Categories: Meet

Meet 7th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Meet excited for the surprise

Meet 7th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Officer says I would like to take a name who showed spuerb performance in training and the name is Meet Hooda and ask her to come on stage. She walks toward stage and remember the thoughts of her father. She take the package and scroll. Everyone gets happy for her. Meet Ahlawat says my girlfriend is looking hot in police uniform and looks at Anubha and Dadi says I mean she is a good police officer.
Meet run and hugs Anubha. Anubha says I’m so happy I cannot explain, you father will feel proud if he see you in uniform because you fulfill his dream, she start crying. Anubha says don’t cry, your father is with you always and give her Indian flag pin. She says father use to wear this. Anubha says now you will follow the legacy, she pit on pi. And everyone salute her. Dadi praises Meet and says

I remember my son Ashok after seeing you in uniform only mustache is missing, you look hot in uniform Meet Ahlawat was saying. Meet take blessings of Raj and Babita. Babita says you have no idea how much we missed in last 9 months, bow you are done with your police officer role so directly reach to Ahlawat’s mansion because I have to act like mother in law for you, now let’s go. Meet says I have one more hour to complete few formalities until that you can have food in canteen. Meet Ahlawat says nobody will wait, she can take more time, so you all can go home have lunch I’ll bring her. Everyone laugh. Babita says you are right it can take time and you also get tiered because of office so what you can do is take everyone home I’ll wait here because I’m totally free, what happen to your face, did you see how he changed the face expression and make fun of him, she says don’t be worried I’ll take everyone you can be here but bring her early surprise is waiting for her. Meet says what surprise. Babita says come home then I’ll tell and says to Meet Ahlawat if you told her about surprise then just see. He says don’t worry. A officer walks to Meet says sir is calling you. Meet says I have to leave and walk away.

Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat with her luggage. Meet Ahlawat says wao commitment beack in exactly one hour. Meet says yes because I know how crazy you will be that’s why I completed my work fast. Meet Ahlawat says say that you were missing me a lot and tease her then says thanks for coming early. Meet says if you are thanking me so tell me what is the surprise. Meet Ahlawat says you became to Inspector Meet but at home Commissioner is waiting called as Babita Ahlawat if she came to know I told you surprise then she won’t leave me and I don’t want that. Meet says okay I want tell you that I thought when I’ll meet you will give you a tight hug. Meet Ahlawat says then give me I also want that, so give. Meet says no I cannot do I’m in uniform and it have some rules. Meet Ahlawat says hugging is not a crime and try to get close to her. She pinch him tightly and ask him to stay away. Meet Ahlawat says do one work please ask my girlfriend to talk to Inspector to stay somewhere here because I need to spend my time with my girlfriend. Meet says what do you mean. Meet Ahlawat says I mean we will go on a long drive have ice cream and spend some quality time. Meet says sometimes you give good idea. He says go change fast. She says tell me surprise I’ll go and change. He says first change then I’ll tell you surprise.

Meet waiting for her in car she open the door and sit inside. Meet Ahlawat hugs her and aboyt to kiss. She slaps him and he come out of his imagination and says what faces are you making. He says nothing and try to give her side hug. She says I just took the training of police I can sense what is going on in someone’s mind and show him handcuff. Meet Ahlawat get scared and says I thought of getting romantic with my girlfriend but I’m stuck with a police officer. Meet says now let’s go or should I pinch you. Meet Ahlawat says no no it’s okay and they leave.

They both in market she ask him to stop car. He ask what happen. Meet says come out and let’s have tea on this tapra. Meet ask vendor to make tea. Meet Ahlawat take tea and says here is tea of SI Meet Hooda. They both have tea. He says your tea looks more tasty and flirt with her. A man walks to Meet says madam please help me. Meet Ahlawat says listen you are not on duty. She says okay but let me ask what is the problem. She ask him what happen. Man says my name is Rakesh and I bought second hand car from my neighbour, I trusted him and give him whole amount and bow he is denying to give me car. Meet Ahlawat says no need to worry, you must be having evidence of transferring money. Rakesh says no sir he is my neighbour, so he asked me for cash, I trusted him and gave money so I don’t have any evidence and show them car, Manoj went inside to get some stuff and show her the photo of Manoj and ask ask him to give me my car. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat this will take few minutes let me handle. He says okay. Meet ask Rakesh get yourself a pen and paper and write down as I say, she gave him address of Ghasita Ram sweet shop and ask him to bring half kg jalebi till that time I’ll look for something. Rakesh go away to get jalebi. Meet Ahlawat says how you will solve case without any complaint, I thought you will do everything with lot of action but you ask him to get Jalebi from Ghasita Ram. Meet says so this is my style now come with me to help me.

Isha in hall says where are these people they must be here till now, it’s so late. Everyone gets in. Isha ask where is Bhabiya and Bhabhi to Raj and Babita. Babita says they will be here soon they stop to complete some formalities and says your Bhabhi will be here soon so show all your tantrums and hugs her, listen they will be here any time be prepared and Babita leave. Isha worried says to herself please come fast Meet I need your help, it’s do or die situation only you can help.

Meet in her car remove shoes. Meet Ahlawat ask why are you removing shoes. She cover the windows of car and ask him to remove his jacket and be quick. He gave her his jacket. She cover the front wind shield and then ask him to remove shirt. He ask what are you doing and why are you doing. Meet says I’ll answer all your questions after wards for now do as I say. He remove his shirt and give to her. She cover the back windshield. Meet Ahlawat says what are you trying to do. Meet says I’m not that bold that I can do anything without cover. Meet Ahlawat misunderstood the situation and thinks she is getting romantic. Meet says don’t think of anything else. Meet says don’t turn you face just look infront if you try to turn then I’ll arrest you. Meet changing. He says do fast. Meet remove the cover and says now you can see. Meet Ahlawat says you changed you whole attire and remove my clothes. Meet says good now wear your clothes because you have to go and talk to Manoj and ask him is that car his or not. Meet Ahlawat says do you think he will tell truth. Meet says I know he will not tell the truth but we have to ask him as if we know he sold that car to Rakesh now wear your clothes fast and will brief you about plan.

Meet Ahlawat go to car and start looking inside. Manoj walks to him says are you amd or what what are you doing near rhe car. Meet Ahlawat says this car is your I don’t know why this car isn’t seems your. Manoj get offended and says this car is mine and if it’s not mine then is this car of your father. Manoj says I told you this car is mine now stop wasting my time. Meet Ahlawat says please one time more says that this car is your. Manoj says you are out of your mind now clear my path, he go to the trunk and open it and see Meet inside lying with her hands tied to a rope. Manoj get scared and says how did the girl came inside car. Meet start shouting help me.

PreCap: Meet enters Ahlawat mansion. Ragini shows her rings says these rings are for Isha’s fiance, you have to choose one. Babita shows her ring, says choose this one.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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