Categories: Meet

Meet 15th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet learns truth about Gunwanti

Meet 15th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Everyone is getting ready for Meet’s factory bidding. Meet arrives, feeling disheartened as she thinks about Meet Ahlawat’s dream of having a factory run entirely by women. Manmeet notices Meet walking absentmindedly.

Mahendra brings Gunwanti back home, and she continues to act as if she is in pain. Sarkar and Jasodha express their disappointment towards them. Mahendra claims that by law, no one can ask them to leave the house. He forcefully pushes Sarkar’s wheelchair. Jasodha raises her hand to stop Mahendra, but he prevents her. Jasodha says that Meet will give Mahendra a fitting answer.

Manmeet calls out to Meet, but she keeps walking. Meet hugs Manmeet and breaks down. Manmeet encourages her, telling her that she cannot accept defeat and they will work hard to regain control

of the factory. Chanda arrives and advises Meet to reconsider her decision to sell the factory that she built with so much hard work. Chanda hands over the factory papers to Meet. The bidding for the factory’s price begins. Gunwanti looks at her photo, but it suddenly turns off, so she puts it on charge. Thinking that no one is watching her, Gunwanti quickly sneaks into the kitchen to eat halwa. Mahendra enjoys as people bid higher for the factory. Meet prays to God, asking for guidance on how to stop the bidding.

Meet returns home and places the factory papers in front of God and she prays for help in preventing Manmeet’s dream from shattering. Suddenly, the paper flies off and lands on Gunwanti’s phone. Meet notices Gunwanti’s photo on the ward without any burnt scars, realizing that Gunwanti was never burnt, and everything was just a charade. She decides that she needs to go and tell the truth to everyone. Meet suspects that Shagun might be behind this and thinks she needs to inform Manmeet about the truth. However, Manmeet’s phone is switched off, making it impossible for Meet to contact him.

Manmeet worries about why Meet hasn’t returned yet. Meet realizes that she needs to go to Anue and expose the truth to stop the bidding. However, while leaving, she accidentally drops Gunwanti’s phone into a bucket of water, causing it to stop working. Meet panics, realizing she must do something as she can’t let Shagun win. Shagun arrives at the factory bidding and taunts Manmeet, saying that his wife couldn’t bear to see her dream shattered, so she’s not present. Shagun keeps provoking Manmeet, but he manages to control his anger.

Meet takes a bowl of salt, thinking that it’s time to sprinkle salt on Gunwanti’s wounds. Chanda asks Manmeet if there’s no way to save Meet’s factory. Manmeet assures her that Meet won’t lose and leaves somewhere. Meanwhile, Meet goes to Gunwanti’s room with the salt, claiming that it’s medicine to relieve burns. Gunwanti allows her to apply it and mentions feeling better. Meet tricks Gunwanti into tasting the salt, shocking her. Meet exposes Gunwanti’s lie, and Gunwanti confesses that she was acting and had plotted against Jasodha. Gunwanti believes that Meet won’t be able to prove it. The inspector arrives hears everything and arrests Gunwanti.

Mahendra says now I have the biggest bid of 61crores, is there anyone would like to bid more. Manmeet and Meet rush in and shouts stop this auction. Mahendra says you two are late your factory is already sold. Meet breaks down and fall on ground.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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