Categories: Meet

Meet 21st December 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Ahlawat attack Anurag in court

Meet 21st December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anurag says to judge I’m prosecutor lawyer of this case and I’m fighting this case dor Barfi Devi. Everyone in shock. Anurag says I cannot see any defence lawyer. Judge ask Meet and Meet Ahlawat about lawyer. No one response. Meet says I’ll fight my husband’s case. Judge ask Meet yo come forward and ask are you qualified to argue on this case. Meet says I did not study law but I was IS and I know basic about law to punish the culprit. Judge ask Anurag about any objection. Anurag says no I do agree on her truth should come forward. Judge give permission to fight case. Anurag whisper to Meet you will feel good when your husband will be punished because of you. Judge ask prosecution to come forward. Anurag show Neelam’s photo and says her husband killed her, first he left her first

wife and then get married to Neelam afterwards he felt my earlier wife was good so he accepted Meet again and told everyone Neelam is mad and threw her in hospital and says I would like to call accused wife Meet. Meet come forward. Anurag ask Meet was your husband angry when he got married to Neelam because you lost his kid. Meet says your client Barfi ask Meet Ahlawat to marry her daughter forcefully. Anurag says was he angry or not. Meet says every husband and wife fight and whenever he gets angry there is some reason. Anurag says loosing child is a big matter and he must be angry. Meet says he was angry. Anurag says to judge Meet Ahlawat get’s angry and he got married to Neelam in anger and whe he calm down then things get better between Meet and Meet Ahlawat afterwards he try to get away from Neelam. Meet says she was smart enough and she try to take away my husband from me. Anurag says and you punished Neelam by murdering her and show them photo of Neelam’s dead body. Judge ask Meet to proceed. Meet says I would like to call Pratap.
Pratap tell Neelam was of criminal mind, there was time when I was mad for her love and tell his story. Anurag ask Pratap did Meet Ahlawat know about your past with Neelam. He got to know few days back. Anurag says recently he got to know about past and then she got murdered. Babita and Raj says why is he getting personal. Anurag says to judge I’ll show you my first evidence which will prove he killed Neelam. Anurag show everyone video of Meet Ahlawat threatening Neelam. Anurag says Meet accuse Neelam of criminal mind and she was serving her sentence but Meet Ahlawat illegally enter her hospital room and try to kill her, I feel pity for her. Meet Ahlawat shouts he is lying he is trying to mislead court by talking nonsense, this is true I send this video to Barfi but I did just to scare her because she took our mansion from us illegally and she was trying to auction our house. Anurag saya are you sure. He says yes. Anurag ask Meet what did he said to you when he was with you in your in-laws house during function. Judge also ask Meet what did he said to her. Meet remember and tell he would have killed her but it was in anger. Anurag start provoking Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat get’s angry. Anurag ask him about his marriage how he was angry because he got married with Meet but he use to love Manushi. Meet says these two matter are totally different. Meet Ahlawat says I went to hospital to check my mother in law and I did not meet Neelam there, he remembers talking to receptionist on Wednesday. Anurag says if you are sure then let’s see morning footage of hospital. He show footage to everyone and see Meet Ahlawat walking in corridor. Anurag says when first time he meet Neelam is a blind spot he hold her hand and took in room, he convinced her that he is here to save her, she believed her and get inside his car. Meet Ahlawat says he is trying to mislead everyone, making stories, I never meet her then how can I kill her. Anurag show footage of other camera where Neelam come out of hospital and get inside Meet Ahlawat’s car. Meet Ahlawat says when I didn’t meet Neelam in car then how can I ask her to get inside my car. Anurag ask him where did you take her. Meet Ahlawat says I didn’t know about Neelam. Meet says if you are saying Meet Ahlawat killed Neelam then why was he carrying her dead body in car, if he is so clever then he must bury the body first. Anurag says he got so desperate that he came to tell you first and then you both celebrate it. Meet Ahlawat got angry and attack Anurag. Judge shouts and ask meet Ahlawat to leave him.
Meet calm him down says he is trying to provoke you. Judge ask him to stand behind. Anurag says you saw him he threatens to kill me in anger and because of this anger he killed Neelam that’s why I request you to give him punishment of life sentence or hang till death. Meet says to judge I heard law don’t give any verdict without evidence so I request you to give me time to get some evidence and prove him non guilty. Judge says to Meet Ahlawat court is giving you 3 days to prove yourself non guilty so in three days submit all your evidence, till then court is adjourned.

Meet says the person who saw the murder has called me tonight to meet him.
A masked man approach Meet with knife and try to stab her. Ishani hit her with stick, Meet says I setup this to trap you. He pepper spray on there eyes and run away. Meet and Ishani chase him and catch. Ishani remove his mask and says says it’s you.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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