Categories: Meet

Meet 15th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Ahlawat hire goons

Meet 15th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manjari says to Meet Ahlawat whatever happened inside was just because Raj ask to do that’s why I hold your hand so don’t make it a behaviour because I don’t like if someone touch my hand. Meet Ahlawat says dad ask that’s why I hold your hand, I’m not that interested, I’m handling you because of dad. Manjari wipes her hand to tease him. He also teases her back.

Manjari doing pooja. Meet Ahlawat sleeping, he wakes up after listening pooja says this is Meet’s voice he rushes to look for her and see her helping Raj and singin for him. Meet Ahlawat thinks why don’t everyone see her true face.
Meet Ahlawat calls Hoshiyar says I need rented goonsand walk away. Masum hear him and says I have to tell Manushi about his plan.

Ram and Ragini doing calculation

for the arrengements and snacks for the guests. Ragini ask is it necessary to do so much of calculation. Raj says yes atleast we could know how much money we have to arrenge. Ragini get’s call from Barfi. Ragini greet her and ask how are you and are you coming tomorrow. Barfi yes I’ll come tomorrow with list of my relatives and I asked you to buy gifts for my relatives, don’t buy for them. Ragini ask why, but we will buy something for relatives. Barfi says don’t buy just get ready 20 envelope with 10,000/- in each. Manjari outside her room says I’ll ask Ragini if she want anything from market. Barfi says to Ragini my relative will buy anything whatever they feel like do you understand. Ragini says yes it will be done. Ragini says to Ram, Barfi want 20 envelope with 10,000/- in each. Ram says don’t worry I’ll handle it from office. Ragini ask what if Meet Ahlawat and Raj ask about that money, I think Barfi is getting more and more demanding for dowry, we should tell our family. Popat says to Manjari what are you doing here come fast we need yo ho to market and they walk away. Ram says no Ragini everyone is already in trouble and if Raj get to know about this he will say no for marriage you know he is against dowry. Ragini says but her demands are not right. Ram says yes it’s not right but I’m in favour of my daughter’s happiness and her happiness is in Deep, one time I already made her sad by taking her away from Deep, I want to give her all the happiness she deserve and I can pay anything for that, don’t worry we will make new list.

Manjari outside in market. Popat on call with her says did you buy my stuff. Manjari says let me buy for me first and disconnect call. Manjari walking but few Goons stop her and start misbehaving with her. Manjari get’s scared. Meet Ahlawat nearby watching them says now she will show her true face, he send a message to Hoshiyar saying you have send right goons good job. Hoshiyar read the message and call him he disconnects the call. Hoshiyar says to himself I didn’t send any goons.
Manushi says to Kunal those goons are send by me and they are not fake they are real because I also want to see what Meet Ahlawat wants, to show Manjaris true face. Kunal says what if she is not Meet Hooda so your goons will leave her. Manushi says they are goons you can’t predict them.

Manjari shouting for help. Meet Ahlawat thinks why is she not fighting. He gets call from Hoshiyar, he says I don’t know who they are those are not goons. Meet Ahlawat in shock says I’ll talk yo you later.

Barfi at Ahlawat’s house. Ragini and Isha with her along with all the envelopes. Barfi ask Isha what are you thinking do you want to my daughter in law or not, so come have sweet. Isha says I mostly avoid. Barfi says now a days girl’s just throw tantrums because they become fat and if you won’t eat anything you will get wear and I don’t like those kind of girls, so let’s talk clear, if you want to be my son’s wife then eat this whole ladoo in one go. Ragini says she will eat. Barfi says come I’ll give you by my hand, she hold her face ask to open mouth and put whole ladoo inside her mouth.

Goons trap Manjari in there warehouse and try to get close to her.

Barfi applauds her says you will stay happy if you obey me. Isha feeling uncomfortable because of ladoo. Ragini try to help her. Barfi stop her says wait let her suffer a bit, everyone have to face few uncomfortable condition in life and remember you have to give her ladoo daily one in morning and one in evening and make it a habit, this is your responsibility, tell me will it be done. Ragini says yes. Barfi says good now let’s talk about dowry there is an ritual in our family when a girl with her stuff we weigh both and if girl is heavy then the stuff we return that girl to her home. Ragini get’s scared. Barfi says don’t be scared these are th rituals of forefathers we have to follow them and ask Isha why are you so scared your mom and dad will handle everything, isent that right Ragini. Ragini says yes. Barfi says good and I’ll distribute these envelope among my relatives and ask Isha to touch her feets to take blessings and ask Ragini to give jer ladoo daily so that her weight get increased by 7-8 kg before marriage and she leaves.

Meet Ahlawat enter warehouse to save Manjari he fight with them. Everyone run away. He save Manjari and says you are safe. Hoshiyar walks to them says sorry those goons were not on time which you called but do you feom where did these real goon come from. Manjari get’s offended says do you still believe I’m your wife, you have crossed all your limits today. Meet Ahlawat says listen to me I’m sorry. Manjari says no it’s my mistake who come to help you, person like should you should be punished, you are stone hearted, now I understand why did your wife left you, you are world’s stubborn and selfish person, you don’t even love your family you just love your stubbornness, I hate you and pray to god that I may not see your face at all. Meet Ahlawat shouts yes I’m bad person but did you ever try to think why am I like this what happen to me

Manjari leaving house. Babita ask her to stop. Manjari says I won’t sto you he hired goons for me just to prove that I’m his wife, those goons misbehaved with me so, I don’t want to live in house where girls are not respected so I won’t wait anymore here for anyone and walk away.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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