Categories: Meet

Meet 10th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet exposes Abhay’s wrongdoing

Meet 10th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raj says to everyone I want truth to come out infront of everyone especially infront of Babita and ask Meet to tell truth. Meet get’s up and says I ask Abhay Rana if he wants to see his son alive then he has to accept all his crime…
…Meet in market with Abhay Rana says to everyone, minister is here to tell everyone truth please listen him carefully, she whispers to Abhay says don’t take time one, of my constable is with your son if you didn’t say anything he will do his encounter and she take out her. Abhay stop her and says to everyone 4 years back Inspector Ashok Hooda was murdered and I shoot him, from last 4 years I was accusing Ram Ahlawat and make him realise that he killed Ashok after that I made a plan to frame Deep in fake medicine by ruining Ahlawat’s reputation,

I never stopped even I blackmailed Isha daughter of Ram Ahlawat to marry Shanty, I don’t know why I was doing but my intention was to destroy Ahlawat family please forgive me. Public start getting angry at him and curse him, everyone start pelting stone at him. Police walks in and stop everyone. Meet walk towards his father memorial and says I fulfilled my promise, your murderer is front of everyone now, he will be punished for his crime and hope you must be in peace now, stay with your daughter and keep me blessed…
Babita ask when I came to you, you were crying because you were missing your father am I so blind that I didn’tt see the truth, I’m very bad. Meet says no you are good person it’s not your fault. Babita ask how can I be good, I don’t know even what is wrong or right, I try to fix our family relation with Abhay and his family and even forced Isha to marry Shanty, you try to show the true face of Shanty so many times and Ram was living with a burden, why can’t I see, you always fought gor our well-being and I try to throw you out of house how can I be so selfish, punish me I deserve this. Meet says stop don’t do that, I won’t lie, it’s true that your words hurt me but I know you love me a lot and love this kid more then your son and for that you can bear me. Sunaina thinks this is the right time to tell everyone about her success and says I’m happy for Meet and her kids health and to make that happiness double I. Duggu shouts in between says I got A+ in project and I made this by my own, he run towards his family with project, he stumble fall down and his project get’s air born. Meet jump to hold his project. Babita give Meet look she gets scared. Duggu says to Meet now you will be scolded for jumping. Babita walks to Meet, she hold her ear to apologise. Babita says don’t do it’s not your fault it’s mine that I judged you on your looks and thought you don’t have mother instinct but you proved everytime that your are perfect for every relation so I’m sorry. Sunaina thinks nobody care about me or my success.

Meet Ahlawat in his room ask Meet to give him ointment so that he can apply on her bruises. Meet says I was also thinking same for you. Meet Ahlawat says now what we will do it’s only one tube. Meet says don’t worry we will use it together after tube doesn’t know who is using it Meet or Meet Ahlawat. They both spend good time with eachother and apply ointment on there bruises. Meet Ahlawat make Meet kiss her cheeks. Meet asl him how are you feeling. He says I’m feeling cold and cool, how are you feeling. She says I’m good and says I was thinking that we should cleans our mind and body from all the toxicity we were facing from last many days. Meet Ahlawat says you want to be like old days nonchalant. Meet says this can only be done if you allow me but forgot it you won’t accept that. Meet Ahlawat says I got it and I understand, you are having mood swing craving, like going out and have inc cream without telling and take your head out in moving car to feel cold breez so tell what do you want to do.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat out on bike. Meet enjoying and feeling good and ask Meet to drive bike. Meet Ahlawat says no. Meet says I want to drive it but you are just making me sit infront atleast accelerate a bit. Meet Ahlawat thinks I won’t let her ride bike but what should I do she becomes happy, he remove the connection and bike stop. Meet ask what happen to bike. Meet Ahlawat says you are the expert you tell and ask her to repair bike. Meet get’s happy and start diagnosing problem and see spark plug is not connected, she get down to connect. Meet Ahlawat says wait a minute don’t bend down, you tell me I’ll do it. Meet ask him yo put on double stand and ask him to check petrol, he ask him to touch chain. Meet Ahlawat hands get dirty he ask what is so fun in this. Meet says I know you already have removed the spark plug so that’s why it’s not working. Meet Ahlawat says you know already then why did you ask me to look everywhere in bike, he realises and says I thought you like repairing bike and all so you might feel good. Meet says I like troubling you and I never saw a cute mechanic like you. He hugs her.

Sunaina throws tantrums infront of everyone and says Meet is not ready to give her child to me. Masum says to Meet why can’t you give your baby. Meet says to her I will repeat thousand time, I’m not giving my baby to Sunaina because she can never be a good mother.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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