Categories: Meet

Meet 11th May 2022 Written Episode Update: Hawa Singh in Ahlawat’s mansion with arrest warrant

Meet 11th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet says to Sharmaji this pendrive contain a video and if someone get to know about this video it will destroy my family so don’t let anyone know about this. Sharmaji says don’t worry nobody would know about this video promise. Meet thanks him and think I have bring the real face of culprit.

Isha in corridor ask servant did you see my phone. He says know and leave. Shanty says you have two missed call from your mom. Isha walk to Shanty see her phone and ask what my phone is doing with you. Shanty says did you forget we are husband and wife now. Isha says give me my phone back I need to call someone. Shanty says do you want yo call your lover. Isha says it’s non of your business. Shanty get up and hurt his hand and curse Meet and says to Isha don’t talk to me in this tone next time

or else you have to pay for that. Isha says Meet Bhabhi gave you nice gift and Isha get’s call. Shanty says pick up phone and pit it on loud speaker.

Everyone in Ahlawat’s family get’s happy and ask how are you Isha. Isha says I’m happy and you all know how is everybody and Shanty is taking good care of me and everyone is understanding here. Ragini says it felt good after hearing your voice, I need to see you wait I’ll video call you. Isha says not now please I’ll call you tomorrow. Masum ask Isha what did you get in gift for first night. Isha says I cannot forget thet gift for my whole life. Masum says how romantic. Meet Ahlawat take phone. Shanty scare her with cockroach Isha shouts. Meet Ahlawat switch to video call and ask her what happen. Shanty walks in and greet Meet Ahlawat and everyone showing his hand with bandages. Ragini ask how did your hurt yourself. Shanty says I fell on floor with glass and injured myself, you won’t believe Isha got so scared after seeing my condition and she is still in trauma. Ragini says it feels good after hearing that you care about your husband. Meet Ahlawat says I pray to god for your wellness and ask Isha not to be scared at all, if you have anything in your mind just call and tell us, by the way when are you coming for ritual, I would suggest you to come today, it’s mother’s day too. Shanty says I’m saying her to go and meet your family but she is here scared for me not ready to go, don’t worry about Isha I’ll take good care of her you must look after Meet Bhabhi. Isha says yes he is taking good care of me and they disconnects call. Tej says to Babita they look beautiful together, Shanty will keep Isha happy.

Babita and Ragini having tea. Babita says to Ragini everyone felt happy after seeing Isha is happy. Ragini says yes she was looking happy. Masum walks to Babita says look what Meet Ahlawat did. Babita and Ragini get’s tensed and walk to hall with her. Masum says look what he did. Babita and Ragini see cake for mother’s day. Everyone walks to them and wishes happy mother’s day. Babita says you scared me. Meet Ahlawat apologies for that. Babita says no need to be sorry I like your these habits. Raj says come let’s cut cake. Ram upstairs in corridor feeling sad looks at them. Meet Ahlawat ask where is chacha. Raj see him upstairs. Ram joins his hand and ask him to keep quiet. Raj says I have send him out for some work and concentrate on mother’s because it’s mother’s day forget father’s. Everyone celebrate mother’s day. Babita and Ragini cut cake and everyone eat it. Meet Ahlawat think I respect you a lot dad and offer him cake to eat. Meet Ahlawat says attention guys today is mother’s day and it’s special for every mother hut I want to mention that dad has always taken care and handle the responsibility of mom and dad same mom also did same, so I request everyone that this day should be celebrated with both mom and dad. Raj and Babita cut cake and give eachother to eat. Meet Ahlawat takes blessings from both and everyone hug eachother. Raj thinks if my soyis not believing me then how can my daughter in law could believe me.

Meet calls Anubha and wish her happy mother’s day and says I’m missing you two so much, if I get free till evening I’ll sure come to meet you. Hawa Singh reaches Ahlawat mansion and greet Meet. Meet disconnects call says I was on break so came to home for some work. Hawa Singh says good we will have tea at your houyor atleast give me water I’m feeling thirsty. Hawa Singh and Meet get’s inside mansion. Hawa Singh greets everyone and ask what is happening. Babita ask you over here how come. Hawa Singh praise Meet says your trick is great look at your husband face this means you didn’t tell him anything. Everyone confused. Meet Ahlawat ask what are you talking. Hawa Singh says to Meet Ahlawat you should feel proud of your wife, she proved that her job is more important to her then anything and salute Meet. Meet ask what are you talking about. Hawa Singh says you only had one goal to catch criminal of your father and on the basis of your evidence I got arrest warrant too. Two constable walks in with arrest warrant. Hawa Singh order Meet to arrest Rajvardhan Ahlawat, murderer of your father. Everyone in shock. Meet thinks Sharmaji promise me that he won’t tell anyone about video then how is he here with Arrest warrant, did sharmaji give him pendrive. Babita says you are here to arrest Raj, you think that Raj murdered Meet Hoodas father, are you put of your mind and ask someone to throw him out of house. Tej walks to Hawa Singh what rubbish are you talking he is not an ordinary person and who allowed you inside. Babita ask Meet why aren’t you saying anything. Meet says because of my mistake Dad came in problem and I’m the reason. Babita shouts why are you quiet, you are also from police department says something to him. Babita says to Meet what kind of girl are you, Raj gave you love of a daughter and did everything for you, he fought me for you. Ragini shouts at meet say something to them, you think your father can murderer someone and ask Ram to do something. Ram looks at arrest warrant walks to Raj says it has your name in it. Babita says to ram we understood that but question is why is Raj name in it and ask raj why are you quiet say something, you are not a murderer, for god sake say anything. Meet Ahlawat says to Babita calm down dad is innocent and he is accusing him, he don’t have any evidence against dad, he came here to trouble us and I’m pretty sure this warrant is fake. Hawa Singh joins his hand says you are getting angry, I’m a police officer just following my duty and if you don’t believe ask your wife how did police got this evidence, for your information your wife give us evidence in form of small pendrive, a small thing was hiding a big secret. Meet Ahlawat looks at meet and go outside.

Meet Ahlawat in garden. Meet follow him. Meet Ahlawat says to her evidence is in flowerpot, he is telling lie and start digging. Meet says listen to me don’t dig it. Meet Ahlawat take out evidence and says pendrive is not here and start looking for it, only we both know about this. Meet says I gave that pendrive to Sharmaji for lab testing but don’t know how he got that pendrive. Meet Ahlawat in shock ask what are you saying, you gave that pendrive for lab testing, you betrayed me, you thought this before that’s why you stopped me from destroying evidence in room, I thought you were handling me, you said nothing will happen and we will forget, is the because of this uniform, I think so mom is right you are not ready to obey any relation. Meet says listen to me one time. Meet Ahlawat shouts at her just shut up no word from your mouth.



Update Credit to: Tanaya


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