Categories: Meet

Meet 30th April 2022 Written Episode Update

Meet 30th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat bring Meet in there room make her sit and start playing with light. Meet says will tell what happen. He says Deep coming here and making scene here was your plan and start interrogating her. Meet says Isha is like to my sister, I just want to save her. Meet Ahlawat says do you think I don’t care about her, you are having wrong perspective about Shanty, you should change it and forgive him and keep your ego aside. Meet says I don’t have any ego and Shanty know that they are in love, if must be a good guy then he would have helped them, try to understand me he is having a plan against this. Meet Ahlawat says he is sacrificing because he is a good guy who obey his father, you are wrong and you know what tomorrow they are getting married I won’t let you do anything, it’s my

promise to you, he get up. Meet says stop where are you going. Meet Ahlawat says out because I couldnt stand it and leave.
Meet in her room says to herself Meet Ahlawat couldn’t stand it.

Meet Ahlawat in garden sitting alone. Meet at her rooms window, they both stare eachother. She get in room, sit on floor and start crying. She stops crying and says you should focus on savings Isha, Shanty said my days are numbered this means I won’t be able to save her, I tried hard to save Shanty, I still have one more chance to save Isha, tomorrow morning I must do it.

Next morning. Meet says to herself Isha’s marriage is today I have to leave to save her and walks to gate. Meet Ahlawat open gate and says you didn’t sleep. Meet says I can see that you also didn’t sleep, you were so much angry that didn’t come in room. He says I was angry and sad, he grab her hand and walks in room with her says dad was right husband and wife should not leave there hand, I should have been with you, he make her sit and says I did a big mistake. Meet says I have no issues with you, I’m scared, what Sunaina said could become right then how will I live without you. He apologies and I did mistake and ready to pay for that, I won’t let you go away from my eyes for that I have only one way and he handcuffs her and leave. Meet stop him and says what you did, open me. He says I don’t have any choice this is an exam of brother. Meet says open me. He says I try to talk to you and did everything but you didn’t stopped so this is the only way and it’s because of you, I think whatever you are doing is just because of misunderstanding because my Meet won’t do wrong with anyone,she always want to help people that’s why I thought you have misunderstanding and you might be thinking that I’m doing wrong but when you will know that truth you will get to know I was right. Meet says I know my Meet Ahlawat couldn’t do wrong to anyone and I’m yours and I know that you are having misunderstanding but by the time you will open your eyes everything will be finished then your will regret for everything that’s why I beg you please open me. He says I cannot because this is the only way, try to think from my perspective, I want everyone should love you the way I do and support you that’s why I cannot release you and leave.

Babita in her room. Raj walks to her says I brought medicine for you please have you were in pain last night. Babita says I don’t want medicine, infront of everyone you supported Mee. Raj says I did for family, my intentions were not to hurt you but if I hurt you I’m really sorry and if we talk about my decision I don’t regret them. Babita says I’m scared that your son don’t become like you. Raj says you he is also your son and I ask him to stay with his wife and you ask him to control and I don’t think he will make your regret.

Meet in her room. Ram says do fast barat is coming. Meet says I have to be quick and meet Latika but how will I open them. Meet Ahlawat enter room with breakfast says have it. Meet says open my hands only then I can eat. He says well tried but when you love someone you know everything small details about them and I know you eat with right hand which is free. Meet says you know me very well so you know that I wouldn’t compromise our families happiness. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll open these handcuffs only when Isha is married and I have also not eating food. Meet get’s angry and says I don’t want to eat. He says okay. Meet says okay don’t be sad I’ll eat. He guve her bute to eat, but she stop him and guve him first bite. Meet says can you give me tow hours then you can handcuff me again, I’ll come to you and let me prove that I’m not wrong and this is not a good decision for Isha. Meet says I’m so surprised you are still stuck there, what has happen to you, why are you being so stubborn. Meet says listen to me. He says enough and you know you are proving mom right that you don’t listen to anyone, I gave you chance to prove him wrong but you couldn’t so leave, I think you are doing this so that Isha and Deep get’s married, I regret that family who supported you, you don’t consider them as yours. Meet says you promised me that you won’t leave my hand but you stop believing me, I accept that I’m unable to prove Shanty is not right guy but why doiyou see its about Isha’s life, trust me one more time, please open me. He get up lock door and leave.

