Categories: Meet

Meet 16th October 2021 Written Episode Update : Raj ask Meet to have patience

Meet 16th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raj says to Meet I cannot forget this favour. Meet says stop on one side you called me daughter and other side say thankyou there is nothing more important than my family. Raj says you have a big heart in comparison to your small hair. Meet says then you have more big heart according to your logic that’s why I call you “bade dil wale uncle” and tell me why aren’t you asleep till yet. Raj says I’m going to make tea with sugar. Meet says tea at this time. Raj says say politely or you will tell everyone. Meet says you also don’t see time like me. Raj says there is no specific time to drink tea and from now you are my tea partner and they both shook hands.

Raj and Meet in kitchen making tea. Raj says to Meet I know I did wrong by asking you marry my son, you have to

live with strength. Meet says I have strength but I cannot do make-up like other girls I don’t have knowledge to wear proper clothes I’m like chain in leather bag, I’m like extra grass in garden which don’t fit anywhere. Raj says did you see ever tea garden if you see from far they look like grass only but when you cook you get to know about its flavour and taste its like medicine and you are also like medicine if anyone say something to our parents then its okay to react, beauty is not in doing makeup its about your feeling and being truth and I think you are perfect and beautiful but my son will take time to understand and till that you have to wait.

Meet Ahlawat in guest room trying to sleep but someone touches him he gets up from bed scared and shouts who’s there and looks at girl. Girl says hi to him. Meet Ahlawat says Chavi you, when you came. Chavi says I came few minutes before but what are you doing in my room, you came to meet me. Meet Ahlawat says you room means. Chavi says this is guest room and I’m guest but why aren’t you in your room, you just got married, you are tormenting your new wife hut today is your honeymoon. Meet says who told you. Chavi says whole city knows about Ahlawat’s family function.

Raj says to Meet consider this as your exam, you are preparing for that and one day you eill get the result of your exam keep this in mind that you have to fight and win this, I have dream that when people see you both and says they are an idol couple and you have to fulfill my dream. Meet says you are a pure business man, signed a big deal just by saying me son. Raj says I made tea for you and says you should be happy always.

Meet Ahlawat says to Chavi I’m extremely sorry I didn’t know you are in this room and try to get out of room. Masum come and says you met Chavi she was asking about you since she came so I told her he might be slept. Chavi says Meet Ahlawat didn’t feel good so came to meet me. Meet Ahlawat says to Chavi I didn’t know she is here already I came to take books. Masum says you came with pillow to take book and snatches pillow from him and says Chavi came here specially for you because she want to learn worn and will be with you 24×7 okay. Meet Ahlawat goes out.
Chavi says to Masum I cannot do work don’t ask me to do that. Masum says relax Chavi come sit and listen work is an excuse so that you can spend time with Meet and you become close to him now listen to me carefully my brother don’t like that girl with whom he got married and he doesn’t like to see her face too, his heart is broken and you have to stick his heart with your beauty and style. Chavi gets up in excitement says and become Mrs. Ahlawat. Masum says clever girl. Chavi says you think I’m clever, my mom thinks I’m not that clever and do you think Meet Ahlawat will spend night with that girl. Masum says no way this cannot happen.

Meet Ahlawat walks in his room. Meet sees Meet Ahlawat and remember what Raj said to him earlier. Meet Ahlawat closes door and sit on chair.
Sunaina holding Ragini hand and taking her. Ragini stops her and says first trll where are you taking me. Sunaina says few minutes back our Meet Ahlawat took is pillow and went outside of his room. Ragini says don’t know when he will accept her. Sunaina says he will accept because few minutes back he went inside his room with that pillow.

Meet Ahlawat applying cream on him. Meet walks to him and says you went outside but you came back did you left something. Meet Ahlawat says this is my room and its my wish if I want to come in or go out who are you to tell me. Meet says you did that by your own wish I never ask you to do anything, you are such a confused man. Meet Ahlawat says excuse me why are you so curious about me let me do my night routine I don’t want any stress. Meet sees him doing his routine and says you are doing like girls its alright because cream and powder dosent know if a girl is using them or boy, Manu also use to do same thing, you are like Manushi. Meet Ahlawat gets up. Meet says to herself why did you say anything can’t sit quiet, I made him sad after taking Manu’s name.

