Categories: Meet

Meet 8th June 2022 Written Episode Update: Shanty’s henchmen thrash Meet

Meet 8th June 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Babita in kitchen with servant. Babita ask him to give halwa to Meet and they both walk out. Shanty standing outside kitchen enter and mix something in halwa and leave. Servant serve halwa for Meet and leave. Meet in her room says I won’t let you success in your plan Shanty, I need to find out his plan. Shanty says to himself a special halwa is coming for you so that you can die in suffering.
Servant give halwa to Meet and says Babita has send and ask you to finish. Meet about to eat halwa but stop and call Manbeer and says I heard department is trying to take strict action against you. Manbeer ask why. Meet says don’t know and ask all the prisoners under your surveillance are getting punished is there anyone who ran. Manbeer says yes. Meet says sorry to give you tension but I thought I should

give you a heads-up for the enquiry, well okay and disconnects call. Meet says I have set my trap.

Shanty walk in his room and says in sometime Meet will be dead. Manbeer calls Shanty and says get back to rehab center quickly. Shanty says did you forget out agreement there is still time left. Manbeer says if anyone from department come then we both will be in trouble. Shanty says give me 2 hours atleast. Manbeer says come here in no time.

Meet see the video of Manbeer talking to Shnaty on phone and says this means I was right he is out for 24 hrs to finish his work but what could be so important. Meet Ahlawat walks in room and hugs her, he says I’m angry on you Meet, what if something happens to you in kitchen. Meet says you get tensed that’s why I didn’t tell you. He says why not from last 24 hrs you were just saved, I’m talking to you say something. Meet show him video of Manbeer talking to Shanty. Meet Ahlawat says what Shanty is out and how do you have these instructions on your phone, will you tell me what is going on are you hiding something. Meet says no I just get to know about Shanty, I’m feeling scared I think he is planning to hurt us. He ask how is that possible. Meet says I don’t know that but to know everything I need to reach police station and have all the information before Shanty try to harm our family, she get her uniform and says I’ll be connected to you on phone and will come early. He ask her to stop and remember when he saved her from falling down from cliff, he take all the soft toy and keep them in line says this is Sureksha Rekha I’m making this for you and you will.not cross this line. Meet says are you trying to understand Shanty is out and he will try to harm us. He says listen Meet you are pregnant and we cannot put you or our child in danger try to understand our biggest responsibility is to keep our child safe so please take care of your child and swear on me that you will not cross that line, he make her sit and give water and leave the room. Meet thinks why dont you understand I’m worried about our family not for my SI job.

Ragini says to Babita I think so we should talk to Param ji about Meet cooking khichdi for next 10 day’s more. Babita says I’m scared I don’t know how can I ask Meet to cook again. Ragini says please ask him. Shanty walk down with her friends. Babita stop him. Raj also walks to them and ask what happen, are you going somewhere, you were going to leave in evening. Shanty signal saying guruji called us ashram. Babita aak him about khichdi. He says she have to make for next 10 days. Babita says okay I’ll call her please give her blessings. Man says don’t worry she is blessed and let her rest. Shanty thinks after eating halwa she will be resting forever. Raj thanks them for the pooja and ask is there something we can do for you. Shanty see Meet Ahlawat comeing downstairs.

Meet in her room about to have halwa but she stop to give laundry to servant and see blood on bedsheet and ask him about that. He says guruji amd his devotees are gone so thought of changing bedsheet. Meet confused ask they were here till evening. Servant says yes they were but they left suddenly and he leave. Meet remember about cigerette bud and she call Guruji and says I have send few photos on your phone can you please check and tell me are they your devotees. Guruji see photos and says no they are not my devotees what happen. Meet says I’ll tell you everything later, she disconnects call and try to connect all the dots and says this mean Shanty was paramji, he was out to kill me in last 24 hrs he attempted twice to kill me, she looks at halwa and decide not to eat, she throws it in dustbin. Ragini walks to Meet look at her face ask what happen to you is there any problem. Meet says nothing to worry. Ragini ask Meet Ahlawat made this line so that you won’t go to work and ask her to rest, when Meet Ahlawat will be back I’ll call you for lunch. She ask where is he. Ragini says he went to drip Paramji on his demand.

Man says to Raj uf you could help us we will be obliged. Raj ask tell what do you want. Man says the car which will come to pick us will be near highway in sometime, if your son can drop us there will be good. Raj ask Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says no worries I’ll drop you.

Meet ask what he went to drop them. Ragini says yes he aent to drop them near highway don’t worry you should take rest and she leaves. Meet get’s tensed.

Meet Ahlawat reach the location. Everyone get out of car. Meet Ahlawat take permission from Paramji but someone hit Meet Ahlawat on his head with stick. Everyone hold him. Shanty reveal his identity to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat get’s angry says you were in my house and try to kill Meet. He says well im quite smart and says you will call Meet well do it because I also want to know did she had that halwa with poison, if yes then she aill taking her last few breath and if not then call her here and finish her, he ask his man to beat him. Meet call someone. Meet Ahlawat fighting with his men. Meet looks at Suraksha rekha and says thinks Meet Ahlawat is in trouble and to save him I have to cross the line made by him.

Meet Ahlawat in bad condition on street. Meet walks in and save him, she fight with Shanty’s friend. Shanty says to Meet you won’t be able to save your husband today. Meet make him fall on street.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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