Categories: Meet

Meet 5th May 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet sneaks into Abhay Rana house

Meet 5th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat in his room. Raj walks to him and says good news is your mom is better then before and ask where are you going with check book. Meet Ahlawat says I’m going to pay Mamji everything because I want my sister back right now. Raj says this is not right, first sit and listen, Abhay Rana is minister and we have to handle it carefully is very clever man, he don’t believe in relation, with our angr Isha might have to pay, earlier also he ditched me. Meet Ahlawat says should we let him go then. Raj says no this is not what I eman, we have to do everything legally, I’ll hire best lawyer in town for Isha.

Hawa Singh says to Meet your father murderer live in this house with you, just a bit away from you, everyday you walk around your father’s murderer and he fall down because he

was drunk. Meet says complete your sentence, stand up and tell. Constable walks to Meet and says sorry we for coming late and they take him. Meet says what have you done God, they are my family and my father murderer is my family member, what are you thinking you cannot believe Hawa Singh, my family cannot do this, Hawa Singh is a lier. Raj walks to Meet says I know Shanty and Abhay Rana are lier and if you think a lot on this your will get sick. Meet says to Raj please keep your blessings with me I need it. Raj puts his hand on Meet’s head and says I know you are in trouble for Isha but now you should be Meet Ahlawat because you two need eachother and says I know what I have to do, I have few name of advocates who need to be contacted. Ragini walks to Raj says Babita is calling you and ask what happen. Raj says she is missing Isha. Ragini says to Meet I know you love Isha a lot, they are good people and Shanty will take good care of isha don’t worry.

Shanty enter his house and ask Isha what happen what are you waiting for and says to her come inside house all the drama for rituals are over at your home bow come inside. Isha says I have no hope for any rituals from you and I also don’t want to do it, I don’t believe in this marriage, because of you I gave trouble to everyone in family, I did whatever you wanted but you cannot compelled me to do things. Shanty says to Abhay I was scared of these things, I didn’t like her face but still you ask me to marry her, handle her or else I’ll do something to her. Abhay says to Shanty calm down and says to Isha what happen why are you not coming in, listen Isha I have pendrive in my hand and this is not a normal pendrive it’s a trap, I don’t want to blackmail you so realise early that this house is your cage so come in. Isha walks in, she snatch pendrive and try to run. Shanty hold her and push her to table. Isha gets hurt.

Ragini in hall. Ram walks to her ask what happen. Ragini says our daughter might be at home, I didn’t got any call she might be okay. Tej walks to them and aks what happen. Ram says she is worried about Isha. Tej says she might be busy with ritual and relatives must be there so she must be busy with all things.

Abhay shouts at Shanty says what you did, it was just a pendrive we already have many more copies nothing would have been wrong if she snatched one and says to Isha get up now forgot this our servant will take you to room, come stand up you got badly injured don’t worry I’ll talk to Shanty later. Isha crying in pain and leave.

Meet Ahlawat in his room. Meet walk to him and think should I talk to him what Hawa Singh said to me, he must be lying but still I should talk to him. Meet says to him I need to talk to you. Meet Ahlawat says you need to say that we should bring Isha back to home, I agree on this point but we cannot go there. Meet thinks he is right we must think of saving Isha and says she is our sister why can’t we go. Meet Ahlawat says because Dad said we need to handle this case legally and if we do anything before that it may turn into big problem, don’t you worry I’ll talk to Shanty tomorrow morning, for tonight I won’t sleep with you because I was unable to talk to her, I know dad will be there but she feel good because of my presence and leave. Meet remembers what Shanty said to her about Isha’s life and says Shanty sais thathe will give her pain a lot, I don’t know why Isha said yes for marriage but I won’t Isha be victim I have to do something tonight.

Abhay and Shanty drinking. Abhay says today my fool sister called me and said everyone is happy that Isha got married but Shanty you also give signal on right time that Meet is in house and on same time In showed Isha video of his father killing Ashok. Shanty un shock says so this is how you convinced her. Abhay says relation require sacrifice and it’s very important to know who you have to sacrifice on what time, this is called as politics, see how Isha sacrificed her life for her father and you know I killed Ashok Hooda and Ram thinks he shot Ashok and because of that fear he listen to me and that same fear Isha have now. Shanty says I feel so proud of you. Shanty says now you have to continue this fear. Shanty says don’t worry. Abhay says she should live in fear in this house. Shanty says I’m worried about Meet. Abhay says don’t worry I’ll handle her, I’ll break her apart.

Meet sneaks in Abhay Rana house. Meet says I’ll enter from back door and drops a pot. Security listen the sound and walks out and see pot, he walk back inside. Meet says I cannot go inside from here I need to do something, she take table cloth and hide behind door. Security guard come out and she made him unconscious, she apologize to him and says I will be needing your uniform and gun. Meet disguised as security guard walks in house.

Isha in room crying. Shanty walks in drunk, he close the door and ask Isha what happen are you scared of seeing me, says something. Isha get’s scared. Shanty says it’s a good beginning and raise his hand to hit Isha. Isha shouts. Meet hears Isha screaming and walks towards the room. Shanty walking out of room. Meet stops and hid her face with cap. Shanty passing by she salute him. Shanty stops.

Meet enter Isha’s room. Isha see Meet and rush to close her laptop and hugs Meet. Meet hugs her and take pendrive and says this pendrive has some secret.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet see the video in pendrive. Meet shouts

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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