Meet 5th January 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet falls into a pit and shouts for help calls Meet Ahlawat and panicks. Meet Ahlawat looking for her in hotel. Manushi says now you cannot come in between me and Meet Ahlawat. Meet remember what Meet Ahlawat said to her about panick situation in closed space and start counting. Meet Ahlawat ask people about Meet says did you see my wife she is having short hairs. Man says yes she went toward open are. He says will you help me to find her. Man says do fast whatever you want to do because people get lost in this scary desert, if you take time to find her then it will be difficult yo find her and be quick because sand storm will hit this area in 24hrs. Meet Ahlawat please help me to find her. Man agree and they leave. Manushi in desert says it is so quiet here non one is around I have to be careful from all these pits too, I cannot play with my future I’ll relax here, in morning someone will come and rescue me.
Meet in pit trying to control her panick attack says your formula worked Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat and two other man trying to find Meet. Meet says it took time to relax but it worked now I have yo try to get out of here. Meet Ahlawat shouting and looking for her. Man says wait don’t go far from here it’s too dangerous. He says no I cannot leave without her. Man says are you aware of storm, let’s go back I’m trying to save you too. Meet Ahlawat says you can go back I’ll not leave before finding her and leaves
Next morning. Meet gather strength and get up. Meet Ahlawat still looking for Meet. Meet try to get out of pit. Meet Ahlawat trying to find her in desert and shouting her name. Meet Ahlawat stumble and start rolling down from a sand mountain. Meet start putting sand inside pit and make a step to climb out of pit, she finally gets out after some struggle and start moving says I need to go out from here feels like storm is coming. Meet Ahlawat screaming Meet’s name. Meet walks for some distance and sit down because of less strength even Meet Ahlawat falls down because of no strength. Meet gets up and start walking. Meet Ahlawat gather his strength and get’s up. Sand storm hits the location. Meet pray to God and start moving. Meet Ahlawat strat searching Meet in storm. Meet and Meet Ahlawat struggling in storm and see eachother. Meet Ahlawat hold Meet in his arms and they start rolling down the cliff. Meet Ahlawat pick Meet in his arms. Sandstorm leaves to area and they both hug eachother. Meet Ahlawat says where did you went why didn’t you told me I thought I lost you.
Meet show Meets Ahlawat photos they clicked and tell him here is my friend backside. Meet Ahlawat says he is my brother Tej, says thanks to her says because of you I found my brother you are the best life partner.
Meet Ahlawat calls Raj says I found Tej. Sunaina’s complete her 7th phera and pandit says they are married now
Update Credit to: Tanaya
1. Awww wala episode..

Manushi and Masoom, they both are only pain in this show and keep on spoiling show.. both just want money name and fame, doesn’t care about family at all..

Meet A. And Meet H. Finally coming close with each day passing
2. Someone plz kill
3. Manushi will try to trap tej, becoz Sunaina is married now and tej doesn’t remember any thing, so she will use tej to stay near Meet A.
This serial is showing romance in a different and unique way. Naturally, anyone firstly doesn’t start understanding someone but develops some type of bond unknowingly. And this serial is really showcasing relationship in that manner.
. Especially, since there are misunderstandings but they talk it out and solve it too in happy-go-lucky way. The lead pair doesn’t start blindly believing someone else who is trying to be between them. Though they don’t realise who all are in between them to break their marriage for personal benefits, they atleast don’t blindly believe people when it comes to relationship.
..she looks so. And yeah, she is joker too at times. No other serial shows even a small or side villain as joker but this serial is cool… Even Masum is joker and her husband, Hoshiyar 
…that name makes me laugh hard everytime I hear..for namesake he is hoshiyar but he is an innocent fool. And waah..Masum. I mean pair of words – Masum and Hoshiyar..waah waah waah
. Person who is hoshiyar is named Masum and who is actually Masum us named as Hoshiyar
. This serial has really everything..comedy, negativity, positivity, romance, drama, twists, healthy storyline, action, mystery, thriller…almost everything.
Women first understand a person and develop love and care for the person simultaneously whereas a man develops love unknowingly out of the concern and care showed by the wife and then start understanding the person. And I didn’t see any other serial where this is depicted so nicely..
And mann !! This serial is a gem until now, of course
And hats off to the lead pair’s acting… And Manushi too. She is a pretty, cool lady villain
Well, it’s again proved that Shashi sumeet production produces great shows which is watchable by people..
@Harshita all of your points are right and these are the reasons I love and enjoy this show so much
it’s unique and refeeshing to watch
I only hope Manushi doesn’t try to marry Tej or manipulate him in any way, he’s too innocent and sweet and should be left alone to regain his memory.
@harshita currently I don’t think other than this show any other show is watchable (not including commedy shows of &tv or sab tv shows)…
story can head either of 2 ways:-
what if sunaina’ current husband kept tej capative in dark room and gave him medicines, later after medince effects, he lost his memory..
@A i think
1. First, Maunshi is trying to manipulate Tej to stay close to Meet A.
2. Second, I doubt

But if tej is alive n sunaina n tej r not divorced then sunaina’s marriage is invalid.

as per law if any person is missing more than 5 years, than that person is considered as dead & i think tej was missing since 5 years..

My first question does any show follow any kind of divorce rule
Secondly I think
So by this logic sunaina is widow..
But same thought applies for me as well, do show follow any rules of law
Wait, shouldn’t they be missing for at least 7 years to be considered dead? Also wouldn’t they first need an issued death certificate for getting the widow remarried?
@manavati, its 5 yrs+ now i think, though i am not sure..
And same, which show applies these logics..
For them died person is alive is ok.. no need to go for govt official test and records..
Than this drama they are following since kyu ki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi Mihir death.. and now every show uses it, with or without any logic…
And more over if shows are made on logic than 80% will not run on tv