Categories: Meet

Meet 25th February 2023 Written Episode Update: Imarti announces she is pregnant

Meet 25th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meghna packing food in tiffin. Shagun holds her hand suddenly and says everyone had there food so you must be packing tiffin for Meet wait I’ll tell mom. Manmeet says wait Shagun and walks to her says to Meghna mother has asked you to take care of my food then why are you packing tiffin for Meet. Meghn says you can have meal and she is not allowed to eat anything and the competition should be equal. Manmeet says you can think she can fight with me but why are you supporting her. Meghna says because I’m also a girl and I think tgere should be some change in every women’s life in this village. Manmeet says you think Meet can bring the change. Meghna says yes change has started, she already stepped in arena and will wrestle in same arena and if she win’s the competition then it will

be a proven fact that men and women are equal to eachother. Manmeet shouts and call Meet. Meet walks in says what happen why are you calling me with love did you cancel the match. Manmeet says no but we will have dangal because she Meghna thinks you can compete with me.

Manmeet, Meet, Shagun and Meghna together in room. Manmeet and Meet on other edge of the table facing eachother with glass of milk. Manmeet says you want to be equal so why don’t you drink 5 glass of milk because I do it every time. Meet says no I don’t want to drink. Manmeet pickup a glass of milk and drink it. Meet sit and finish a glass of milk in one go. Manmeet finishes 3 glasses of milk. Meet finishes 2 glass of milk and stops in between of third one. Manmeet laughing at her finishes remaining two glass of milk and says you can’t compete in food how will you wrestle. Meet says to win a fight you need courage and brain and that I have. Manmeet says don’t know about brain but I’m sure you have courage so now it’s sure you will be following same diet like me. Meet says what happen are you in love with me. Manmeet says to Meet you will be having same diet because when you loose you can’t say that you didn’t get food to eat and one more thing my sister Meghna trust you so she should know Men and Women are not equal and asks Meghna do you want anything else. Meghna nods her head no. Manmeet walks away. Meet says to her he loves his sister but couldn’t see how trapped she is. Meet looks at Shagun says he is scared of me so that I step back. Shagun says are you out of your mind. Meet says if you don’t believe tonight come out of my room I’ll show you and she walks away.

Anuja and her mother in room. Her mother keeps money in box and says everyone will be busy with the wrestling competition so we will be having our chance to get out of this hell but take care of fact that nobody should know about our plan. Anuja says to her mother I’m scared.
Imarti banging plate with spoon. Sapna, Narendra, Jasodha and Gunwanti walks in hall. Jasodha asks what happen. Imarti says you are going to become grandmother. Jasodha get’s happy says that’s a good news, she walks to Narendra and asks is the news correct. Imarti looks at Narendra. Narendra remembers Imarti blackmailing her earlier and says yes to Jasodha. Jasodha get’s happy says you won my heart Imarti and she ask Gunwanti to call Guniya and ask her about gender of baby. Gunwanti says Guniya is not in town. Jasodha says no worries send her message to come to Sarkar’s palace first and she walks away to tell Sarkar. Gunwanti walks to Sapna and says Imarti got pregnant and you are unable to do anything. Narendra whispers to Sapna and says is Imarti really pregnant, who’s baby is she carrying. Imarti says I’m not pregnant I’m just lying and I’ll kepp it hidden for next 9 months from everyone.

Manmeet in his room. Meet screm. Manmeet get’s scared of her scream and says what are you doing in my room. Meet says who said it’s your room. Manmeet says don’t try to takeover my room. Meet says I learnt it from you, you took over my land and now I’ll take over your room and she lie on bed. Manmeet pushes Meet from his bed and says I won’t let you takeover he lie down on bed says I’ll sleep here. Meet says till the time I’m here its my right too on everything and ask him to shift. Manmeet says you can try your strength to remove me. Manmeet switches off light and yo to sleep.

Late night Manmeet hear someone calling Shagun. Manmeet wakes up and see Meet saying something and her voice sounds different as if she is summoned. Manmeet looks at her get’s scared. Meet looks at him start laughing and comments about Shagun and Manmeet, she kicks him and he falls on ground. Manmeet get’s scared take pillow and walk out of room. Meet stops her acting and says he must have heard me before now I’ll go the sleep. Shagun out room try to hear and says what is this sound. Meet hear Shagun standing outside, she open window and says you are late, I told you earlier he iss scared of me. Shagun says I don’t believe you. Meet says you should go and look for someone else because he cannot win from me. Shagun walks away.

Anuja dressed as Meet, her mother looks at her and says now you are our last hope.

Meet walking towards kitchen. Anuja carefully walk downstairs but she pushes a pot by mistake. Meet get’s alert and asks who is there

Manmeet give dress to Meet and says I have a gift for you. Meet looks at uniform says what is this. Manmeet says you won’t be able to compete in wrestling with this dress so I bought it for you to wear it for competition. Meet says I won’t be wearing this. Manmeet says you can fight if if you come in uniform or else everyone will be calling you quitter
Meet get’s ready

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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