Categories: Meet

Meet 6th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet become police officer

Meet 6th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

In 3 minutes they changed the lot of medicine and hid them in water with water tight container and everything was done with planning. Raj says but without knowing our driver this is impossible. Meet says he is also involved that’s why he ran away when police called him. Inspector says don’t worry our people are looking for him we will get to know the culprit when he will be caught for now we are leaving. Abhay Rana thanks them. Ram says because of Meet our Meet Ahlawat was saved. Ragini says yes you are right and says to Babita you were sad that our Meet won’t be able to keep fast for our Meet Ahlawat now see our Meet saved our son and prove him innocent. Babuta thnaks Meet and see Meet Ahlawat name in her hand says Mehendi. Meet says this is sketch pen if I ask them for mehendi they will ask

me take two rounds of tgere ground so I worked with this. Tej says even she kept fast also. Babita hugs her and says see Masum she know how to take responsibility of bith sides being in academy she kept fast for my son and says you are not saying anything. Meet Ahlawat no I don’t want to say anything, she doesn’t give value to any words she is not worth for any live and walk away. Babita says what happen to him. Meet says I’ll see him.

Meet Ahlawat in his room. Meet enter to talk to him but he keeps ignoring him. Meet sing song for him. Meet Ahlawat join her. Meet says if you eill not teel me why you are sad then how will I make things normal with my boyfriend. Meet Ahlawat says why should I tell you when you don’t value what I say, I asked you not to leave academy and came here, you take my everything for granted when I’ll be dead. Meet keep her hand on his mouth and says I dare you to say this one more time. Meet Ahlawat says if you are police officer so will do anything. Meet says god has given you ears use them properly, I didn’t run from academy I took half day and tell him the story how she came out. Meet Ahlawat says really and pray to God she is going to be a police officer give her some brain and ask to stop using these tricks. Meet says I have joined police academy not a behavioural academy afterall work is been done then what is the matter if it’s right or wrong way. Meet Ahlawat says this means you will never learn. Meet says no now you have to work with this girlfriend. He ask when you have to report to academy. Meet says let them catch that driver then I’ll leave. He says they are doing there work they will find him if they took time so you will be here. Meet says understood, I’m hungry since morning kept fast for you saved you from going jail and you are taking my class. Meet Ahlawat stop her and ask where are you going. Meet says I’m going to the academy only then you will be happy. Meet Ahlawat pick her up in his arms and take her.

Everyone in hall. Abhay Rana says I’m happy that everything is normal now I should leave please allow me. Babita says wait let me call Meet and Meet Ahlawat and take there name. Meet Ahlawat walks to them with Meet in her arm’s. Masum things og god in this house drama never finishes. Babita says to Meet Ahlawat keep her down and ask Meet to get down and take blessings of Mama. Meet Ahlawat thanks and aays I’m so sorry I’m not keeping her down she had kept fast for me. Meet whispers what are you doing Meet Ahlawat keep me down. He says don’t worry he is my Mama he understand things. Abhay Rana no issues I just want you to be happy. Keet says sorry and greet him. Abhay says to Babita I’m impressed feom your daughter in law, she will surely achieve a big thing in her police job and nobody will be save from her her no matter how smart he is and says now I should leave. Raj says sure and keep visiting me and your sister will feel good.

Meet Ahlawat take Meet in garden and make her sit. Meet says it’s time to leave. Meet Ahlawat says 15 seconds are still left. They both spend a quality time with eachother. Meet Ahlawat make dun of her.

Ram sits in his car says what all I did to make them apart, I switched material of my company, made a police case, brought rage in people, police was about to catch Meet Ahlawat but she ruined everything, she spoiled my mood.

Meet Ahlawat says so your 15 seconds are over and give her water to open her fast. Meet drinks it and say now please give me something to eat im hungry and ask him to give jalebi. Meet Ahlawat says okay close your eyes and give her bitter groud to eat. Meet make faces and says this is not jalebi and start chasing him. Meet says okay wait and see her name on his hand. She ask why did you wrote my name. Meet Ahlawat explain her the ritual. She says you kept fast for me. He says yes and how fast will know which Meet kept it. She give him water to drink and give jalebi to eat. They both eat jalebi.

Ram says I think now we will be caught. Abhay Rana sitting beside him says Meet saved her husband but she won’t know that we are the real murder of her father.

Meet Ahlawat drop Meet at academy. Meet says I’ll leave and keep your ears open I cannot get half-day daily. Meet Ahlawat thanks her and aays I understood one thing the day when you will become the officer your father’s murderer day’s will be numbered you will find them from hell, till that time take care of yourself and do call me, he leaves.

Meet walk inside academy and start her training. She do all kinds of exercises and learn how to use a gun.

Meet Ahlawat in meeting says our company har dispatched this year’s biggest order. Everyone applauds and he ask everyone to work. Raj on video call appreciate his work.

Meet thinks I have to crawl slowly or else I’ll get trap in barbbed wire, she completes her run.

Babita brings coffee for Raj. He says please call Meet Ahlawat I need to discuss some matter of office. Babita says our kid is like you he went to office early morning. Raj says he went to office this early now I don’t have to care much about my son. Babait says you know the case happen with Meet Ahlawat, we should be thankful to my brother he came to us in one phone call to help from that atleast he came to know who is his family, you know he trust him so much that he don’t take any decision without discussing him.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet on video call. He ask her to sit and talk. She says I cannot sit because I’m tiered because of training if I’ll sit then will sleep directly. Meet Ahlawat says my day was also hectic and I travelled also but still I’m feeling fresh, you are going to be a police officer and talking about getting tiered. Meet says okay my strong man wait and she sit down and says now say and see him sleeping on video call, she also lie down and they both sleep over video call.

Next morning Meet in her uniform in ground. Officer ask them to take oth to become a police officer. Everyone excited to see Meet while taking oath. Meet and everyone else take oath of police officer. Meet looks at her mother. Anubha remembers the time when she was wearing her father’s uniform for first time.

Babita says to Meet bring fast a surprise is waiting.
Meet says to Meet Ahlawat tell me the surprise, he says I won’t tell you. Meet says I thought when I’ll meet you will give you a tight hug. He says then hug me and gets excited. Meet says you tell me surprise and I’ll hug you.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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