Categories: Meet

Meet 14th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet Brings Jasodha Home after Quitting Her Dream

Meet 14th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mahendra and Meet are in a common area, where Mahendra asks Meet to make a decision regarding Jasodha’s situation. He emotionally manipulates her, suggesting that Jasodha will be charged with domestic violence and cannot be released. He pressures Meet to sell her factory and demands an immediate decision. Sumeet overhears their conversation. Meanwhile, Manmeet arrives at Gunwanti’s ward and finds her attempting to commit suicide. Gunwanti pretends to cry and claims she doesn’t want to live with her disfigured skin anymore. Manmeet tries to reason with her, but she continues acting and insists that he leave.

Meet feels helpless in the face of Mahendra’s ultimatum. He interprets Meet’s silence as her unwillingness to sacrifice her factory, implying that they can let Jasodha

languish in jail. Reluctantly, Meet agrees to sign over the factory. Sumeet shouts that the factory is Meet’s dream and a sacred entity. However, Meet explains to Sumeet that family is paramount and nothing is more important. She states that she is prepared to sign, but on the condition that Gunwanti withdraws the police report she filed against Jasodha. Mahendra agrees and departs. Sumeet cries and embraces Meet. Manmeet asks Sarkar about Meet’s whereabouts. Meet arrives with Jasodha, leaving the children delighted. Meet indicates that she has brought Jasodha home, shocking everyone.

Sumeet and Raj are overjoyed to see Jasodha back and happily embrace her. Jasodha seeks Sarkar’s blessings by touching his feet. Manmeet instructs the children to go to their room and questions Meet about Mahendra and Gunwanti’s change of heart, as they were previously adamant about not reversing their decision. Meet lies, claiming that they are family and eventually came to understand. Manmeet is skeptical of her response. Sarkar expresses his disbelief, and Jasodha asserts that she gave birth to Mahendra and knows him well enough to understand that he has become consumed by greed and revenge. Thus, it is impossible for them to have agreed without any deal.

Manmeet implores Meet to look into his eyes, stating that he can discern when she is hiding something just by looking at her. Jasodha places Meet’s hand on Manmeet’s head, urging him to tell the truth. Meet falls silent, shocking them all. Shagun arrives with a model of the factory and mocks their situation. Manmeet questions her about her new drama. Shagun claims she has come to reveal the truth that Meet couldn’t. She presents papers signed by Meet, confirming the sale of the factory. Shagun declares that Meet has lost this time and leaves.

Jasodha picks up the papers and scolds Meet for her decision. She emphasizes that the factory was not only Meet’s dream but also the dream of all the women in the village. She asks Manmeet to make Meet understand that her decision is incorrect and that she should have allowed Jasodha to remain in jail. Angered, Manmeet storms out, and Meet follows him. She calms him down, and he expresses his disappointment regarding the factory, which was both Meet and Ahlawat’s dream. However, Meet asserts that family is more important and asks if he will support her decision. Manmeet agrees with Meet.

Everyone participated in the factory’s auction.
Meet pray to God and ask them to stop the auction. The documents fly away and land on a phone. Meet pick the documents and see Gunwanti’s selfie on the phone. Meet after seeing photos says Gunwanti is all okay she is just acting, I’ll bring Shagun and Gunwanti’s reality in front of everyone.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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