. Sajan doesn’t reveal anything.. Comedic events continue.

Precap: Sanjana tells Sajan that she saw a dream that Sanjan was bathing Bhupesh. Masked man tells Sajan that he will cut lift wire at 3 p.m. while Sajan kills Chedi. Ramvati sees Chedi with a woman.

Update Credit to: MA

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