Categories: Meet

Meet 8th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Meet give documents back to Jasodha

Meet 8th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet says to Jasodha don’t be angry on me or else I’ll go to Sarkar and tell him you gave me these documents. Jasodha push her and says you won’t say anything. Meet says okay but my puppet have to dance for me and asks her to dance properly. Jasodha dancing. Sarkar and Manmeet walks in. Sarkar asks what are you doing. Jasodha stops and looks for Meet. Meet not available. Jasodha says house looks dirty so thought of cleaning it. Sarkar says you can ask other daughter in law’s to do cleaning. Sarkar walks away. Manmeet walks to Jasodha and asks her are you alright. Jasodha confused say’s yes I’m alright you can leave. Manmeet walks away.

Jasodha in kitchen gets anxious remembers what Swamiji said to her about Meet permanently living in her house. Jasodha doing chores

in kitchen to divert herself. She drops a container and it breaks.

Manmeet and Sarkar in room. Sarkar asks Manmeet what are you looking at. Manmeet says this necklace would be of 15 lakhs and Meet’s parents gave this to me after marriage and her family have lot’s of factories so why she will take blame of stealing 2 lakh rupees and I’ll surely find out the reason for taking blame.

Meet in kitchen with Jasodha. Meet says be careful and help her to pick things. Jasodha says I did a mistake by trusting you and a mother trusted you not Sarkar’s wife but you are very clever, you came back with documents to break my house. Meet keep things aside show her documents.

Sarkar says to Manmeet let me handle the situation you go and get ready for your match only 4 hours are left. Manmeet says okay.

Meet handover documents to Jasodha says I don’t need these papers and a family member don’t harm his other members and I have accepted you as my family and will live here permanently.

Sundari and Anuja in room. Sundari asks her did they do something bad to you. Anuja says no and hugs her. Sundari in tears says thank god you are safe or else I won’t be able to forgive me. Sundari says I’ll go and light a diya for you in temple. Anuja says pray for Meet too because of her I’m alive and she need blessings for fight against Manmeet in wrestling. Sundari says sure I’ll do it, I’m also worried about her don’t know what will be the result of match. Anuja says Meet have to win because if she loose we all will loose.

Jasodha tears the documents infront of Meet and throw them out of window. Jasodha now you don’t have any evidence against me and tell me what you were talking about, you said this is your family do you even know what is a family, a family share same thoughts and you totally outsider in this home, you cannot be memeber of my family. Meet says sometime we don’t value things when we have them, we there importance when we loose them and now I understand that I can’t live without my family. Jasodha says stop your act, today is your wrestling match and you are going to loose to him today and show her by throwing a plate how her son will toss her in the air. Jasodha joins her hand and says after that you will be on your own and she walks away. Meet remembers what Manmeet’s Guruji said to her about the match, she says I have to win today and then my next step will be to change everyone’s thoughts, this seems impossible but I have to do it. Meet get’s a call from Chanda and says I’ll be there soon.

Manmeet doing pushups. Meet sees him lifting weight and getting ready for wrestling match. Meet looks scared says it’s difficult to defeat him.
Manmeet says to himself after today’s match your story will end.

Jasodha light diya in temple and pray to God, she says I did everything to make her leave this house, I even tricked my husband too and put my life on stake but still she is not leaving, what should I do I cannot see my son in pain, today is the day you have to make Meet loose in match.

An announcement is made regarding wrestling match between Meet and Manmeet. Two man discussing about match. Meet silently walking in market.

Chanda says to Meet this announcement is your death call so that everyone can see you loosing, why did you come back. Meet says my husband’s dream was not about the factory he wanted all the women in Sarkarpur should have there rights and that will be possible only when thoughts of Sarkar’s family will change. Meet says I’m also scared I thought I’ll leave this village as soon as I’ll get documents but I didn’t left Sarkarpur. Chanda says you are ready to sacrifice yourself for other people happiness. Meet says now I cannot step back I have to think on something to win. Chanda says I have a plan and she give her itching powder and ask her to apply it on Manmeet’s clothes, it will start working in half and hour. Meet says I’m not person who can accept defeat easily, she apologies to Jasodha and say’s I won’t be leaving soon.

Meet apply powder on Manmeet’s dress and says today’s match will not only decide about Manmeet and Me but also about intelligence over strength.

Meet goes inside the wrestling arena against Manmeet. Manmeet tells Meet that she picked a extremely wrong fight. They both starts to wrestle and Manmeet tosses her forward. Manmeet tells Meet to be in her limits, because she’s a woman. Meet gets up again and lunges towards Manmeet. Manmeet again throws her back. Meet gets injured, but still gets up fight back. They both grabs each other’s neck.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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