Categories: Meet

Meet 7th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Ragini reveals Ishani’s truth

Meet 7th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet see Meet Ahlawat dancing with someone else disguised as her from window. Meet thinks who is she? Laila thinks your husband is in my arms and see how I’ll celebrate diwali with him. Meet breaks the door and try to open latch from outside but couldn’t reach.
Laila remember soaking her hankie in chloroform and thinks I’m sorry for whatever I’m going to do Meet Ahlawat.
Meet finds a wire, she makes a loop from it and unlock door from outside.
Meet rush to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat thinks if she is here and then who is behind me. Meet says she is the girl who kept cake and flowers in your room. Meet walks to them and ask her to remove mask and show me your true face. Meet try to touch her mask but Laila push her and run away. Meet Ahlawat run to catch her but he

couldn’t. Meet Ahlawat ask Meet who was she? Meet says I don’t know and find something written on cake MEET AHLAWAT IS MINE. Meet Ahlawat get’s a voice message says I’m sorry I couldn’t bring you with me but I’m sure we both will celebrate diwali together only you and me. Meet Ahlawat says this girl is clever she messaged from private number. Meet hugs him says I won’t let you. Meet Ahlawat calm her down says don’t worry. Meet says only we knew about this date then how did she know. He say that person is very clever. Meet says this girl said she will celebrate diwali with you this means she is going to do something soon, Meet remembers seeing flower in Neelu’s room and tell hik about that. Meet Ahlawat says do you think Neelam would do something in her pregnant condition. Meet says for that we have to go and check if Neelam is there. Meet Ahlawat says we will go and talk yo Neelu after that we will tell our family about our relation.

Ishani showing her anger at Ragini. Ragini ask her to be quite. Ishani removing thread from her hand. Babita walks to her says what is this behaviour Ragini tie this in your hand for your safety, consider you as her daughter and you disrespecting her emotions. Ishani says this woman is coward and everyone in this family have cheap thinking. Babita get’s angry and try to slap her. Ragini hold her hand. Ram shouts at Ragini says this girl is disrespecting whole family but still you not scolding her, tell me what is your relation with her that you are ready to be against everyone. Babita ask why are you covering her. Raj says it’s sure you are in trouble but what is the reason you not says anything to her, tell me what is the reason. Ram says you are hiding something tell me truth, what is your relation with her, if you didn’t tell then I’ll throw her out. Ragini standing quiet. Ram hold Ishani hand. Ragini says she is my daughter. Everyone in shock. Masum says to Sunaina she this this hidden for so many years from everyone, she cheated on a kind Man, she did wrong with Ram. Ram get’s emotionally hurt and leave. Ishani in shock. Ragini crying sits on floor.

Barfi looking at Neelu thinks don’t know what all Laila did when she was out and I have to tell lie to everyone because of her now how I’ll handle the situation. Neelu wakes up, she says why my head is paining and when did I came here, she looks at watch says it’s 9 I should get ready for pooja. Barfi says no need to go anywhere I told Babita you are not well, just act with me. Neelu says what is happening why I don’t remember anything and I can’t act. Barfi says few things we have to do according to condition, she give her shades to wear says do for youe mother.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I can’t believe Ragini can do something like this, there must be a reason. Meet says after knowing about her history I still respect her same, everyone has history but you can’t just someone’s present on basis of his history, you were going to tell about usto family but Chachi said truth about her and that damage the relation, sometime telling truth is not teh answer, I believe our family won’t be able to accept the truth. Meet Ahlawat says whatever you are saying is true but I can’t believe I feel like telling lie won’t help to sustain our relation for long. Meet says whatever you are saying is truth but keeping your mouth shut is not telling lie, you promise Deep to take care of Barfi, we kept our relation hidden so that nobody calls Neelu’s baby illegitimate, if you tell everyone about truth then they will question her integrity, how will you save her, first we need to find the culprit, Neelu asked us for our help we should give time and help her out. Servant walks to them says have dinner. Meet ask did anyone eat. Servant says no. Meet ask about the plate. Servant says this is for Neelu she is not well, she even didn’t come out for pooja. Meet says give me this I’ll take it and says to Meet Ahlawat I’ll go and check personally if she is I’ll or acting.

Meet says to Barfi I heard Neelu is not well so thought of seeing her. Barfi says it’s contagious don’t go to her. Meet says if I’m here so I’ll look at her, she walks to Neelu says remove your specks if it’s serious we will go to doctor. Meet thinks my doubt is turning to be truth now.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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