Categories: Meet

Meet 28th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet tell everyone about Deep’s death

Meet 28th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Isha walking towards a car. Meet Ahlawat run and save her from getting hit by car. Isha says leave me I want to die I killed my Deep. Meet Ahlawat says handle yourself. Meet also join him. Isha says I don’t want to talk to you stay away let me die and she gets unconscious. Meet Ahlawat and Meet get’s scared. Meet calls doctor says come to Ahlawat mansion Isha got panick attack. Meet Ahlawat says I won’t leave the person who show her death certificate.

Everyone in Isha’s room. Doctor says she got big panick attack something has affected her a lot, I gave her injection but she is in bad condition, I’ll talk to senior doctor and tell. Ragini says Isha please open your eyes. Ragini says Babita she was happy before interview but what could have happened she got panick attack,

her happiness is cursed. Barfi thinks Laila could be reason behind her condition, Isha is close to Meet Ahlawat and Meet, so Laila could have done something to harm. Meet looks at Barfi. Barfi walks out of room.

Barfi looking for Laila says where is she. Laila walks out of room. Barfi stops her says before anyone see you go from here. Laila try to free her. Meet Ahlawat and Meet walking down the stairs. Barfi hide with Laila behind column. Neet says to him we should talk to Barfi about death certificate how did she get and earlier also she blackmailed you in name of Isha. Meet Ahlawat says okay. Barfi bring Laila to room, she lovk from inside. Laila smoking. Barfi says tell me are you the reason behind Isha’s condition. Laila says yes, she Isha is very close to Meet which means that person is my enemy and I took my revenge.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat walking towards room.
Barfi ask what did you say to her. Laila says I told her about Deep’s death how he died.
Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I think someone from house is doing something wrong I saw same heel mark in restaurant as it was in my room, same pencil heel marks.
Barfi says tou did wrong and now everyone will know about this. Meet Ahlawat outside knocking foor. Barfi stops Laila from opening door. Meet Ahlawat shouts open door. Laila says to Barfi go open it. Barfi getting anxious. Meet Ahlawat push the door and get inside. Barfi thinks I removed Laila’s makeup and her dress but still she is Laila. Laila sitting. Barfi says she was not feeling well that’s why I brought her here. Meet says what she is unwell and check her temperature. Barfi hide her dress with her legs. Meet says uf she is unwell then take her to doctor. Neelu says no worries I’m good if you have any work you could have told me. Barfi says Neelu you know Isha is unwell she got panic attack. Neelu says okay I’ll go and check. Meet Ahlawat says to Barfi give me Deep’s death certificate give it to me I have some work. Barfi looking for the certificate thinks Laila must have taken from here she already knew about Deep’s death now what I’ll answer them. Meet Ahlawat ask what happen you could not find it, well you can’t because I’m having it with me and show her certificate. He says how did Isha get this document, how did she know Deep is dead. Barfi says I didn’t tell. Meet Ahlawat says we talked about this earlier nobody can know about this secret then how did she know, tell me. Barfi says I told you I didn’t said anything and why will I do it. Meet Ahlawat says you can do it because earlier you kept white sheet iver her head and you could do this because you are not happy she is going to Newyork. Barfi says I didn’t do anything and I’m not that bad I won’t play with her life. Meet Ahlawat says if something happen to my sister then it won’t be good for you. Barfi remembers Laila telling everything to Isha, she says trust me I swear on Neelu I didn’t do anything, One day she came to take her certificate so mistakenly It must have gone to her, if you still think I did this then it’s my fault and punish me for that I’m ready for that. Meet says to him I think she is telling truth, it must have gone by mistake and after seeing the document she must have got the attack, try to calm down. Meet Ahlawat says it’s a big secret and rhey leave the room.

Everyone in hall worried about Isha. Ragini crying. Raj says I have a good news, Newyork big hospital is ready to treat Isha. Everyone gets happy. Raj says don’t worry we can handle Isha very well so Tej have to leave with Isha tonight. Ram says thanks to Raj. Raj say’s don’t cry we have a good news don’t cry. Ragini says you are right Isha will be fine after treatment now nobody will cry. Raj ask someone to bring water for Ragini. Neelu give water to her. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat call Deep and tell him about Isha’s condition he should be with her it’s necessary but how he will feel when he will get to know about Isha, he will be worried after thinking about her. Barfi thinks till now they are hiding Deep’s situation because they were worried but will they hide this time about truth or will tell everything. Meet says to Raj Meet Ahlawat want to tell something, he want to tell Deep is not alive. Everyone in shock after knowing this. Meet Ahlawat start crying.


Update Credit to: Tanaya


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