Manushi in room applying cream. Kunal walks to her and says baby you are already beautiful so why are you doing this, whatever you are doing please do fast look how romantic night it is and I don’t wanna waste it. Manushi says first you go and freshen up then we will spent this romantic night. Kunal says okay and gets call from and unknown number and thinks who might be it and picks up. Goon from other side says when we called you from new number you picked it. Kunal says what are you talking uncleji. Goon says we have your hotel name and room number, if you want we don’t beat you then come and meet us in hitel parking. Kunal says I’ll there uncleji. Manu asks who called you. Kunal says dad’s manager called me he came downstairs want to discuss something important so will be right back. Mansays wait Kunal listen ask your manager to give your father a message that we want to come home please take me your home and I want to service my in law’s please take me. Kunal says I’ll talk.

Meet asks Meet Ahlawat which side you’ll sleep. Meet Ahlawat ask what do you mean. Meet says earlier you were single so was able to sleep anywhere on bed but now you are married so please decide you side. Meet Ahlawat says you need bed all yours I’ll sleep on sofa.
Sunaina says I’ll go and check what’s happening. Ragini stops her and says what you wanna see. Sunaina says I just wanna see what’s going own between them. Masum come and says peeking through someone’s privacy is not a good thing. Sunaina says this has happened to everyone and we also know everyone was listing. Masum says this happen in normal wedding and there is nothing normal in this wedding and nothing will be happing inside. Ragini says to Masum a show is been telicast every morning called as think positive you should also see with us daily. Chavi standing there says I’ll see that show. Masum give chavi cold look and she says no I’ll not see. Ragini says by watching that you will have positive thoughts daily we are positive that anything can happen.

Meet Ahlawat trying to adjust on sofa. Meet watching his struggle. Meet Ahlawat falls from sofa and shouts. Everyone heard him falling. Chavi says it was Meet Ahlawat and walks toward his room. Ragini and Sunaina says what happen to him.
Meet Ahlawat gets up and says why did you shout. Meet says because you shout.
Masum says to Ragini, Sunaina and Chavi there is an height of imagination and my brother don’t like to see her. Sunaina says but thigs changes after marriage when two people live in same room. Ragini says didn’t you heard.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet this is my room so this bed is also mine I’ll sleep here you can go on sofa. Meet says you are so much confused person and what is this my room and all chachiji told me this room is mine too and who sleeps on sofa in there room. Meet Ahlawat gets in bed and says do whatever you want to do I’ll sleep here. Meet says I’ll also sleep here. All four outside room trying to hear what’s going on inside through door. Meet and Meet Ahlawat arguing over light they both turn around Meet says who sleeps with light on. Meet Ahlawat says I’m scared that’s why I need some light. Meet Ahlawat gets up and says I cannot sleep beside you I remember something bad. Meet gets uo and says I have solution for this. Meet Ahlawat says that’s what I was saying go sleep on sofa. Meet says shut up do you understand things or not, I need a hammer. Meet Ahlawat gets scared and says why do you need. Meet says I will be needing rope and nails too. Meet Ahlawat gets out if bed and ask why do you need. Meet says this is gour house you must be knowing where are all things so go and bring them. Meet Ahlawat says first tell me what you’ll do. Meet says you don’t want to see my face I promise you’ll not see ky face now go and bring. Meet Ahlawat sure he go and open door if his room Sunaina, Ragini, Masum and Chavi falls in Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says what’s this Chavi says hi to him. Meet Ahlawat shouts and says move to Chavi he gets up and ask everyone what you all are doing here. Ragini walks to Meet and ask why are you standing on bed.

Meet hammering on wall. Meet Ahlawat talks to himself says people are right you imagined her with hammer and thata happening. Meet falls while installing curtain Meet Ahlawat catches her

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet from yesterday I have saved you two times I have other works to do so please don’t make this as your habit

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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