Categories: Meet

Meet 4th March 2022 Written Episode Update : Meet invite Hawa Singh to a party

Meet 4th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Amma with list in her hand says to Anubha call delivery boy and ask him to deliver the packages. Anubha busy counting the packages. Amma says come fast and take these packages too, if I’m not in house then how work will be done. Anubha says something about Amma. Amma get up says you think you will disrespect me and I won’t know, you want to be a businesswoman so concentrate on your business use your energy there. Meet walks in the house and says herw is your delivery girl and hugs Mom and trouble dadi. Dadi says don’t trouble me your mom is already troubling, thankgod you are here now help your mom and let me rest. Meet and Anubha packing delivery items. Meet looks at her father photo and says to Anubha can I ask you something, can you tell me what father said to you when he was murdered. Anubha

says that day he didn’t meet me, he went directly to his duty. Meet says then when did you see father last time. Anubha says whenever he have night shift, he just come to meet mw for some time and remember that she gave him tea. Ashok thanks Anubha and ask her to take care of house and every family member and leaves. Anubha in tears says forget this you should leave or you will get late. Meet says to herself I’m overthinking there is no connection between father and Tej. Anubha near Ashok photo says to herself you ask me to take care of everyone but you didn’t see me at all when leaving. Meet walks to Anubha and says that night dad took tea utensil from you. Anubha says no there were many things were not discussed, that night your father’s jeep was outside, I went to give tea but your father was not there it was constable Hawa Singh and I asked him about Ashok. He told me that they are in rush so you give me this container, we have work to do, he takes it from her hand and leave. Anubha get out of house and see Ashok sitting in car and they leave. Anubha says that night your father didn’t turn to see and talk to me and start crying. Meet hugs her. Anubha says that day he must be having pressure and I heard on wireless that someone was missing. Meet says calm down. Anubha says don’t think of past it will hurt more and she leave. Meet says Tej was also missing that same day don’t know how but still these two cases are connected there is something missing and she leave for delivery.

Meet in market goes to her father memorial and remember talking to Anubha if her father will come to school for gift ceremony it’s already too late won’t know he will come or not. Anubha says he is busy with night duty but can come home for a visit but I’m not sure for your ceremony because he will be tiered of his work. Ashok behind them and try to talk to her. Meet says I don’t want to talk to you I’m angry on you, I know you don’t love me. Ashok says yes I love my job but I love you more then that and I always keep one thing in consideration to obey the job of family that’s my promise my heart work only for you guys and if one day I didn’t wait to talk to you then think this heart stopped working. Meet at memorial says that night father went from outside house but he didn’t meet, talkend Hawa Singh to take tea, there is something Hawa Singh knows hut trying to hide it, I’ll find it what he is hiding and calls someone says I need history of Hawa Singh from 2008 till now each and every information and disconnects call.

Masum in her room. Hoshiyar messaging her legs. Duggu come inside and says to Masum I’m hungry please give something to eat. Masum says first he come to ask me what to eat but today he asking to cook for me and ask Hoshiyar to cook something for Duggu. Duggu says no mom come with me he always give me chips but I need to eat pasta. Masum says wait for 5 minutes I’ll cook something for you in 30 minutes till that time I’ll take nap. Duggu says okay I’ll ask Meet or Sunaina mami to give me sometime to eat because they both love me a lot and run away. Masum crib about that and get and idea says wao why I didn’t get this idea earlier and tell if Sunaina and Tej adopt Duggu so the money will go to Duggu and in the end everything will come to me. Hoshiyar says we have only one kid and before taking this decision you must have ask me I’m his father you will ruin everything because of your greed.

Meet get’s a message Hawa Singh is insecure about his baldness, Tel Ahlawat went missing because of the fight with his wife case closed ASI Hawa Singh, so he closed the case but why did he said in media it’s a case of domestic fight, he is hiding something, she setup a pin board in her room and try to connect all the dots of Tej and her father case. She writes the notes and put it on pin board. She says there is some connection between both the cases with Hawa Singh, she hear someone coming so she turn the pin board. Meet Ahlawat get inside and looks at her ask what happen is everything alright. She close the door and says nothing is alright and show her pin board and tell him what Anubha said about that night. Meet says to him I have a plan, Hawa Singh closed Tej’s case as fight between husband and wife and I have faith that it will bring truth out. He says if you think this is true then tell me what have you planned.

Everyone in hall. Raj says to Meet it’s a perfect plan everyone would love the party because from last few days everything was so hectic. Meet says but we won’t call any high society personality. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj, Meet believe that we will call the people who helped to save Tej like police, doctor. Anubha says this is great it’s the best way to thank everyone. Ram says you are right this is best you think different. Meet says so we were thinking to give invite everyone personally. Ram says it’s era of digital connection so why are you going to invite them. Meet says because we want to make sure everyone come to party and make it successful.

Hawa Singh out getting his head shaved. Meet and Meet Ahlawat with invitation. Hawa Singh get up and ask who is this, he looks at them and ask them sit and says tell me how did you come. Meet says I came here to help you, to give you permanent solution for your baldness, my husband was bald earlier now look at him how great hair’s he got now. Hawa Singh looks at his hair says it’s good. Meet says forget this I came here to invite you for a party because of you Tej is safe at home and it’s all because of you he is safe at home. Hawa Singh says no I did not do anything but how will I come to party it will be difficult for me because of my job. Meet says you have to come, one side you call me your daughter and now you are saying no to me, after father’s death it you who is the family for us, I’m telling you, you have to come to party or else I’ll not talk to you. Hawa Singh says okay I’ll come. Meet Ahlawat give him invitation and they both leave.

Meet showing anger. Meet Ahlawat says try to calm down. Meet says I have a feeling that he is hiding something, see he will tell truth in party.



Update Credit to: Tanaya


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