Categories: Meet

Meet 1st June 2022 Written Episode Update: Babita scolds Meet

Meet 1st June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in garden. Meet says to him from now on I’ll get ready for you. Meet Ahlawat ask are you comfortable for doing all this for me. Meet says if you want to listen truth, this is difficult for me but I’ll try to be like you want. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll try something for you, he remove her hair pin and remove her wig. Meet says you were liking that so why did you remove wig. Meet Ahlawat says because I like the way you look, you are beautiful as you look. Meet ask really. He says yes and says you know I remember a poem on our situation and make fun of her in poem. Meet get’s angry. He apologies to Meet and says nothing is more beautiful then you. Meet says I’m sorry for troubling you. He says you should be, you know I thought you were getting ready to get married.

Meet says if you not then I’m not, you are special fir me and I can do anything for you, I’m because of you and she hugs him.

Next morning. Babita bring kesar milk for Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat reading book on new born. Babita says you are getting smart. Meet Ahlawat says this milk is my favourite and he gets excited. Babita ask where is Meet, he says she is downstairs, Babita says you know I don’t believe that you are going to be a father and I can guarantee you will be the best father. He says best father is Dad and I want to grow my child like he made he us. Babita says don’t worry you will be like your father, understanding and caring but listen I’m have no issues with you but I’m not sure about your wife don’t know will she be great mom I’m worried about her, she don’t think before taking any step but a mom always think for her kid first she takes step accordingly to her child, be calm after that only kid feel safe and be healthy but our daughter in law don’t have any patience, I know you won’t like me talking but I was worried about it. Meet Ahlawat says no it’s great I like that you shared with me, I was also trying to think about same. Babita says don’t worry we are here to take care of her don’t worry I also told Meet that she can take my or Ragini help anytime.

Anubha congratulate Babita for becoming grandmother. Babita also congratulate her. Anubha says I’m so excited for Meet and I also made food for her her favourite ladoo, I know it’s hard to believe that Meet is going to be mother but you truth is she got all this happen just because of family like you, it’s true that girls become calm after marriage

Meet walks downstairs and ask Duggu what are you doing. Duggu says I was practising badminton but my shuttle cock got stuck. Meet says be like Superman and grab your shuttle cock. Duggu says please help me don’t make fun. Meet take stool, she stand on it to grab shuttle cock.

Babita says sorry Anubha but your girl is not calm, please don’t take it in wrong way, you taught her sell how to be a son but you didn’t taught her to be a woman, your daughter didn’t change, I would have really appreciated if you would have brought some responsibilities for your daughter then gift. Anubha ask her what is the problem, did she do something wrong. Babita says not till now but you daughter is careless, she should know all the responsibility of being mom, she is having a new life inside her and she need to take good care for her kid and in future she has to be more careful and she should be careful about this from now. Anubha says don’t worry I’ll talk to her where is she.

Duggu says to Meet should I call Meet Manu because he is boy. Meet says your shuttle cock doesn’t who took her out a boy or girl, pass me that racket. Babita and Anubha walks to Meet and make her get down of stool. Babita ask Duggu to call Mani kaka he will help him and send her inside. Babita scolds Meet for her actions. Meet ask what happen why are you scolding me. Babita says did you forget that you are pregnant how can you forget that come inside and Anubha also to come in.

Everyone inside, Babita scolding Meet for her actions and says I made her clear yesterday how to behave but she don’t listen, she says to Meet we are not your enemy listen to us and complaint about her to Anubha. Babita says even animal know how to take care of there baby, I’m scared for her. Meet apologies to Babita. Babita says we all love you a lot that’s why we are trying to make you understand things, we all are related to your kid so please understand that and keep it save, now go and spend some time with your mom. Meet get’s excited and go to Anubha. Babita says to Meet I just yold you to walk slowly please try to understand and walk slowly. Meet walks slowly. Meet saree get stuck in table, Babita asl her to stop and remove her saree from table and says that’s why I was saying be careful. Meet says this happen because I was walking slow it won’t have stuck if I was walking fast. Babita you should know because child can hear everything so think before you speak, if you want to be good mom so stop being extra smart. Anubha says don’t worry Babita I’ll explain her everything and they both leave.

Meet and Anubha in room. Anubha says I know Babita would be difficult for you. Meet says no mom she was trying to make me understand, you tell me what all you brought for me and she start having ladoo and says Dadi tell me about your business I feel proud for that my mom can live her life on her terms. Anubha says you can’t hide your pain from your mother. Meet get’s emotional hugs her and says I know I’m different from girls and from the time I get to know about bein pregnant I feel different it’s like we do everything together, I even talk to kid, you know whenever I think about being a good mother I always see your face, I also want to give same love to my kid as you gave it to me, tell me how can I get that responsibility. Anubha says it’s not like this, you have given priority to relation then anything, why do you have doubts about that, you know how did I became good mother because I had trust in my kids and you will also be a good morning I believe that, I know you are different but you will get motherhood in you, I understand you might be confused how to sit, stand and everything but I know you will generate that motherhood feeling gradually and when someone will se you then he will say Meet is the great mom. Meet says to her kid, did you listen I’ll be your shield to save you because I live you more then me.

Babita says from now Meet will wear which is comfortable for her. Masum says to Babita don’t you think she should leave her job. Babita says not for herself but for her kid she should leave her job and ask her to give her resignation letter.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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