Categories: Meet

Meet 20th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Babita scolds Meet for her behaviour

Meet 20th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shanty shouts at Meet enough is enough. Meet Ahlawat says to Shanty to behave. Shanty says it’s done I don’t want to get engaged. Ram says to Shanty one minute and says to Meet why are you destroying Isha’s future. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet what are you trying to do can’t you see the environment. Meet says I’m telling true. Babita says to Shanty please ask him not to break the engagement and says to Shanty please don’t do that I beg you. Shanty says please don’t do this you are older then me. Babita says please don’t do that and says to Abhay you are right Meet will behave like a daughter in law believe me. Abhay says you know after so many years we meet and I thought this relation will grow stronger with this engagement but your daughter in law always disrespect

us, we feel happy when women progress but your daughter in law don’t listen to anyone. Babita says I don’t to loose you again, give one more chance to your younger sister I’ll handle everything but please don’t break this engagement. Abhay says let’s forgot things and move forward. Babita thanks Abhay and apologies to Shanty and scolds to Meet says from now on you will be daughter in law inside this house not SI Meet and you will do it from this moment and take Meet in her room.

Babita ask Sunaina to bring the lehenga and jewellery from her room. Meet try to say something. Babita says shutup and Sunaina bring the dress. Babita handover things to her and says get ready and be like Ahlawat’s family daughter in law. Meet says you know I cannot wear these heavy dresses. Babita says is your job not heavy on you, it’s a tough job so you say no there too, at home you do drama and at home you denies to everything is this your father taught you. Meet thinks no mom it’s her education that I’m standing for everything. Babita says to Sunaina it’s your duty to take care of her getting dressed, she should look like Ahlawat’s daughter in law and make sure she don’t wear her normal footwear make her wear high heels and leave.

Sunaina help Meet to get ready. Meet thinks I won’t let Isha life ruined. Sunaina walk away. Meet thinks what happen to her.

Babita says to Abhay let’s start with the function and ask Ragini to bring Isha. Isha come downstairs with Ragini and Sunaina. Babita says to Isha you look like doll. Isha thinks where is Meet Bhabhi. Shanty hold Isha’s hand and take her to stage. Ragini ask Shanty to sit. Shanty make her sit first m Abhay praises Shanty for his behaviour. Meet Ahlawat thinks my decision is right he is best for Isha, I’m sure Meet failed to judge him. Meet come downstairs all dressed up. Masum laugh at her. Meet fall down because of heels. Meet Ahlawat rush to pick her up. Shanty ask Isha are you okay. Isha says yes and thanks for asking. Meet stumble again. Babita help her and calls waiter, she take tray from him and hand it over to Meet and ask her to greet everyone and please talk elegantly treat them with respect it’s Ahlawat mansion. Meet try to walk. Raj says to Babita is this correct to humiliate Meet infront of everyone. Babita says we punish our daughter too and she is our daughter so if she do mistake then we will punish her too, sometime we have to take harsh steps to teach them. Meet Ahlawat save tray and Meet from falling down. Masum ask Meet to give her juice. Meet thanks him for saving her. He says I’ll handle tray and you can handle guest. Meet Ahlawat give juice to Masum. Babita ask Meet to give juice to Shanty. Meet Ahlawat try to help her but Babita stop her son and says I ask her not you. Meet take juice for Shanty and walks to him. He take the juice from her. Isha holds Meet hand, Meet stand beside Isha and says I think they should dance on a romantic song it’s a big day for them. Everyone agrees. Isha thinks what happen to Meet is she trying to save me or what. Shanty get up and ask Isha to dance with him. Meet puts her hand on Isha and Isha agrees to dance with him. Meet says I’m sorry Isha this is the way to bring the truth out infront of everyone and she falls down, what I’ll do if I get falling again first I have to remove these heels and apologies to Babita for her actions.
Everyone happy to see Shanty and Isha dancing together. Meet try to make Shanty fall but Meet Ahlawat stops her and ask what are you seeing this is the time to execute your ring plan now go. Meet says you danced well now Isha come with me and she take her to balcony. Isha says to Meet this means you giveup. Meet says to win big wars sometime you have to loose the small one and she drop thread to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat try put thread in his finger but couldn’t so he act like he is taking information about watch. Tej stall him till the time Meet Ahlawat tie the thread in his finger and give signal to Meet. Meet ask Isha to slip this ring in thread and she put a coin in blub holder to cut electricity of house and pray to God for Isha. Electricity goes because of Meets trick.

Babita ask Meet can you do anything to help this family. Meet says yes I can do anything. Babita says okay then take swear on my son that you won’t go against shanty anymore.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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