Categories: Meet

Meet 17th January 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet in shock after seeing Manmeet

Meet 17th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

A goon hit Meet with stick. Bulldozer heading towards wall to break it. Manmeet stop bulldozer with tractor and walk toward meet he pick her up and make her sit on his head. Chanda looks at Manmeet says how is this possible he was dead during attack. Goons try to run away. Manmeet mocks them. Meet and Manmeet beat them together. Other ladies help them to defeat goons. Manmeet put her down. Meet turn to thanks him, she in shock after looking at Manmeet and remember her time with Meet Ahlawat. She staring him continuously. Manmeet ask her what happen to you why are you starting, he looks at her hand says come with me you need medical care.

Manmeet applying ointment on her bruses. Meet staring at him continuously. Manmeet says I don’t understand are you boy or girl, you fought with them alone. Meet

ask who are you. He introduce himself as wrestler and ask her do you like to have some lassi.

Sarkar with his wife in room. Sarkar ask Jasodha to break her oath and have food. Jasodha remember her oath and says she challenged us on our land. Sarkar says give me 10 days I’ll clear out everything and I promise she will rub her nose infront of you don’t worry.

Manmeet pour lassi for her and himself. He drink lassi and encourage her to drink too. Meet drink lassi and start crying. Manmeet get’s tensed give her water to drink. Meet run away from him.

Babita in shock after seeing Manmeet and thinks about inviting him to meet Meet. Meet standing at door says no, nobody will invite him, I know her looks like him but he is not my Meet Ahlawat, his memories are still fresh in me and my dream is to fulfill Meet Ahlawat’s dream and make that factory.

Jasodha banging domg. Every women come out of room. Jasodha ask everyone to bring out there favourite clothes, your makeup because before 10 days this mansion will be decorated. One of her daughter in law ask is someone getting married. Jashoda says yes a new daughter in law will be coming that too within 10 days.

Meet in her room trying to sleep, she remembers her meeting with Manmeet, Meet get’s up says I don’t want to remember him, why is his face coming infront of me again and again, she take Meet Ahlawat’s photo gets emotional says nobody else can take your place in my heart.

Meet in village trying to start her bike. Manmeet stop her and try to talk to her and scolds her for her behaviour. Meet apologies to him and ask her to go away. Manmeet take out Keys of her bike and says first tell me. Meet get’s irritated and slaps him.

Jasodha with one of her daughter in law outside temple. She ask her about new daughter in law.
Meet, Manmeet and Chanda outside temple. Meet hankie fly away with air from her head. Chanda says now how we will enter inside temple without covering head.
Jasodha with new duppata in her plate says now our new daughter in law enter our home wearing this duppata. Duppata fly away with air, Manmeet hold it and cover Meet’s head. Jasodha look at it says duppata has reached it’s destination.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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