Categories: Meet

Meet 24th February 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet start using Shagun against Manmeet

Meet 24th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manmeet practicing in arena for wrestling match. Meet walks kn. Everyone in shock after seeing Meet walking in arena.

Everyone ladies in kitchen. Jasodha walks to them and says work fast from today 5L extra milk will come for Manmeet and it’s your responsibility Sundari and Anuja and she give instructions to everyone for Manmeet’s food. Shagun walka in and syas today I’ll take food for Manmeet. Jasodha give blessings to Shagun and says everyone should learn from you how to support your husband. Sapna give tiffin to Jashoda and asks should I send on small tiffin for Meet too. Jasodha says let her die I don’t care about her.

Manmeet and other wrestlers looks at Meet. One of the man mocks Manmeet. Meet mocks the wrestler back. One of the wrestler demands to throw Meet

out of arena. Meet says to Manmeet you said that your wrestler friends are strong but they look scared to me. Manmeet says to his friends let her do what she wants once she will fail she will set an example for other women that women are not superior then men. Wrestler says because of you a woman came to arena and if you losses you won’t be able to show your face in this arena. Everyone walks away. Manmeet start picking up weight and asks Meet to do the same. Meet try to do exercise with weight but she finds it difficult. Meet keeps it down says these are for kids there is no fun in this, fun will be when I’ll defeat you in wrestling match. Manmeet make her fall in one move says I thought of showing you a trailer what will be your condition in 6 days. Manmeet start walking away. Meet pulls his leg and make him fall. Manmeet holds Meet while falling and she falls on him. Romantic song start playing. There lockets get stuck in eachother and both of them struggle to get up. Manmeet remove locket. Shagun see Meet and n Manmeet, she shouts get up and what are you doing. Meet teases Shagun and says you should not come between husband and wife. Manmeet says to Shagun don’t listen to her. Shagun asks why were you teo so close. Meet says we were wrestling and for that we have to get close. Manmeet asks Shagun to feed him food. Shagun takes him away from Meet. Manmeet looks at her thinks I’m sure she won’t fight but she will surely do something. Meet says to herself this is the time to play with Shagun’s head.

Shagun and Manmeet together. Shagun helping Manmeet to have lunch, she gets up to bring water for him.
Meet practising her punches on a Sack. Shagun see Meet punching and says she is punching that bag so easily as if its filled with cotton not sand (Meet remembers filling sack with thermocol beans). Meet walks away and start practicing with weight. Shagun follow her and gets in shock after seeing her. Meet remembers exchanging real Mugdal with plastic one. Shagun says my Manmeet uses both of this hand to lift mugdal but she is doing it with one hand, everyone was taking her lightly but she no less then Manmeet. Meet walks to Shagun take glass from her and drink water. Meet says today is first day so I was taking light but I’m sure I’ll get ready in 6 days, I’m worried about my husband what he will do if he looses from me, yesterday he burned his hand when he saw my name. Shagun gets scared walks away.

Manmeet waiting for Shagun. Shagun says will you listen to me, can you just get rid off this wrestling challenge there is no need of competing with her. Manmeet says what do you think I want to wrestle her, I’m doing this because of Guruji and when she will loose then her ego will coem down. Meet listen them talking.

Meet walks Chanda. Chanda says we saw you how you tricked Shagun for your plan and give her jalebi to eat. Meet says today is first day but in next 6 days I’ll brainwash her such a way that Shagun will give me all the documents. Chanda says you have to be careful Manmeet is strong player. Meet says but Shagun is.

Shagun says to Manmeet what if she wins the challenge. Manmeet says what do you mean. Shagun says she is strong. Manmeet says I’m State Level champion atleast think before your speak.
Meet walks in and says Shagun is 100% right he is loosing. Manmeet says let’s try.

Manmeet in arena lifts a heavy tyre and aaks Mest to do the same. Meet pray to God to help her infront of Shagun or else my plan will be ruined. Shagun says to Manmeet come let’s have food. Manmeet says I don’t want to eat I’m already full and walks away. Shagun follows him and she turns around and see Meet lifting tyre with one hand. Shagun get’s scared for Manmeet and walk away.
Meet says my work is done now Shagun will get papers for me and I’ll bet out from this hell in 6 days.


Update Credit to: Tanaya


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