Categories: Meet

Meet 16th September 2023 Written Episode Update: Shlok in shock after seeing his wanted poster.

Meet 16th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

A Pakistani inspector is harassing an Indian guy, demanding that he insult India as much as possible because Pakistan lost a cricket match. When the person refuses to comply, the inspector brutally beats him with a bat. Shlok and Akki are confused as they see everyone breaking their televisions after Pakistan’s defeat. The inspector continues to beat the Indian guy mercilessly, ultimately killing him. A constable shows Shlok’s photo, identifying him as an Indian who entered their territory, and says his pictures will be displayed on the walls of Karachi. Shlok looks worried.

Sumeet questions the foreign minister about the false information being spread about Shlok. The minister confirms that Pakistan received information from an Indian source, labeling Shlok as a spy. Secretary shows

the photo of person to minister says Pakistan killed our Indian guy by proving him spy. Sumeet is shocked when she sees a photo of the guy who was killed in Pakistan earlier. She goes to console the deceased man’s wife, whom she had met before. Sumeet becomes increasingly concerned about Shlok. Shlok is in the same place as the Pakistani inspector, trying to hide his face. The inspector walks by him but misses seeing his face. Shlok is left stunned when he sees posters of himself on walls, branding him as an Indian spy.

Shlok worries about the posters plastered everywhere and how he can safely return home. Sumeet is determined to bring Shlok and Akki back from Pakistan, even if it means going there herself. She overhears a group of Indian artists talking about their plans to visit Pakistan and asks them to help her obtain a visa as well. They watch the news about the brutal killing of an Indian man in Pakistan and are shocked. Raj consoles the Chowdhury family and assures them to trust Sumeet; she will surely bring back Shlok and Akki safely. Shlok fears for his life if anyone recognizes him.

While on a call, Shlok learns that all calls to India are being monitored. He wonders how to communicate with his family without getting caught. Akki mentions that he’s hungry. Shlok finds one of Sumeet’s earrings in his pocket and reminisces about their moments together. He realizes that even though she’s not with him physically, she is still with him in spirit. Sumeet believes that Shlok is safe wherever he is. One of the guys from the artists’ group backs out of the Pakistan trip. They need someone to play the dhol, Sumeet volunteers to take his place, as she can play it well.

The band members discuss their plans, while a man on the street shows Shlok’s poster to the inspector, claiming to have seen him around. The inspector announces to the crowd that Shlok’s pictures are everywhere and urges them not to let him escape alive. The crowd becomes enraged and vows not to let Shlok survive. Sumeet plays the dhol, impressing the band members who are going to Pakistan. She explains her situation to them, emphasizing her desire to bring her husband back safely.

Precap: Driver says to Pakistani inspector these documents are legal they aren’t you allowing us to pass. Inspector says you don’t have documents of God’s Idol, till the time I don’t get the documents none of you can cross the border. Sumeet says this is our God and they don’t have any papers. Inspector says if you believe they are your God then pray to them to find a way for you to cross the border.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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