Categories: Meet

Meet 22nd July 2023 Written Episode Update: Shlok gets kidnapped

Meet 22nd July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sumeet gets worried when she sees her mangalsutra broken and fears for Shlok’s safety. Raj tells his men to keep Shlok with them until the engagement’s auspicious time is over, and then they can release him. Shlok pleads with Raj to let him go, but Raj refuses. Sumeet sees Shlok’s fallen bike and tries to track his location through the bike company. Shlok confronts Raj about his actions, and they get into a fight. Raj wants Shlok to accept his marriage with Sumeet and call off the engagement, but Shlok disagrees.

Meanwhile, Sumeet manages to find Shlok’s location at a dhaba and wonders if he is really in danger. She receives a call from Raj but ignores it, remembering that he had bribed Bala before. Sumeet arrives at the dhaba and is concerned about Shlok’s safety. She questions

Raj over the phone, asking if he has done something to Shlok. Raj denies any harm and insists that he is doing everything for her happiness. Raj instructs his men to keep Shlok kidnapped but unharmed.

Raunak notices Raj leaving and tells his men to torture Shlok severely, hoping to put the blame on Raj and make Sumeet angry with him. Sumeet arrives at the locked dhaba and wonders why Shlok would come to such a place on his engagement day. At the engagement venue, guests gossip about Shlok’s drunk video with Sumeet and wonder if he will show up for the engagement. Poonam believes that he might be stuck somewhere and will come eventually.

Meanwhile, Raunak’s men attack Shlok, and he makes noise, alerting Sumeet. She wonders how there could be noise inside a closed dhaba and realizes that Shlok might be inside. Shlok’s family becomes worried about his sudden disappearance. Raunak’s men light a fire and hang Shlok tied to a cot above it. Raunak enjoys watching Shlok suffer and then heads to the engagement venue. He pretends to be concerned when Poonam mentions that they can’t reach Shlok. Raunak teases Bitti, trying to provoke her, but she becomes angry and focuses on Shlok’s possible arrival at the engagement.

Raunak plans to take away everything Shlok cares about, including Sumeet. Sumeet manages to enter the dhaba, and Shlok tells her to leave, but Raunak’s men attack her too. Sumeet remembers Meet’s advice to confront problems instead of running from them and bravely fights against Raunak’s goons. Shlok screams in pain as the fire gets closer, but Sumeet saves him just in time. She struggles to untie him but eventually succeeds. Sumeet rescues Shlok and hugs him tightly. The goons attempt to attack Shlok again, but Sumeet throws burning coals at them. She holds Shlok’s hand and takes him away from the dangerous situation.

Precap: Sumeet says to everyone Shlok injuries are not of accident my brother did to him. She hand over a burning stuck to Poonam and says I’m the culprit punish me. She takes it from her and burn her hand, she shouts in pain.
Police walks in asks for Poonam and arrest her.
Bitti says to Shlok police arrested your mother under the case of domestic violence because someone informed them about Poonam hurting Sumeet with burning stick.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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