Categories: Meet

Meet 15th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet and Meet Ahlawat finds Fraud Baba

Meet 15th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet and Meet Ahlawat looking for baby and Kamal. Meet Ahlawat says be careful thye could have weapons to attack us. They enter the room and see it’s empty. Meet Ahlawat says nobody is here now how we will find them. Meet says let’s search room for some clues and they start looking. Meet Ahlawat find a knife and lemon in drawer. Meet says after seeing this it’s clear they are superstitious.

Hoshiyar friends tell him about Laila. Barfi listening there conversation from distance. Hoshiyar says before I get angry go out. His friend says we will show you her picture tomorrow. Barfi says if anyone see the photo her reputation will be ruined I have to stop that. Barfi walks in says you were discussing about my daughter. Hoshiyar says don’t bother them. Barfi says your friends thinks

Neelu is bar dancer, she is not, you can go and check my daughter in her room is she same or you are still drunk. Hoshiyar says no need of that. Barfi says they are accusing my daughter thigs should be clear.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat look carefully for any cule. Meet find paper pieces on carpet. They attach them accordingly and see few numbers on paper. Meet suggest to talk on these number as Pooja and Kamal to find out about them.

Kamal and Pooja in market disguised as vegetable seller. They passing through the police. A police officer stop them.

Barfi show Isha reading book in bedroom. Hoshiyar friends get confused after seeing her. Barfi says look her she is my daughter Neelu do she look like Laila. Friends apologies to Barfi and leave. Isha ask Neelu why Amma ask her to sit in your clothes. Neelu says I hsve no idea.

Hoshiyar apologies to Barfi and leave. Hoshiyar also leave with them. Barfi thinks I believe they don’t have any doubt but I have to take care of situation.

Police officer stop them and ask why are you selling vegetable this late night. Kamal says we are going to a hotel. Inspector ask him about the name of hotel. Kamal get’s scared thinks I don’t know any hotel name.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat trying all the numbers.

Police checking his basket. Few people start arguing behind them. Kamal ask Pooja to leave quickly and they start walking.

Meet says this is last number she dial and someone puck the phone. A baba pick up the phone, he ask who is this. Meet says im Pooja, Kamla’s wife. Baba says I’m reaching the destination and the clothes of red colour and do you have all the necessary arrengements for sacrifice because we don’t have time we are only left with 30 minutes. Meet Ahlawat says Baba I’m Kamal where are you. He give his location. He says we will meet soon. Meet says we have to catch him in bazar gali to stop baby and they leave.

Hoshiyar brings smoothie for Masum. Masum says you were discussing about me right. Hoshiyar says it was boys talk. Masum ask then what Barfi was doing with you. Hoshiyar says her daughter was involved in our conversation so she was included. Masum get’s shocked says how Neelu was your friends topic of discussion. Hoshiyar says someone in calling me. Masum stop him and says tell what happen. Hoshiyar tell her about Laila and says now Barfi have cleared out the confusion. Masum thinks and connect the dot about Neelu’s behaviour. Masum says is everything connect and what is connection between Neelu and Laila.

Kamal and Pooja reach a location, take baby out from vegetable basket. Pooja says I’ll call Baba and check where he is. Pooja aays there is no network. Kamal says don’t worry he knows where to come till that time I’ll make arrengements you look after, after the sacrifice we will be able to have baby.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat looking for Baba in market. Meet hurt her leg.

Masum, Isha, Sunaina and Neelu together. Masum says we all will party tonight, it’s going to be girls night so let’s make some memories. Isha says I’ll always up for party, she invite Neelu say don’t tell to Amma about this. Sunaina says I’m ready. Masum says the dress code is western wear and she give dress to everyone. Neelu look at her dress says it’s so short I can’t wear this. Masum try to convince her to wear dress by using Meet Ahlawat. Neelu agree to wear dress, everyone leave to change. Masum thinks this party will be fun when I wll be able to prove Neelu is not they way she is.

Baba sit in auto and leave. Meet Ahlawat and Meet looking for Baba in red dress. They see Baba leaving in auto, they start chasing auto. Meet Ahlawat stops the auto, he brings Baba out and they start interrogating him.

Kamal and Pooja done with the arrengements for sacrifice.

Baba ask Meet to remove her hand. Meet Ahlawat try to scare him. Baba to everyone look how she is misbehaving with me. A man ask her to leave Baba. Meet says he is fraud, he is going to sacrifice a baby.

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Update Credit to: Tanaya


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