Categories: Meet

Meet 19th December 2022 Written Episode Update: Police arrest Meet Ahlawat in case of Neelam’s murder

Meet 19th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat and Meet infront of temple. Meet get’s call from Dadi. Meet aak her how are you. Dadi saya I’m good just got some cold Banaras, she says I have news for you, Manushi is going to get married, the boy is lawyer she meet him in jail, she told him everything and still he is ready to be with her. Meet remembers everything and ask when did she come out of jail. Dadi says she will be out after one month, I know she hurt you a lot but I’ll feel good if you come and attend the function and remember one thing this invitation is for you not your family. Meet Ahlawat says you should go to Dadi and help her for all the arrengements she will feel good.

Ragini packing bag see her family photo. Ram standing beside her says please wait I can’t live without you, I’ll be alone

without you and cry. Ragini says I don’t know will I be able to forgive you, she I feel like meeting our daughter Isha so can we both and Ishani can go to meet her in US. Ram says we all will go and meet her.

Meet at her home doing arrengements. Dadi shouting at everyone to make make the arrengements. Meet remember how Meet Ahlawat handled the situation alone and drop light bulb. Dadi walks to her and scold says are you out of your mind or something. Meet says I’m fine and she slips while coming down through ladder. Dadi get’s scared but Meet Ahlawat catch her. Meet ask what are you doing here. Meet Ahlawat says whenever you need me I’ll be here. Meet Ahlawat greet Dadi. Dadi says to Meet stay alert see uninvited guests should not come inside. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry nobody will come and make fun of her. Meet says to him you are here to convince dadi. Meet Ahlawat says yes but while on the way I changed my mind and thought of doing naughty business with you, I tried a lot to distract me but was unable so I came for you. Meet says first convince Dadi then come to me. Meet Ahlawat says I forgot to tell you something while coming here I went to hospital and Anubha is recovering good. Meet says you take good care of my mom. Meet Ahlawat says let me convince dadi then we will talk later.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat have this lassi and cool down. Meet Ahlawat says I’m trying to tell him arrenge properly but he kept these pillow and run away. Meet says says you know this is your problem keep calm or else you will get in problem. Meet Ahlawat says no worries you will bring me out of problem. Meet says I’m not impressed what you did yesterday what if Barfi denied for everything. Meet Ahlawat says I would have murdered her. A man walks in says killing someone is serious crime. Meet ask who are you. Dadi walks in says come inside Anurag and introduce him to everyone. Meet and Meet Ahlawat greets him. Anurag says my work is to punish the murders. Dadi ask where is your family. He aays the are coming.

Dadi begin with the ceremony and complete it says when Manushi will be here we will the ring ceremony too. Anurag says my mom want to say something. Mom says we have few demands and ask her son to say. Anurag says let’s dance and have some fun. Dadi says I’ll also dance don’t worry. Anurag’s mom says let’s start with her sister and her husband.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet dancing. Anurag join them. Police enter and call Meet Ahlawat. Meet ask what happen. He says we have search warrant against Meet Ahlawat we need to check his car. Meet reads it and ask what happen. He says let us check his car only then we can find out and ask for key’s. Anurag give keys to him. Everyone walks out. Inspector ask Meet Ahlawat open trunk and see dead body of Neelam. Inspector ask to arrest him and says we checked all thw footage of hospital and we saw him entering and going out of hospital even we got video where he threatens Neelam to kill and this proves Meet Ahlawat killed Neelam. Meet says no he can’t do this, there is some misunderstanding he cannot kill someone and ask him tell me did you kill her. Meet Ahlawat in shock says do you trust me, I didn’t kill her I have no idea how her dead body come in my car. Meet says I trust you don’t worry. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not connected to this murder I do went to hospital to make her video so Barfi stop the auction of our house, try to believe me. Inspector put him inside car. Meet says don’t worry I’ll bring you out of this situation. Police take Meet Ahlawat with him. Meet says to Dadi he did nothing I know him very well.

Meet says to Anurag you are one if the best criminal lawyer so I want you to fight my husband’s case. Anurag says I’m ready to fight the case.
Judge ask where is lawyer from defence side. Anurag walks in says I’m prosecutor lawyer and I’ll fight from Barfi Devi side. Everyone in shock.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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