Categories: Meet

Meet 21st May 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet Ahlawat ask Meet to go away

Meet 21st May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Abhay Rana in front of everyone crying says here are the divorce papers, Isha and Shanty have already signed now this marriage is over, he slaps Shanty and says now you must be feeling good after seeing your father head down infront of everyone your ruined my reputation, he hugs him and whisper just play with my act for some more time then do whatever you want to do and start his acting again. Meet says to Abhay it felt very good after knowing that you are standing with truth so if some do wrong he should be punished, Meet slaps Shanty. Babita try to stop but Ragini stop Babita. Meet says first slap for not respecting women and second one for misbehaving with Isha next time remember my slap then you will respect every woman. Abhay says you are right Meet he must be punished and he will remember you slaps and

I’ll to I promise and he slaps Shanty. Meet says to Abhay where are you taking him, I arrest Shantanu Rana for doing domestic violence and misbehaving with Latika and she handcuffs him. Abhay says what are you doing this was not in our deal. Meet says you should think about your position not your son, election are coming, if someone have slapped you earlier then my father would be still alive and if you would have slapped your son then he would have respected women but after his punishment he will start respecting them and take him.
Shanty says to Meet don’t be so happy I’ll take revenge of these two slaps that’s my promise to you.

Isha steps him her room and remember whole marriage scenario. Ragini see wound on Isha’s hand and says it’s all my fault to send my daughter to hell and be happy about it. Babita says it’s not your fault I’m Isha’s culprit, it was me who wanted this marriage, it was me behind all this and she apologies to Ragini and Isha and says you can punish me. Ragini says we all are Isha’s culprit. Babita says we just wanted you happy, we didn’t know all this would happen please forgive us. Isha crying. Ragini says don’t cry it’s not your fault. Isha thinks how can I forgot all the torture I faced only Meet bhabhi helped me.

Meet reaches home and says I think everyone is asleep. Meet Ahlawat says go freshen up I’ll serve plate for you. Meet says you go I’ll eat. Meet Ahlawat says I know you can do everything alone but this time let me serve plate for you. Meet says okay I’ll freshen up and come back.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat at dining table. Meet make fun of Meet Ahlawat, she taste food and says this must be cooked my chachiji it’s so tasty. Meet Ahlawat ask now everything is normal, dad is back from jail, isha is safely back it’s all because of your incredible efforts and thanks her. Meet says whatever I did was for family and now I’ll give you food to eat. Meet Ahlawat says I already had. Meet give him food and says I know you are hungry come let’s eat in one plate because dadi use to say when you share food love increases. Meet Ahlawat says this lie these are just things to say, sit down I’ll serve my plate because I don’t want to live in lie. Meet says say what you want to say. Mewt Ahlawat says I have been hurt by past incidences, you did so much for everyone as a police officer, I wanted you to do everything as part of family, that hurt me and I want time for that. Meet says no problem I’ll help you and hild his hand. Meet Ahlawat remove his hand and says this time you won’t be able to help me because all the scare I have given by you and I don’t think nothing is left to save because I’m finding it difficult to understand who are you and if we try to strech it more we may break our relation so we need to find something. Meet says you served a different plate for you and tou are saying I’m changed, why we can’t go back to normal. Meet Ahlawat says are you listing what I’m saying, I’m broken and you know how difficult it is for me to get back together. Meet says so take time, I won’t disturb you at all, I’ll go and shift in other room and shen you are back to normal call me I’ll come back to you till that time we can stay away. Meet Ahlawat says you are right we should stay away, you should take another posting and shift, far from me and my family. Meet Ahlawat says one minute this is transfer application form, I have already filled it tick your location and sign it and go far away from me and my family. Meet take form and ask you only tell me where should I go. He says I don’t know just go away and he leaves.

Meet sitting shocked in dinning area. Meet Ahlawat breaksdown in his room and picks his and Meets picture and hugs it.

PreCap: Meet Ahlawat says to Raj when I look in my wife’s eyes, I see only sub-inspetor, not my wife. He then says to Meet if you are losing as my wife with me, then it’s better you should take transfer.
Raj says to everyone, rather than taking pain for life, it’s better they two should take divorce and this is my suggestion and decision.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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