Categories: Meet

Meet 16th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Shanty turns the game again

Meet 16th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shanty asks Meet why does he hate her so much. Shanty says to Babita, I am your elder brothers son how did you believe that but you are not at fault because even Dad didn’t talk to me since then because he thinks I am creating differences between him and his sister. Babita says my bhaiji is facing so many issues, please talk to him Shanty, and get him here I want to apologise, and only then I will be at peace, Shanty says he won’t come you please come too. Babita says let’s go. Raj says Babita wait lets think once. Babita says not today, let’s go Shanty, Meet says please trust me I am not lying and Meet Ahlawat you trust me right, he leaves.

Raj says to Meet, if you have trust that you are right, don’t step back go to Meet Ahlawat do something that he doesn’t loose

trust in you.
Meet Ahlawat sits in his car and thinks Meet has changed.
Meet goes to his car and asks him to open door, Meet Ahlawat leaving, Meet seats in car forcefully. Meet Ahlawat says put seat belt, Meet says I won’t first talk, Meet Ahlawat keeps increasing volume so he doesn’t listen to her, Meet about to bang her head. Meet Ahlawat stops car and saves her. Meet says to him, you think I am lying. Meet Ahlawat says you can’t do it but, Meet says when you say you trust me then why this but. Meet gets call so she walks out. Meet Ahlawat leaves.

Meet reaches home in an auto and sees Meet Ahlawat’s car and sees Shanty’s car too.
Meet Ahlawat walks in greet Abhay. Babita says pandit gave the date of marriage after 7days. Abhay says it’s to early we won’t get time to make arrengements. Meet Ahlawat says to him we shouldn’t delay it even Shnaty and Isha will also get time to know eachother and I apologise to your for everything happen and we promise this won’t happen again. Abhay says what are you saying we are family, it’s okay. Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet says I need to talk to you and take her outside
Meet says what are you there still some left stop this relation from happening, do you think I’m lying and falsely accusing him. Meet Ahlawat says yes I believed you when I car but when you were talking on your wireless then you got a call from unknown number and you know who it was, it was Deep and I know you meet him, but still you didn’t told me now you stop hiding things for me, I know you wanted Isha to get married to Deep that’s why you are accusing him and everyone was in shock, they are waiting inside if you want to fulfill your duty for family please do or don’t make any new mess in any ritual please and walks inside.

Babita doing pooja of Shanty. Meet walks to them and says it’s my right to do pooja of him, if nobody have any problem so can I do. Raj says okay you can do it and Babita to give him thali. She give and walk away. Meet says to Shanty I have to do tilak so for that please come forward and says whispers to him forget that thought of taking Isha to your home in next 7 days I’ll bring out the truth about you. Shanty says time will tell, let me tell you one thing I’m Scorpio and it will be dangerous for you so stay away from this Scorpio. Meet Ahlawat walks to them. Babita ask what are you talking. Meet says nothing. Shanty says finally she has accepted me and was saying she is so happy and congratulating me. Abhay says to Babita don’t worry they were just getting along and threaten Meet. Meet says I understood very well everything. Babita says to Abhay let’s discuss for tomorrow function. Meet Ahlawat thinks I know that smile she is thinking of something, I’m worried about that.

Meet Ahlawat ash her will you tell me what is going on in your mind. Meet says what do you mean. Meet Ahlawat says I know that cunning smile so tell me what are you planning against Shanty. Meet says sush and don’t say anything just look at me with love and start playing with Meet Ahlawat, she takes money from his wallet. Meet Ahlawat says this much love and less of money why so. Meet says if next time you leave me somewhere so I should have money now listen remember one thing this should not repeat again. Meet Ahlawat says tell me one thing are you going to create a problem in tomorrow’s function. Meet says problem don’t know if it’s been created by Mr or Mrs. Meet Ahlawat and you are forgetting one thing I solve problem and run away. Meet Ahlawat says she confused me now.

Masum says what do you mean you allowed Meet to do pooja of Shanty but why. Ragini says Meet changed her mind. Babita says yes she did everything nobody forced her. Masum says you forget everything how Meet disrespected Shanty how are you gusy so dumb. Ragini says if she had any problem with relation then why she wouyhave done Pooja. Raj says I think she realised her mistake and want to tell everyone she is sorry and I think we should give her chance. Masum says okay fine if you think then, I just hope she don’t make any new drama.
Meet walks in. Babita talking about the decoration and each and every details of program. Masum says your idea is good but I think we should do something different remember how my friends husband proposed her, he put ring in her drink and then he proposed. Ragini says what if Isha gulp the ring with drink no I cannot take risk. Sunaina says after all Isha like fruit juice. Ram says let’s do it normally. Raj says this idea is risky I think we should do something that everyone remember. Masum says yes this should be memorable and bring out the attention of everyone just like our Meet who takes all the attention. Meet says this is right, I have an idea for that I need a thread. Ragini ask Sunaia to brind. Meet take the thread and ask Meet Ahlawat to bring your hand forward and take one rupee coin too she tie to it and other end of thread she throws it on first floor and go there. Masum says now you will pull bhai up. Meet says no I’ll send my trust down and send the ring through the thread and it goes pits perfectly in his finger.

Babita ask Meet Ahlawat do Meet have really accepted Shanty or she is. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry she won’t do anything she has accepted him.

Meet raids a dance bar says nobody will move. Shanty looks at Meet and get shocked. Meet says you have saved my 6 days and kick him to stop him from running and says come everyone is waiting to see your real face.s

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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