Categories: Meet

Meet 16th October 2022 Written Episode Update : Masum tries to trick Neelam

Meet 16th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet scolds Baba and says this man was going to sacrifice a baby, he is in human, he tricked a couple in believing that sacrificing a baby will give them a baby boy. Baba denies and says I have divine powers and I will prove myself. Meet Ahlawat says he is liar the baby there is in problem. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat we can’t harm him calm down people believe him and not us.

Isha and Sunaina partying in their room. Sunaina says Masum organised this party where is she. Masum walks in and says I have our next member too. Neelam walks in and says I am very awkward. Isha says chill, you are looking very pretty just relax. Sunaina makes drink and gives it to Neelam and says this will free you. Neelam says Masum Di I don’t drink, Masum says okay I will get you juice. Isha plays music. Sunaina

tries to dance with Neelam. Masum adds alcohol in Neelam’s drink and thinks this will bring Laila out. Neelam has the juice.

Kamal and Pooja make preparations for the sacrifice, they tie the baby in a cradle and hang it. Kamal sees Pooja is worried and says don’t worry Babaji will be here soon.

Babaji takes a coconut says mantra and says I have trapped negativity in this coconut and when this coconut will break all negativity will go away. Meet Ahlawat whispers he is just fooling around. A man break coconut and see red water. Everyone believes in Baba’s magic. Meet falls in Babaji’e feet and says please forgive me, I believe in you, and signs Meet Ahlawat to join. Meet Ahlawat falls in Babaji’s feet and removed an injection and red water bottle from his bag.

Masum takes Neelam to her room. Masum says to her Meet Ahlawat loves girls in western dress, you should buy more and buy from the same shop you bought silver dress. Neelam says it wasn’t mine. Masum says cmon we are friends and friends don’t keep secrets. Neelam says I don’t have any secrets. Masum thinks God looks like she needs more alcohol and gives her water and adds alcohol in it. Masum insists Neelam in having it, Neelam keeps denying. Masum keeps forcing her, Neelam pushes her away and Masum hurts her head. Neel turns into Laila, Barfi walks in switches off lights and take Neelam away.

Meet says to Babaji with your blessings I have divine powers too, and picks coconut and says mantra and asks a man to break it again, he breaks it and sees red water. All start believing in Meet and Babaji and cheer their name. Meet shows everyone how she turned water red and shows injection. Meet calls Baba a murderer, Crowd gets angry and start beating Babaji.
Kamal gets annoyed and says looks like Babaji won’t come in time.

Masum switches on the light, Barfi walks to her and threatens her. Barfi says to her, if you try forcing Neelam again, I won’t spare you, Masum says have you seen your daughter, she pushed me so hard. Barfi says I pushed you, and if you try doing something again I will make your life hard and leaves.
Masum says am I drunk, that I didn’t understand that Barfi pushed me.

Meet stops everyone and says we need to save the child first, police will punish him. Police walk to them and asks Babaji where is baby, Babaji gives location and says it will take 20 min.

Kamal says to Pooja you will give birth to a baby boy because we will sacrifice this baby today.
Babaji tells Meet that Kamal will sacrifice definitely because he knows the procedure.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat start finding the old house in forest. Meet says that Meet Ahlawat lets separate and find. Meet Ahlawat says I can’t see you in danger again, I don’t want that feeling where I would be loosing you. Meet says don’t worry I won’t leave you so soon, you like me or not I will always will be with you, lets go find the child.

Kamal says to Pooja, we soon will sacrifice the baby and we will be pregnant with boy, do you know what to do. Pooja says yes turn yhe cradle and baby will fall into fire and will be sacrificed. Meet and Meet Ahlawat find a house and they start looking for baby.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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