Meet 7th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Meet praying to god says today for first time I’m doing something big without mummy’s acknowledgement. Anubha gets down and start looking for Meet asks did you get milk. Manu from upstairs asks for herbal toothpaste. Amma asks for Meet for flowers. Anubha sees milk is already boiled. Amma sees flowers arer already here and Manu sees her toothpaste on dressing. Anubha gets tea and calls Meet to have it and gives Manu her black coffee. Manu gets annoyed by Puja sound. Anubha says what happen to Meet is she gone to bed again and asks Manu to give her breakfast and tea. Manu says am I her waitress and leaves.
Meet in front of her father’s memorial says I did promise to get 15lakhs in 15days and I don’t have any other option so please be there for me as usual. Meet sits in auto and leaves for railway station.
Anubha scolds Manu and ask her why didn’t she give Meet her breakfast. Manu says sorry I didn’t hear it and anyway Meet is nowhere upstair. Anubha gets worried and says where is she. Amma calls Anubha and says listen to me your girl is not like girl she might have gone with her friends. Meet friends come calling her. Anubha asks where is Meet is she not with you. Friend says we daily play cricket with her but she didn’t come today. Anubha wonder where did she went. Manu says relax shr might have gone for her delivery. Anubha says to Meet friend you go and find her till that time I’ll call and check on her. Anubha calls her and her phone were switched off says where did she went today. Manu and Amma on phone looking something and laughing. Amma says this is Meet a boy in girls body nobody could have run with her. Manu laughs and says you are too much. Amma says if everything was right then Meet wouldn’t have sit silently. Manu says I need some money for my assignment could you give me. Anubha says go take from almera. Manu goes upstair and looks for money in almera calls Amma and Anubha upstairs. Anubha and Amma goes upstair and ask what happen. Manu asks Anubha where is box its missing. Amma says to Anubha is she talking about the box which have paper, jewelry, money fd paper and our savings. Amma gets panicked and asks Anubha to search it. Amma says what is this new problem.
Meet goes to bank and says to Manager don’t worry this is my first time I’m applying for loan, so brought all the paper with me, now you have told me so here is my passbook and my FD paper, now tell me how can I get 15 lakh rupees for my sister’s wedding. Manager asks what is your job. Meet says I deliver food don’t you remember me last year I delivered cake to your house. Manager says yes I remember you were the one who was waiting outside my house for 15 minutes, I wanted to give her surprise at exact 12 midnight and she was surprised after knowing that you were a girl not boy, says you don’t have enough salary that you can get loan of 15 lakh rupees for that you have to give something as mortgage like jewelry or house paper. Meet says I don’t have anything on my name and if I give you jewelry then what my sister will wear in her wedding. Manager says is therr anyone who can take your guarantee. Meet says yes I have many people like tea stall one, many bug and young to take my guarantee. Manager says you must have someone who is rich and educated who can pay your loan if you are unable to do it.
Amma, Anubha and Manu in house panicked. Manu says where did she went with the box. Anubha says I cannot understand, she never did this before. Meet friend come and says we asked everyone and got to know Meet was out with a bag but where did she went don’t know and Auto driver told us that he dropped Meet near railway station and leaves. Manu says I’m sure that box is in the bag.
Meet talks to herself says from where will you get 15lakhs in few days and picks up a jewelry from floor sees a man going with bag stops him and says your bag is torned. Man says I saved this for my daughter’s wedding, tell me what can I do for your good gesture. Meet says in your daughter wedding give everyone food and consider you said thankyou to me. Man says thanks yo her and leaves. Meet turn around and sees Raj says what are you doing here. Raj says to Meet I know your main business is helping people and asks what happen is everything good is there any problem.
Manu gets panicked says Meet ran away with everything. Anubha says what nonsense are you talking. Manu says I’m telling you truth she ran away or else why would she go to station, you can call bank and ask did she break any FD and then not to give single penny to Meet. Anubha scolds Manu after your father she did everything for us being the younger one. Amma says if your daughter didn’t run then where is she, evey day she tells you 10time where she going what happen this time. Anubha says there should be a reason. Amma says where did she go with box and there is wedding in 15days, you called her you son but look she ran away. Anubha says I’m sure there must be something important for uu, I know you don’t like her but atleast don’t accuse her. Manu says to Anubha you have blind faith on Meet, don’t forget you have other daughter too who is going to get married but your Meet ran away with money and she even hurt Papa’s sentiment. Anubha about to slap her Amma stop.
Raj and Meet in bank. Meets tells him she is here for loan. Raj says if you take this big loan all your life will go in emi. Meet says my families happiness is greater then that hardship, but this manager is not understand point but god will help me. Raj says good that’s the spirit. Meet says I need to and visit other bank atleast I’ll get a humble men there. Raj says atleast have tea after looking you I can tell you didn’t have anything since morning. Meet says let me go, will reach banks until I get a nod, Raj says no wait I have work here for 10 min give me company, Meet says I will wait if you insist, Raj says I will get tea and gets a call, and so leaves.
Meet Ahlawat calls Raj and says I am here to pick you outside bank, Raj says but I have my car, Meet Ahlawat says okay no worries we both will go in drive together, Raj says I know your mummy has send you here to see if I don’t eat kachori and jalebi, Meet Ahlawat says you have my loyalty, Raj says I sense some plan behind it, anyways you come inside I will take some time.
Amma says to Anubha, hit me, Anubha says you know I wont do anything but leave accusing my Meet, she saved our reputation yesterday, accepted to arrange 15 lakhs and you still call her a theif, Amma says yes, she said yes yesterday and must have thought whole night and so ran away when she realised she can’t and with all our savings, Anubha says I swear you on me, stop doing this because I am sure she will return.
Raj gets Meet tea and says here is Mathri, Meet says you carry Matri in your pockets, Raj says it gives different taste to tea and I am foodie so keep carrying something. Raj and Meet have tea and enjoy, Meet says lets finish quickly I have to leave, Raj says all work will be done enjoy your tea, Meet gulps her tea, and says I will rush now, Manager comes to Meet and calls her Madamji, Meet says how come so sweet, Manager says forget that we approve your loan, and will be in your account, Meet says how come, Manager says you didn’t tell us you know Raj and he is ready to be your guarantee and so your 8 lakhs loan is approved, Meet says this is why you wanted me to stay, you are my angel uncle you saved my family. Meet in tears and says I was never emotional in front of anyone except my Papa, Raj says calm down I am like your Papa and bless her.
Raj leaves to get his cash.
Pre cap: None
Update Credit to: Tanaya
This is remake of kannada nd telgu serial it’s good but i don’t think it will work here bcz lead actress arshi not at all suits to the character of meet who as to look strong too not only in talk but in appearance too, she looks like child
no, i think she nails the character!