Categories: Meet

Meet 10th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet plan’s a robbery

Meet 10th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I have decided to steal the file from police station. Meet Ahlawat says first you have to steal a toffee from that shop if you succeed I’m with your or else we will not follow your plan and here keeo this 5rs and keep there. Meet start walking says I’m feeling scared and go to a girl take her cap and start troubling him and says watch these clothes I’ll give you and walk to ten vendor shop says I’m shooting a video of people who are hardworking and recording video, she steal toffee and keep 5rs there says I’m doing with video now let me leave. Man stop him and says make one video of my song too. Meet says I understood you have free time and leave, she walk to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat tease her and says I don’t know you can rap too. Meet says good

now make plan.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat at police station. Meet Ahlawat says to her now how we will ho inside. Meet says we will not go inside and grab her laptop says from here we ill get to know what they are talking and there are chances we will know the path to go in she switch on laptop and see the footage of police station. Meet Ahlawat ask him when did you do this. Meet says when you went out to bring water that time I installed the camera in tea vendor to go inside with camera. Meet Ahlawat praises her. Boy inside talking to everyone and giving tea. Hawa Singh walks to boy and take the clothe in which spy camera was installed. Meet Ahlawat says now what will happen. Meet just pray he don’t catch camera. Hawa Singh wipes his hand. Meet pray to god says thank god he didn’t see the camera and same way help us to find that file with all information. Hawa Singh turn on music and start dancing. A man walks to him and greet Hawa Singh. Man says our boss is very happy from your work and says my boss has send some penalty for you. Hawa Singh says I’m police officer I don’t take bribe, you can donate this right now in donation box. Man see the box says I understood donation for hungry people and ask him for what people this donation is. Hawa Singh says there are many hungry people. Man drop that package in donation box and leave. Meet and Meet Ahlawat watching everything how Hawa Singh take to donation. Meet says to him my father use to sit on that chair and help people not like him he is not worthy enough. Two constable talking to eachother says from the time Hawa Singh has come to this police station the rate of corruption has increased, I use to feel patriotic aftet seeing Mr. Ashok sir. A constable run to Hawa Singh and says today weapons will be delivered. Meet and Meet Ahlawat both in shock. Meet call Ram Lakhan and says I’m sending you a location reach there fast.

Masum bring food for Duggu and sya what is this behaviour who do like this. Hoshiyar calls Masum and says what behaviour is this is there some other way to hurt Duggu. Masum says do you think there is some other way I hate Sunaina but still giving my son can’t you see that, whatever I’m doing is for my future, dad has built the empire and only Ahlawat can spend all this wealth. Hoshiyar says Duggu don’t understand that he thinks we don’t love him. Masum walks to Duggu and wipe his tears and give him milk to drink and ask do you think we don’t love you, we love you so much. Duggu says really so you will be my mom and dad. Masum says yes you have to call Sunaina and Tej your mom dad and we will be your real mom and dad. Duggu gets angry says no I’ll not call them mom and dad you will send me there only to sleep. Masum says you like to go on expensive trips and you will get expensive gift too and everything you wish, you are my good boy. Duggu says no I’m not good boy I want my mom and dad. Masum shouts at him and says you will do as I say or else I’ll lock you in bathroom with cockroach and leaves. Duggu start crying and hugs Hoshiyar.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat out from car and seeing packages coming out of police van. Meet calls Ram Lakhan and ask them to come fast. Ram Lakhan walks to Meet says we are here. Meet says you know what you need to do so start your work and take care of yourself. Ram and Lakhan go in middle of open space and start fighting to distract everyone. Meet Ahlawat says you can hide inside that weapons caret nobody will check that that’s the only way to get in. Ram Lakhan fighting. Meet run towards the weapon caret. Hawa Singh hear voices and says to constable what is going on outside ask them to stop. Meet hide inside the weapon caret number 4. Ram Lakhan see her hiding and walk away. Constable ask everyone to go from here. Meet Ahlawat remember they fighting to go inside. Meet says I’ll go. Meet Ahlawat says you have claustrophobia so you cannot hide inside that small place. Meet says you taught me Rajasthan how to control that so don’t worry I’m not scared now. Meet Ahlawat says I won’t let you take any risk. Meet says you are out to help me. He says it’s too risky you cannot go inside. Meet says till the time I won’t fine the real killer of my dad I won’t sit quiet so let me go wait you are worried about me keep this earpiece one will be with me and other one with you, this is my fight and you have seen how Hawa Singh has created environment inside police station let me go it’s my fight let me go inside for my father. He says it’s dangerous take care of yourself and signal me if there any problem. Meet Ahlawat remember Meets blutooth is left our how will I communicate with her, I have she is good don’t know why did I let her go I know Hawa Singh is dangerous and atill I let her go inside. Meet Ahlawat see them taking box inside. Hawa Singh inside police station says I’ll check one of the box and open one.


Update Credit to: Tanaya


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