Categories: Meet

Meet 17th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Ahlawat calls a photographer for Meet

Meet 17th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Babita says to Meet share me details I’ll look for arrengements. Meet says you don’t need to worry, hospital will arrange everything they have assistant with them, don’t take any trouble after after delivery kid will come here only. Masum says to Meet do you know cost of personal assistant. Meet says yes but mom’s work is more important, it will cost around 1 to 2 crore but you will be able to flex a lot among your friends, I already printed application form you can sign it. Babita get’s angry says enough what has happen to you. Meet says I’m just asking for the best for kid. Babita says for that I have appointed best hospital and doctor in Chandigarh. Meet says what best your every friend must have gone there, I just want everything best for my kid, he must be treated like

king which will be available in America’s hospital. Meet Ahlawat says according to our standard it’s perfect. Meet says but it’s not number one hospital. Babita says you are talking about luxury tell me what do you got in your home, you use to do delivery job, I never saw a servant at your home and you want personal attended. Meet says now I’m Ahlawat’s daughter in law why won’t I brag about it and now I have grown a lot things have changed. Babita says sorry I don’t agree, if human forgets his root with time he is not a human you are doing wrong and I don’t want to argue with you because after listening you I think you don’t need us and our ordinary city hospital so it’s okay, I would like to give you advice, it’s good to aim for best but there is not limit for best thing this world is full of it but the love which we get from our family we won’t get that from anywhere and she leaves.

Meet Ahlawat says you have to take initiative because you are young so you have to apologise to Mom because she is hurt, everyone is so excited for our baby, you just take care of yourself and whole family is here to take care of our kid. Meet says I know everyone is excited but mom. Shyam knocks on door and says Raj has called you both. Meet Ahlawat says okay we will be there soon.

Babita says to Raj, today Meet hurt me a lot, you know how I’m taking care of her and telling her what to do in pregnency and today she said that she don’t need anyone from this family. Raj says I cannot believe Meet has demanded this much. Babita says Meet told me on my face she don’t want me to come with her to Newyork. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walks in. Meet says I apologise for what I said and you were right about my job and we didn’t have any servant so I only have to do whole work after job, I didn’t have AC too but what I had was my mom’s love and I felt that so much good, it feels like I’m the richest girl who gets all the love from her mom, I’m still t same kind of girl. Masum walks in and says that’s why and ordinary girl like you want to go Newyork for your delivery right. Meet says no Masum I don’t have wish and says to Babita you were right on best thing there are to many but nothing can beat love from family. Masum says why are you repeating mom. Meet says because same love my mom wanted to give me. Babita remembers what she said to Anubha. Meet says I know we are not rich but my mom won’t let us live in any pain, she will try her best to comfort at, I know mom don’t have lot of money but she saved her money and booked city hospital and she also choose the same doctor the one you have chosen, all the luxurious things I asked was just to prove my mom’s pain, when you said no to my mom she got said and lied to me. Raj says to Babita now you understood why she was demanding so much. Masum says you demanded everything on purpose to favour your mom and says to Babita don’t permit her to go to her house. Meet says I don’t want to hurt you mom but any girl cant see her family being disrespected. Masum says so you are taking revenge from your in-laws. Meet says it’s not like that I know you won’t think bad for me, you are always worried about me and you have given so much love to me, I swear I love both of my mom so much but where I’ll deliver my baby shouldn’t be decided on status, if you think I should not go then I won’t but I want to know one thing why girls are been accused of the fact that they favour there blood relation more, why don’t people understand for a girl both places are same. Babita says I don’t know but yes I promise you, you are my daughter in law and from now on nobody will point finger at you and won’t blame you for anything, I understand how you feel, today Anubha requested me to take you with her but I never thought about you and your mom’s feeling, I straight away said no, I never thought for a moment that she gave birth to you, please forgive me and making me realise no mom is rich or poor, every mom love her kid a lot and it cannot be bought, whatever I did I’m sorry, I give right to you, it’s your decision where you want to deliver your baby and I’ll respect your decision, if you are happy we are happy. Raj says that’s right. Babita hugs Meet. Shyam walks in and says photographer is here. Meet Ahlawat says okay and says to Meet I have called a professional photographer for your pregnancy photo.

Meet, Meet Ahlawat and Masum walks downstairs. Meet says they look so fit. Meet Ahlawat says yes she take good care of her body and her diet too just like me. Tej tells her here are your clients. Meet Ahlawat ask what are you doing. Tej says your friend told that she can do better plank then me so I took challenge and Tej fall down. Meet Ahlawat and Taniya hug and greet eachother with lots of joy. Meet Ahlawat introduce Taniya to everyone says she was with me in UK and now she is well known photographer. Taniya greets everyone. Taniya says you know what is the cool thing in your family you and your wife have same name, everyone must be confused everytime while taking your name, you know when in college he use to fat that’s why I call him Golu and you know he use to be with girls in college especially me and then she apologize to Meet. Meet says no worries. Taniya says let’s talk about photoshoot and tell everyone how they will decide location, props and everything. Taniya says to Meet you won’t be able to travel a lot because of your condition so I’ll be travelling with your husband a lit so you don’t have nay problem from that. Meet says no I don’t have. Taniya says so can I take him out because I already have decided few locations and when we will get tired Meet Ahlawat will surely take me to a coffee like always. Meet Ahlawat says yeah why not. Meet says go live your life Meet Ahlawat and they leave. Hoshiyar ask Meet why did you let him go with Taniya. Masum says she is really hot, you must be careful for that. Meet says don’t worry.

PreCap: Tej says to Meet you should not leave the house look at them what if you went to Shabaadh and you husband get close to his crush then.
Babita apologies to Anubha for her behaviour and says I was so lost that I forgot that a mom can take good care of her son.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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