Shanty says to Abhay, you consider Meet as strong contender I have given her a tight shock that she must be confused and might be banging her head, she is in such condition that no one would believe her. Abhay says I don’t know why she have misunderstanding, why is she doing, I don’t understand a thing. Meet Ahlawat and Babita walks to them everyone greet eachother. Abhay ask Ramesh to bring water and sweet for them and says to Babita we were talking about Meet, I believe that every relationship depends upon trust and if you have little bit of doubt we should cancel function. Babita and Meet Ahlawat says no. Abhay says see before marriage everything should be clear, it’s good I don’t want any stress because Meet has taken already so much. Babita apologies for everything and says I understand you are also stressed but please don’t stop the marriage. Meet Ahlawat also beg him. Babita says we have a ritual that groom always go with sword and we brought this for Shanty and believe us Shanty is best for Isha and stop this thought of marriage. Abhay says okay but try to understand I have reputation in society and I did work hard for that but I’m scared of Meet if she does anything then my reputation will be ruined. Meet Ahlawat says I promise you don’t worry about Meet nothing will happen, please don’t say no for marriage. Abhay says I trust you and everyone made me believe that meet won’t do anything but still your believes were shattered, you what is the problem nobody controls her, she doesn’t listen to anyone, she have no understanding about society and says to Babita try to understand I also love my kid like the way you love your and I don’t want him to be stressed, I’m sure she must be planning something. Meet Ahlawat remembers he handcuffs Meet and says she won’t do anything and if she try to do something then this time she will suffer, if she try to disrespect you or Shanty then this time I won’t forgive her. Abhay says okay and Meet Ahlawat offer them sword. Abhay takes it.

Meet trying to free her, she looks for something to open handcuff. Meet get’s call from Shanty. Shanty on video call says I’m upset with you why didn’t you come with Babita and Meet Ahlawat, what happen to you, you are trapped in your house, after seeing you I got an idea, I’ll keep your Isha in handcuffs like you, handcuffs of love bhabhiji. Meet says I also promised myself of taking your care I’m waiting for time to come. Shanty says it’s about few hours and disconnects phone. Meet finds toolbox in cupboard, she take it and remove nails from chair and free herself, she makes an arrangement ti look like she is seating on chait, rights a not and leaves.

Meet sees Isha and says thank God its you don’t worry, trust me I will be back and tell you everything. Isha stops her and says enough you have tried a lot for me and Deep and I won’t let you risk your marriage,and I am not selfish to risk your relation for my love. Meet says even I am not selfish, that to save my marriage I will risk your life, its easy to fall in love but difficult to maintain and we are above that and I will pray God for our marriage you pray too and leaves.
Isha prays to God, to take care of Meet and says she can’t see their marriage break and will sacrifice her love for it.

Masum managing arrangements. Meet sees her and thinks there are so many people how will she manage to escape and also key is with Meet Ahlawat how will she get off the cuffs. Meet sees Gupta giving his team costume for Barat entry, Meet creates a distraction and steals a costume and hides.
Babita says to Meet Ahlawat to take care of Meet, control her because she is anxious that Meet will again creat problems.
Meet Ahlawat says to her he will handle, don’t worry and gets call from his work, he gives instruction and leaves.

Meet gets changed, she sees Babita around and covers her face with flower basket. Babita thinks Meet is a servant and says I have said no artificial flowers and leaves angry.
Meet bumps into Meet Ahlawat, they get stuck in a garland and Meet’s head covered by basket. Meet Ahlawat frees them, mean while Meet slowly sneaks out the cuff keys. Meet thinks, thank God, I see this was a sign for me, and blessings now I will fight for Isha and nothing will be wrong between Meet Ahlawat and me, I won’t let the trust break.Meet frees her hand.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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