Categories: Meet

Meet 21st February 2022 Written Episode Update : Meet angry on Meet Ahlawat

Meet 21st February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet in her room looking at the gift for Meet Ahlawat and says last night was one of the best night for me, people says kiss means to express love and I understood you feel the same I feel for you, Meet Ahlawat i love you and think’s today I’ll surely express my love.

Hoshiyar get inside Meet’s room see her and start going out. Meet stop hik says what happen are you looking for Meet Ahlawat. Hoshiyar says no it was work for Meet Ahlawat he said to get clothes so I came, he said he need to go out for some office work so I came to get clothes. Meet says means he will not come back home, he didn’t tell me that he need to go out for office work, I’ll call him. Hoshiyar says go call him and he go to cupboard to grab Meet Ahlawat’s things and pack in small bag pack. Meet

says to him were are you going. Hoshiyar says I have to go fast his plane will fly at 5:30. Meet says this means he will be in airport by 4, do one thing give me bag I’ll go and give him and even meet him too there. Hoshiyar says no don’t worry and they both start snatching bag. Meet take grom him and ask tell me where he is. Hoshiyar says chandani Chowk sector 11. Meet thinks I’ll tell him about my love there. Meet get out and sit on bike says why is this bike not starting.

Anubha in her house. Lalaji ask his men to keep things in house. Anubha says what is this Lalaji this is not of our house, why are you keeping here, my meet know how much ration I need in one month she won’t order this much, you can keep the needed one and rest you can take with you back like these dry fruits. Lalaji says it’s already paid. Anubha says do one thing take the stuff back and whatever amount come out just adjust it for next month. Lalaji says what is your problem you have a rich son in law, just concentrate on finishing things, atleast make some use of him. Anubha says what are you saying my daughter order ration. He says but this time your son in law gave the order and we have received the payment too, nothing is hidden from us, you are enjoying on your son in law’s money. Anubha in shock.

Meet in market looking for auto, finds one and says take me to Gandhi chowk fast. Meet say to herself I’ll say about my feelings to Meet Ahlawat and ask auto driver to drive fast.

Meet Ahlawat waiting for Hoshiyar thinks he should come fast because cab will be here in 10 minutes and thinks I don’t know wheather I’m doing good or not, going out without telling Meet about it.
Auto driver stop auto and get out. Meet get out and ask him what happen. He says don’t be in rush first we will fill CNG then we will move further don’t worry. Meet see cycle, she put her gift on that and leaves.
Meet Ahlawat cab arrive. Meet on cycle says today nobody can stop me from expressing my feelings to him. Meet Ahlawat waiting for Hoshiyar thinks I should leave now and see Meet on cycle. He hide behind car says Hoshiyar cannot do anything he send Meet in his place. Meet park her cycle and says right now he was here, where did he went. Meet Ahlawat says what should do and try to see Meet. Meet standing behind him says did you drop something. Meet Ahlawat in shock, they both say to eachother I want to say something. Meet says first you say. Meet Ahlawat says last night everything happen was a mistake I’m sorry. Meet in shock. He says I apologise for last night, it will be hard to forget but we still be friends and turn back. Meet drop bag and start moving, she remembers everything from last night. Meet remove the photo frame from her back, drops it and says is this kind of pain you get in love, I thought it was love but for Meet Ahlawat it was mistake, how dumb am I, I thought he love me and crying on street. Meet Ahlawat turn and see Meet is not there, he pick bag and looks for her. Meet crying on road. A man passing by stop and ask herw hy are you crying. She get up and says nothing, she looks at the broken gift leave and thinks stop it, you are crying for someone who doesn’t love you and says I’ll board this bus so nobody can find me, she get on top if the bus and sit there. Bus start moving, Meet shouts to stop bus. But driver using earphones. Meet shouts multiple time to stop. Meet standing on top andshe about to fall but Meet Ahlawat grab her from falling down and hold her tightly. She ask what are you doing here. He says saving you and they both shouts to stop bus and they both fall on roof of bus. Meet push him says why are you coming on me and in other turn she fall on him, he says now you realise bus is moving and you got this place to take air are you out of your mind, sitting here. Meet says don’t worry about me I can take care of myself, leave my hand. He says I won’t. Meet says leave it because you don’t care at all. Meet Ahlawat says what you will do if you get hurt. She says don’t worry at all. He says I care about you that’s why I’m standing here, one time when goons were hitting me then why did you tackle with them alone, don’t you care, tell me when I was hospitalized then why did you give 2 bottle of blodd and when my past was haunting me, you only help me that time so tell me why do you do things when you don’t care at all. Meet says because I’m different, my feelings a true for you not like you, they both stumble he grab her from falling down. Meet says show your hand, she see blood in his hand, tear a piece of cloth from her dress and tie it around his hand. Meet Ahlawat says tell me am I lier, what lie did I say tell me. Meet says you live a fake life, your smile, your words everything is a lie. He says tell me what lie did I said. Meet says you lie to me that.

Meet says to Meet Ahlawat you don’t love and in fashion show you said I’m your best wife. Meet Ahlawat says how can you be so much angry on me and finish the kind of relation. Meet says kiss bring you close but our kiss made us distant

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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