Categories: Meet

Meet 8th April 2023 Written Episode Update: Shagun disguises as Meet

Meet 8th April 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet alone on street looking at Raj’s and Babita’s photo says to herself I’ll ask for forgiveness from Manmeet and help him to free from the promise you gave but I can’t stand between his love.

Shagun remembers Manmeet and Meet spending time with eachother, she puts her hand over diya.

Meet calls Manmeet and says I know you are upset but please give me one chance for forgiveness, can you meet me please and have lassi with me or chocolate or ice cream anything you want but please meet me. Manmeet says come home. Meet says no I want to meet you in person alone, tell me will you come. Manmeet says okay I’ll meet you and disconnects call. Manmeet smiles.

Gunwanti walks to Shagun and says what are you doing why are you burning your hand. Shagun says everyone will

know everything at right time just consider one thing, I took an oath to seprate Meet and Manmeet from eachother.

Meet in temple doing pooja for Raj and Babita, she remembers her time with them. Panditji doing pooja for Raj and Babita. Meet ssys I’m upset from you, you went far away from me, put Manmeet in a situation because of that I thought he was wrong and disrespected him infront of whole village but in return he said nothing to me, I’ll apologies to him infront of everyone and pray. Suddenly wind starts blowing

Manmeet walks to his bike. Shagun walks to him. Manmeet says you finally did it. Shagun hugs him and says go and bring Meet back. Manmeet says you know me very well, come let’s go and bring her. Shagun says you should go alone, I’ll wait for you. Manmeet wear his helmet and leave. Sapna says to Shagun this is wierd you are asking Manmeet to bring Meet back, this means you also think Meet is right partner for Manmeet.

Everyone get out of temple because of storm. Meet also walks out and thinks what happen to climate suddenly. Manmeet on his bike in rain. Manmeet thinks this is the place where Meet called but where is she? A girl walks to Manmeet and asks her to open her umbrella. Manmeet help her and she walks away.
Manmeet shouts Meet’s name. Meet in rain looking for Manmeet. Manmeet says soon this rain will turn into thunderstorm, don’t know where Meet is hiding. Manmeet hear someone walking and see Meet. Meet walks to him and hugs him tightly.

Manmeet says to Meet I’m wrestler but what will happen if you get sick, I know you want to apologise but no need someone else would also have reacted same way like you did earlier, it’s not your fault now come let’s go home. Meet dosent respond. Manmeet says come home because I won’t be leaving you alone, I promised Raj to look after you. Meet stabs Manmeet with knife on his shoulder and push him. Manmeet falls on ground…
Meet unconscious sitting beside the tree… Meet waiting for Manmeet in rain, someone keeping and eye on her, she adds chloroform on a hanky and walks to Meet. Meet get’s unconscious…
Shagun remove Meet’s mask. Shagun remembers Gunwanti asking her why did she burn her hand. Shagun says this wound will help me to get my Manmeet back forever.
Shagun sit beside Manmeet and says if possible please forgive, I love you a lot that’s why I hurt myself first before hurting you, I cannot see you with Meet, whatever happened today will make you hate her more, don’t worry I won’t let happen anything to you, I stabbed in such a manner that it won’t injured you a lot, I’ll take care of you and you will be fine like before and soon we both will unite forever. Shagun run away and calls police station from a phone booth and inform them about injured person near Shiv temple and she disconnects the call.


Update Credit to: Tanaya


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