Categories: Meet

Meet 24th May 2022 Written Episode Update

Meet 24th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raj tells everyone that Babita also doesn’t like Meet and always finds reasons to blame her. Noone in the house considers Meet as a part of the family but they point out her mistakes just because she is in a marriage. Noone praises her but only criticises her. Meet Ahlawat says it means Meet has complained against them to Raj. Raj says that’s the real problem, when Meet talks to me, evryone thinks she is complaining when they speak wrong about her it’s fact or truth according to them. He says Masoom was really excited to throw Meet out and enough is enough now. He won’t see Meet’s self respect getting hurt everyday. Noone asks her how does she feel or how humiliating it is for her. So it’s better Meet files for a divorce. Her husband even passed the transfer order to throw her out then what’s left?

Raj adds he won’t let anyone insult their marriage.

Meet acts like crying when Meet Ahlawat is at loss of words. Meet says marriage is not a joke for her, sindoor mangalsutra are valuable for her. Raj asks her to not do overacting. She then says still if Raj is saying then she is ready to divorce her husband. Meet Ahlawat gets shocked to hear that. Raj says from now on, Masoom will handle the house responsibilities, Meet Ahlawat will leave his room for Meet until they sign the papers and after divorce Meet will be Raj’s daughter not daughter in law. Meet leaves and controls her smile.

Meet Ahlawat throws ball at the wall and says how can Meet be ready divorce him, he only told her to take transfer but she agreed for divorce. Tej tells him to talk to Meet but he denies saying it is Meet’s decision, she didn’t ask her husband then why will he have issues with the divorce? He won’t talk to her. Meet Ahlawat says Raj went to jail because of her and now Raj wants him to leave his room. Why will he leave? Tej says then you will be adamant and disobey Raj? Meet Ahlawat says yes and Meet has to tolerate me as it is her decision to divorce him not his. Meet Ahlawat keeps throwing the ball at the wall and it hits him back.

Masoom says she wants to party as Meet is leaving. Sunaina says before she used to like Meet but she separated her from Tej so now she dislikes her. It’s unbelievable Meet agreed to sign the papers, Masoom says ego plays a big role. Sunaina asks Masoom to handle a pending work and the latter gets irked.

Raj tells Meet that Meet Ahlawat’s face was looking funny when he heard of the divorce. Meet says she is feeling bad for him but Raj tells her to not show sympathy or she should not think about others. She should only focus on her plan and he believes Meet Ahlawat will realise Meet’s value. Babita gives medicine to Raj and says she is practicing to give him medicines as Meet will leave soon. Meet says their plan might backfire them as Babita is preparing to forget her. Raj says that won’t happen. She replies she found her husband’s face quite funny and she enjoyed seeing how he got scared.

Meet Ahlawat breaks his shirt button by mistake and is about to call Meet but then he calls Ragini for help. Ragini comes and then brings Meet to the room. Meet Ahlawat says she doesn’t need Meet’s help but Ragini forces. Meet says she will teach him how to knit a button as after divorce he has to handle his own things. She teaches him how to put the thread inside the needle. They get close to each other. Meet hides her emotions and avoids getting close to him. She takes off his shirt and knits the button and says it’s ready. Meet Ahlawat says this is easy for her maybe but not for him.

Precap: Raj is doing preparations for a boy and his family’s arrival. He shocks everyone by revealing they’re coming to see Meet, not Isha.

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