Categories: Meet

Meet 29th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Raj gets heart attack

Meet 29th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Babita walks to Raj says what is happening here and looks at bag and ask them where are you going. Raj says why are you escaping like thief I didn’t kept this kind hope feom you. Babita says so she is so stubborn that after saying no still trying to leave. Meet says I have to because if I told you, you won’t let me go. Raj says you never thought of me while thinking something like this, my emotions, sentiment don’t value you. Masum says today Meet prove that she don’t respect you, she only care about her house. Meet thinks I’m sorry I don’t want to hurt you. Raj says to Meet okay if I have no value then I have to talk to Anubha then you will listen because she is your family and have blood relation so you will listen them. Meet says to Raj papaji. Raj says no I understood

everything and leave. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet we know this is coming.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat in there room trying to think something. Meet stumble into him many times. He says wait, am I a wall that you are being crashed into me many times, come sit here. She says my mind is like a steam engine I getting anxious I cannot sit. He says okay then I’ll sit and ask did mom will say yes.

Anubha open door and see Raj says you overe here is something wrong come inside. Raj walks in and sit. Anubha brings water for Raj and ask how is your health and how’s everyone. Raj says I’m good and I’m sorry I came here with Meet’s complaint. Anubha ask what she did now. Raj says she is not listing to me and she want to be a police officer but our guruji told us that next 6 months are very risky for her life, that’s why I want you to ask her to stop being stubborn for getting admission in police force.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet my heart is pumping so fast please check am I alright. Meet says it’s okay. He ask will everything will be fine. Meet says yes don’t worry. Meet Ahlawat get’s call and they both get scared and says I’ll put phone on loudspeaker and talk, he picks up phone and greet Anubha. Anubha says to Meet Ahlawat come fast Raj is unconscious he is not well. Meet Ahlawat and Meet leave.

Raj in his room with oxygen mask. Meet Ahlawat and Tej near Raj. Doctor examin him. Everyone outside room. Ram walks to them says doctor said he got cardiac arrest. Masum says how is that possible, he is a jolly kind of person. Ram says he do joke but he take tension for people who are very close to him, Meet mean a lot to him and from the time Guruji told him that Meet’s life is in danger. Masum says he was in tension because of her daughter in law and now he is facing issues with his life, says to Anubha dad always considered her as her own daughter but your Meet never think of him as his father. Ragini says no Masum, Meet consider everyone as her family and she didn’t know that Raj will get worse everyone is in tension here ans you are consolidating everyone in negative manner. Babita ask where is Meet.

Meet in mandir room .

Masum says if she love everyone then where is she, she must have gone for her police academy admission because we would have said no. Ragini says Masum stop thinking about her like this. Masum says because she always give priority to her house not Ahlawat’s. Everyone hear sound coming from mandir room and goes to mandir. Meet there praying for Raj and everyone join hands to pray for Raj. Meet looks at everyone says I have lighten up Akhand Jyot for Raj now he will get well early and says to Masum after keeping hand on shoulder of Babita won’t come in taking care of her you must have given her medicine at right time, you know when she don’t take medicine on time she get attack of migraine, but when you get time to disrespect me you don’t stop, says Babita Raj is everything to me I already lost my father and don’t want to loose him I won’t do anything against Raj and ask Anubha to go home Dadi must be alone we all are here with Papaji. Anubha says to Meet never loose your strength and always take care of your family and hugs her. She take permission and leave.

Meet brings medicine for Babita and give everyone what they ask for, tea to Masum, Sunaia, Ram, Hoshiyar, Tej and milk for Isha and Duggu. Meet Ahlawat walks to Meet.

Meet Ahlawat walks to everyone in hall says Dad is out of danger. Everyone rush to Raj. Meet sit there and start crying. Meet Ahlawat sit with her and says Dad is alright now, come he is calling you.

Raj looks at everyone and says what happen why is everyone crying don’t worry I won’t leave you all alone this early and says to Babita why are you staring at me okay from now own I won’t eat anything sweet we have a way long together. Tej gube him water. Meet and Meet Ahlawat walks in. Meet sit beside Raj and apologize. Raj says come sit beside me don’t sit in my legs. Meet sit beside him says now your daughter will stick with you like magnet won’t fo anywhere and don’t take any tension. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat your wife want to do fun while sitting inside home do one thing pack her bag and sens her to police academy training. Everyone in shock. Raj says what are you looking at Anubha’s blood run inside her she is same like her mother…
…(Raj says to Anubha you lost your husband how can you be so strong that you allow your daughter in great danger and take a heavy risk. Anubha says this strength is in every police officers family, when he wears the uniform then everyone in family becomes the member of that uniform, to every officer the whole nation becomes it’s family member when they wear uniform, for that they can go to any extent, yes I lost my husband but feel proud that he keep on respecting his uniform till his last breath and same proud I have for my daughter that she chose this line, I love her a lot but if one day she lost her life for nation then I won’t think like what happen and now what I’ll do because I know if she had to loose her life for nation then she will be called martyred…)

Meet says I’m sorry papaji I acted to run away from house because I want to send this topic to mom because I know when you will talk to her then fead inside you will vanish but I didn’t want this. Raj says no need to apologise and let me tell you and listen to me carefully everyone there was no mistake of Meet in my heart attack and this can happen to anyone, you were right Meet nobody can live in fear of death it can come infront of anyone, now brace yourself you will be having responsibility of whole nation. Meet says I got your blessings now see I’ll make you more proud.

Everyone on hall. Meet Ahlawat says tomorrow Meet is going for police traning. Masum says six days you will train in academy and on 7th day how you will fulfill the responsibilities of 6days. Babita says some daughter in law are ao responsible thats if they get one day to spend with there family so on that day too they complete there responsibilities and to prove that our Meet will cook food for everyone

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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