Categories: Meet

Meet 10th May 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet handover pendrive to Sharmaji

Meet 10th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet says to Meeting Ahlawat’s we need to think with cool mind we should send this file to lab for testing to know the truth about file. Meet Ahlawat says this cannot go out, I’m asking to destroy it and you are saying let the people see, if this went out then my family will be destroyed. Meet says I’m just trying to find truth, I also don’t believe that Raj will be murderer I just want to know the reason behind Raj taking blame on himself, we can find out after lab testing. Meet Ahlawat says if someone saw then video then everyone will think that dad shoot your father, consider if we give this for lab testing and because of some reason we are unable to reach the conclusion then this video will act as prove and dad will be accused as murderer, then what will happen of my family. Meet says

listen we will bury this and think that we didn’t see any video. Meet Ahlawat says yes we will hide and no one would know that. Meet says yes but first you need to handle yourself and they both go out.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet out in garden and they hide evidence in flowerpot. Meet Ahlawat says we have to hide it for life no one should know about this. Meet says enough it’s done now. Meet Ahlawat says to her we will never discuss about it. Meet says we both will forget this. Meet Ahlawat says are you seeing this garden, as gardener takes care of all plants and flowers same he dad has taken care of us, he always took care of us in any condition, he tell us to keep strength, I have learnt so many things from him like, walking, wearing, etc. He has so much value in my life but whatever I saw in room I don’t know how will I forget and crying a lot for situation, he says I’m scared, what uf something happens to dad, please hide me I don’t want to face things. Meet calms him down.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in there room. Meet Ahlawat sitting on floor. Meet walk to him and they keep there head on sofa and crying. Meet get’s up. Meet Ahlawat sit on sofa and hugs Meet, he stands up. Meet hugs him from behind and she kiss him on neck. Both of them sit on bed. Meet help him to lie down and both do romance.

Next morning. Meet Ahlawat wakes up. Meet brings tea for him. He stands up, look at Meet and says last night you and me. Meet put finger on his mouth and says yes we took one more step in our relation, you remember when we went to Bikaner for our honeymoon, you said me that we will take all steps in our relation I didn’t believe that in starting we were enemy. Meet Ahlawat says yes we were enemy, then we became friends and now we become Meet thanks last night you help me from getting shattered, I love you Meet. Meet says I love you too, now get ready fast everyone is waiting. Meet Ahlawat says okay and go inside washroom. Meet go to cupboard and take the pendrive…
….Meet in morning dig out the pendrive from flowerpot and says we have to prove that Raj is innocent, I’ll send it to police tech department and try to understand me Meet Ahlawat I can’t keep the promise made to you and it’s important for me to prove that Raj is innocent and that video is lie then everything will be fine…
Meet wear her uniform and keeps pendrive with her phone in pocket.

Raj in hall talking to lawyer on phone says it’s about my niece life, do anything we have to file this case as early as possible I cannot wait one more day. Meet Ahlawat walks to Raj and touch his feet. Raj disconnects call. Meet Ahlawat hugs him. Raj ask what happen. He says nothing just didn’t hug you so many days and ask about Isha. Raj says I talked to lawyer he will find a way and I promise she will be back soon here and ask where is daughter in law. He says she went out for some important work.

Meet in market with Sharma ji says I request you to check this pendrive personally do not give this pendrive to anyone, you were my father’s friend so I can’t trust anyone then you, this pendrive have a video which is disastrous and this video is connected to my family, till the time I know the truth I cannot show this video to anyone, once you are doing checking call me I’ll comr. Sharmaji says you trust me so don’t worry I swear on my friendship with Ashok, no one will know about this, I promise. Meet says thanks and think I have to bring out the real face of murderer.

Hawa Singh in Ahlawat’s mansion says to Meet on basis of FIR I order you to arrest Rajvardhan Ahlawat the killer of your father. Meet says no this is lie. Constable arrest Raj and take with them. Everyone try to stop.s

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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